Tuesday 22 May 2018

Prós e contras de uma estratégia de diversificação não relacionada

Estratégias de Diversificação e Déficit de Adaptação: Evidências das Comunidades Rurais no Níger.


Estratégias de subsistência rural no Níger, até agora negligenciadas na literatura, são investigadas em um cenário de painel.

Contando com apoio limitado de políticas, as comunidades rurais do Níger demonstram alta capacidade de adaptação.

A diversificação de culturas e mão-de-obra são práticas eficazes para se adaptar às anomalias climáticas de médio prazo e aos choques de mercado de curto prazo.

A renda e a segurança alimentar são positivamente afetadas pela diversificação e seguem uma resposta não linear.

O apoio aos fatores de diversificação (infra-estruturas e promoção de culturas locais) aumentaria ainda mais os impactos sobre o bem-estar.

O documento fornece novas evidências empíricas sobre o processo de adaptação em comunidades rurais do Níger usando dados originais do painel socioeconômico longitudinal fundidos com informações climáticas georeferenciadas granulares. Identificamos os principais impulsionadores e impactos da diversificação de culturas e trabalho que constituem duas estratégias de meios de subsistência para moderar o déficit de adaptação. Ao fazer isso, explicamos a interdependência entre as duas práticas de diversificação e a causalidade reversa potencial entre os resultados de bem-estar social e o comportamento de diversificação. Além disso, condicionamos os impactos da diversificação em diferentes seções da distribuição de bem-estar para capturar potenciais efeitos não-lineares. Nossos resultados revelam que a diversificação tem impactos positivos e significativos sobre o bem-estar quando os domicílios mais vulneráveis ​​dependem dela como uma estratégia de adaptação à variabilidade climática de médio prazo e como uma estratégia de enfrentamento para choques de mercado de curto prazo. Ao mesmo tempo, nossos resultados encontraram impactos menores, mas ainda assim positivos, para as famílias bem dotadas que provavelmente diversificarão seu portfólio de atividades. Dada a presença muito limitada de apoio político, concluímos que as comunidades rurais do Níger se caracterizam por uma resposta de adaptação ampla e autónoma, o que constitui um mecanismo de alavancagem chave para os decisores políticos. Assim, sugerimos intervenções governamentais que visam apoiar os mais importantes impulsionadores da diversificação, mas também visam a endireitar alguns canais, como as infraestruturas de rede ou a promoção de variedades de culturas locais, que podem ter um maior potencial para desencadear a diversificação.


Escola de Negócios Deakin.

Autor: dyudhist.

Por que Samsung Então, o sucesso na indústria mais mortal.

A Samsung é agora idêntica à chamada emblemática do smartphone “Samsung Galaxy”. Agora, os telefones da Samsung se posicionaram como o produto número 1 de best-seller em 2016, o que eliminou os principais concorrentes, como Appl. inc, Huawei e Oppo (Bloomberg, 2016). Essa conquista gera a pergunta para entender como a Samsung pode construir um produto de sucesso, marca e novo produto no mercado.

O produto é o mais central em marketing. O produto é algo que a empresa oferece aos clientes, em troca do dinheiro dos clientes (Arndt, J., 1967). Segundo Dickson (1987), existem duas categorias de produtos em marketing, bens tangíveis ou um serviço intangível.

O produto difere pela intangibilidade, um serviço é um processo intangível que não pode ser pesado ou medido, enquanto um bom é um resultado tangível de um processo que tem dimensões físicas. Em segundo lugar, variabilidade, bens e variabilidade de serviço são diferentes, para um produto de serviço a variabilidade é alta, por exemplo, um provedor de estilo de cabelo pode ter uma maneira diferente de atender a cada cliente.

Uma empresa deve entender completamente qual é o seu produto principal e valor que pode oferecer aos clientes (Grönroos, 1997). Portanto, a empresa pode criar elementos de valor agregado para se diferenciar. Além disso, é importante entender uma estratégia dinâmica, porque um produto essencial de uma empresa pode ser alterado para se adaptar a esse ambiente dinâmico, e os negócios devem se ajustar ao que precisamente eles podem comparar com o concorrente (Utterback e Abernathy, 1975). Isso se torna o fator que eleva a demanda de celulares da Samsung, a estratégia certa para criar um produto que é tão valioso para os clientes que deixam outros concorrentes para trás. Por exemplo, oferece os futuros especiais, como a resistência à água, que se tornam um valor enorme e um ponto de diferenciação para os clientes.

Uma marca pode criar uma lealdade por um produto. Uma marca é formada por várias atividades que se concentram na construção de uma identidade para a empresa e o produto. Isso começa com o nome da marca e o logotipo, esses dois elementos são importantes porque podem fornecer informações sobre a empresa e o produto e tornam o produto mais favorável aos clientes-alvo.

Uma marca pode criar vantagens para os clientes, reduzindo o tempo de busca, oferecendo consistência da qualidade e reduzindo o risco dos clientes. Da mesma forma, a empresa pode aumentar a fidelidade, cobrando um preço premium e reduzindo o risco de concorrência usando uma marca.

O aspecto mais importante da marca é a associação Brand, uma marca de sucesso depende da associação da marca. Isto é construído a partir dos clientes pessoais acreditam que o produto representa sua idéia, personalidades e status social. Além disso, as personalidades da marca podem capturar as informações específicas da marca e a percepção da posição da marca no mercado (Iacobacci, 2013). Uma associação de marcas bem-sucedida construirá uma comunidade de marcas que é uma grande vantagem para a empresa, pois está associada à alta fidelidade do cliente ao produto (Wood, L., 2000).

Novo produto.

Um novo produto é uma maneira de sustentar no mercado, uma empresa deve introduzir um novo produto para sustentar no mercado. O mundo está mudando, isso pode ser visto a partir da indústria de tecnologia, tornou-se comum hoje em dia que a cada ano há um novo tipo de tendências no mercado. A Filosofia do desenvolvimento de novos produtos é que uma empresa pode criar o produto de duas maneiras, de cima para baixo, ou de baixo para cima. Idealmente, uma empresa precisa criar um produto de acordo com a necessidade dos clientes, que se refere ao método “Bottom-up”. Por outro lado, o método “Top-Down” é a nova ideia sobre um produto e seu desenvolvimento e os clientes irão envolver algo entre os dois (Utterback, J, 1975).

Há seis estágios no desenvolvimento de produtos, o que inclui geração de ideias, potenciais de mercado, testes de conceito, design e desenvolvimento, testes beta e lançamento (Utterback, J, 1975). O gerenciamento de marketing é importante em todos os aspectos do desenvolvimento.

Na criação de um novo produto, o ciclo de vida do produto e a difusão da análise de inovação são importantes. O ciclo de vida do produto é usado para analisar a evolução do produto desde a introdução no mercado, crescimento, maturidade e declínio, isso é usado para mapear onde a estratégia de marketing do produto pode ser implementada. Da mesma forma, a difusão da inovação é utilizada para analisar como os clientes irão atuar para o produto, neste modelo, cinco tipos de clientes são analisados ​​como, inovadores, early adopters, maioria majoritária tardia e retardatários (Iacobacci, 2013). Com essa análise, o profissional de marketing pode estabelecer a atividade de marketing certa em um determinado momento.

A gestão certa de produto, marca e novo produto trouxe a Samsung para sustentar no mercado, a aplicação de desenvolvimento de produtos bottom-up, ajudar a Samsung a construir um produto que é altamente inovador e de alta demanda. Além disso, o apoio da marca que ao longo do tempo construiu fidelidade à marca muito forte cria Samsung para manter seu sucesso no mercado.


Iacobucci, D. (2013). MM4 Mason, Oh .: South-Western College Publishing.

Utterback, J. e Abernathy, W. (1975). Um modelo dinâmico de inovação de processos e produtos. Omega, 3 (6), pp.639-656.

Youtube. (2016). Samsung Galaxy Note7: Hands-on oficial & # 8211; S Pen. [online] Disponível em: youtube / watch? v = EJbRm7_koyM [Acessado em 22 de agosto de 2016].

A estratégia secreta por trás de Tim-Tam Flavors.

Não há nada mais emocionante do que uma nova surpresa de sabor de Tim Tam.

A TIM-TAM recentemente inovou os cerca de 50 novos sabores e embalagens de acordo com a batalha do concorrente na indústria de biscoitos de chocolate (News 2016). Na indústria alimentar de hoje, as necessidades de um produto único tornam-se cada vez mais populares para as grandes marcas permanecerem compatíveis. De acordo com isso, há uma mudança de demanda altamente homogênea para não-homogênea no mercado, o que cria uma maior variedade de preferências do consumidor para o produto. (Solomon, 2007)

Ajustar com a mudança da preferência do consumidor de homogêneo para altamente variável. A empresa de Arnott inovou com sucesso o valor do biscoito Tam-Tam de acordo com a segmentação diferente no mercado, por exemplo, o clássico Tam-Tam, que satisfaz o mercado.

necessidades dos sabores de geração mais velha e de creme de coco framboesa que visam consumidores mais jovens. Claramente, por trás desse sucesso, é altamente importante implementar a estratégia de segmentação, segmentação e posicionamento para garantir que cada sabor possa ser vendido no mercado.

STP é um modelo de marketing que consiste em três etapas integradas; Segmentação, segmentação e posicionamento. A "segmentação" é o processo de agrupar clientes em um segmento específico. A segmentação & # 8220; & # 8221; é o processo para decidir qual segmento será veiculado. E o processo de “posicionamento” é implementado na base de produtos no segmento decidido e aplica promoção, distribuição e preço.

Para poder ter sucesso no mercado, um novo produto tem que passar pelo processo STP. De acordo com (Dibb e Simkin, 1991), através da avaliação de STP, os produtos são projetados para oferecer um valor específico para um grupo específico de clientes que criam alinhamento com uma demanda particular e garantem que ela seja vendável. Por exemplo, para introduzir com sucesso um número diferente de sabor, Tam Tam utiliza o modelo STP. Isto, evidentemente, tem garantido que cada sabor é aceso com um gosto particular dos consumidores e criar demanda de mercado para cada sabor. Portanto, a administração da Arnott pode garantir que a Tim-tam tenha a maior participação de mercado no mercado de biscoito de chocolate. (Arnotts. au, 2016)

A segmentação é um processo de agrupar os clientes de acordo com uma variável específica. A variável do segmento inclui segmentação geográfica, demográfica, psicográfica e comportamental. (Iacobucci, 2013)

Segmentação Geográfica - divide os consumidores de acordo com a localização; países, regiões, estados, cidades ou bairros. Esta segmentação geralmente simples de implementar e comum no setor de varejo. (Iacobucci, 2013) Segmentação Demográfica - divide os consumidores de acordo com idade, sexo, ciclo de vida familiar, tamanho da família, renda, ocupação, religião, educação. Isso é comumente usado para produtos de cuidados com o corpo que têm diferentes tipos de produtos para diferentes idades ou sexos. Segmentação psicográfica - agrupando o consumidor com base em seu estilo de vida, classe social e preferências pessoais. Geralmente use para produtos exclusivos, como nós, na indústria da moda ou automóvel. Segmentação Comportamental - o mercado é dividido de acordo com o conhecimento, atitudes ou resposta do usuário a um produto. Isso geralmente implementado para produtos de compra altamente repetidos, como mantimentos ou produtos de restaurante.

Importante, antes de selecionar um grupo, uma pesquisa de marketing deve implementar. Depois que os dados da pesquisa de mercado estiverem disponíveis, o processo de segmentação pode ser implementado. (Iacobucci, 2013)

A segmentação é o processo para decidir quais segmentos segmentar, encontrando o mais lucrativo. nesta etapa há 4 etapas que devem ser implementadas.

Avaliar os segmentos de mercado - primeira análise da rentabilidade e sustentabilidade do segmento de mercado, observando o tamanho do segmento, o padrão de crescimento, a atratividade e o concorrente atual. Seleção de segmentos de mercado-alvo - essa etapa envolve a decisão de um segmento e a escolha de estratégias de marketing, seja estratégias diferenciadas, concentradas ou de micromarketing. Socialmente responsável - considerando a análise PESTEL política, economia social, tecnologia, meio ambiente e legal, que pode se tornar uma barreira.

É importante selecionar um segmento de cada vez para criar um processo de segmentação eficaz. (Iacobucci, 2013)

Posicionamento é o processo de construir uma impressão do consumidor sobre o produto em suas mentes. produto pode ser posicionado na mente do consumidor de acordo com o preço e / ou competitividade do produto no mercado. Os clientes são altamente influenciados pelo valor da marca. Portanto, existem 4 fatores que podem identificar a estratégia correta de posicionamento:

Identificação de diferenças de valor - o produto deve oferecer um valor específico aos consumidores, segundo Iacobucci, (2013) um valor de um produto pode ser facilmente memorizado por um cliente. Portanto, o produto que oferece um valor específico associa-se à alta participação de mercado. Escolha vantagens competitivas - um produto deve diferir dos concorrentes, um ponto de diferenciação positivo pode aumentar a disposição dos consumidores de comprar um determinado produto. Selecionando Estratégia de Posicionamento - estabelecendo informações como um segmento de mercado, um conceito, um valor e vantagens competitivas de os produtos. Mantenha o plano para ser implementado de forma eficaz no produto.

Resumindo, o modelo STP é implementado para posicionar e direcionar diferentes grupos de clientes de forma mais eficiente e dar visão das oportunidades de negócios.

Dibb, S. e Simkin, L. (1991). SEGMENTAÇÃO, SEGMENTAÇÃO E POSICIONAMENTO. Intl J of Retail & amp; Distrib. Mgt, 19 (3).

Iacobucci, D. (2013). MILÍMETROS . Mason, Ohio: Sudoeste.

Solomon, M. (2007). Comportamento do consumidor . Upper Saddle River, N. J .: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Autor: Dewa Agung Yudhistira (216206544)

Como obter vantagens da oportunidade e das características do acordo de comércio livre.

Publicado por Dewa Agung Yudhistira (dyudhist@deakin. edu. au)

Profissionais de marketing bem-sucedidos entendem que a organização precisa crescer no longo prazo, eles não podem ficar parados na "zona de conversão" mesmo quando conseguem um bom desempenho. Eles precisam encontrar uma forma de alcançar mais clientes e aumentar o lucro, caso contrário, eles desaparecerão corroídos pelo concorrente.

O que é um acordo de livre comércio (FTA)?

Recentemente a Austrália suspirou Chian & # 8211; Austrália Acordo de Livre Comércio (Chafta), que entra em vigor em 20 de dezembro de 2015. Acordo de Livre Comércio (TLC) é um acordo oficial feito por dois ou mais países para eliminar barreiras ao comércio entre países, tais como tarifas de exportação e de importação. ALC com o objetivo de estabelecer benefícios para os membros, como nova idéia e tecnologia, aumentar a disponibilidade de oferta, aumentar o investimento, FTA promover a inovação e aumento das demandas de produtos.

Efeito do Acordo de Comércio Livre sobre Gestão de Marketing.

Muitos supõem que o acordo de livre comércio afeta apenas o ambiente de negócios internacionais. De fato, o acordo de livre comércio está afetando todo o ambiente de negócios, tanto internacional quanto local. Acordo de livre comércio aumenta os competidores no mercado Por exemplo, a Catton-on é uma empresa australiana que tem sido afetada por acordos de livre comércio de novos competidores do exterior que visam a mesma segmentação, como UNIQLO e H & amp; M. Portanto, se aplicarmos análise SWOT (força, fraqueza, oportunidade, características), o acordo de livre comércio criar oportunidades e características para todo o ambiente de negócios e negócios nesse caso, forçaremos automaticamente a reorganizar sua estratégia de marketing e planejaremos transformar as características em oportunidade para o negócio.

Compreender a estratégia para o crescimento.

Toda estratégia de negócios tem como objetivo buscar maior lucro e manter suas vantagens competitivas. Porém, a mudança de ambiente externa que gerou de um fator como um acordo de comércio livre força negócio a mudar. Isso demonstra o argumento de Gerald Watts, uma empresa pode competir em um ambiente em mudança se conseguir ajustar e aumentar a demanda por seu produto. No entanto, a questão é o que os gerentes de marketing devem fazer? A resposta é a estratégia.

O que é estratégia?

A partir da discussão acima, a Estratégia é uma adaptação reativa e proativa às mudanças externas. Cada uma das estratégias possui especialização própria, e os gerentes precisam saber qual é a mais eficaz para lidar com o desafio. Há muitas estruturas que os gerentes podem usar para selecionar a estratégia, incluindo a matriz de crescimento de produtos da Ansoff, o BCG Matrix, o General Electric Model, a Peter Strategy e a estratégia de Tracy e Wiersema.

A importância da análise SWOT.

Antes de escolher uma estratégia, a análise SWOT é aplicada para avaliar a força, a fraqueza, as ameaças e a oportunidade da empresa em conhecer sua situação interna e externa. Por exemplo, usando o marketing de análise SWOT vai achar que o acordo de livre comércio pode criar mais demanda (oportunidade) e aumentando os concorrentes (traits), o que mostra que o negócio deve crescer para sustentar no mercado.

Método para Escolher Estratégia.

A estrutura de marketing apropriada para selecionar a estratégia para o crescimento é a matriz de crescimento da Ansoff. Essa matriz simplifica as estratégias de negócios para o crescimento em quatro categorias; penetração de mercado, desenvolvimento de mercado, diversificação e desenvolvimento de produtos. Nessa matriz, supomos que os gerentes podem expandir o negócio produzindo um novo produto, entrando em um novo mercado ou implementando ambos. Depende da capacidade de negócios e conjunto de metas e objetivos.

Entendendo o pedágio.

De acordo com Lacobucci, a estratégia da Ansoff pode explicar como:

Com este gerente de estratégia, concentre-se em fazer cumprir os clientes atuais no mercado existente para comprar produtos e serviços existentes. por exemplo, a empresa pode realizar expansão geográfica e segmentar novos segmentos. Desenvolvimento de mercado.

Nesta estratégia, os produtos existentes são introduzidos para atender a demanda de novos mercados. Essa estratégia é útil para os negócios que têm recursos limitados para desenvolver um novo produto, mas que desejam expandir sua participação de mercado. Uma empresa que usa essa estratégia é a Coca-Cola, que entra em vários países com uma mudança mínima no produto. Desenvolvimentos de produtos.

Esta estratégia foi aplicada para expandir os novos produtos para um mercado existente. Por exemplo, o Mc Donald melhora continuamente seus produtos para satisfazer seus clientes atuais. Essa estratégia é importante para os negócios, a fim de manter a demanda atual do cliente. Diversificação.

Esta estratégia é foco para criar um novo produto e apresentá-lo a um novo mercado que seja concêntrico (negócios relacionados) ou Conglomerado (negócios não relacionados.

O que podemos aprender com o acordo de livre comércio é que o ambiente externo de negócios está mudando e pode criar a oportunidade e os traços para o negócio, portanto, uma aplicação adequada da estratégia de marketing para crescer, desempenhando um papel importante para a vida de negócios. E o profissional de marketing precisa ser proativo para analisar continuamente o ambiente externo e interno.


Governo da Austrália. (2016). [online] Disponível em: China-Australia Free Trade Agreement & # 8221 ;. Departamento de Relações Exteriores e Comércio. N., 2016. Web. 22 de julho de 2016. [Acessado em 22 de julho de 2016].

Matriz de Ansoff, dor e ganho: Estratégias de crescimento e aprendizado adaptativo entre pequenos produtores de alimentos, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & amp; Research, vol. 4 Iss: 2, pp.101 & # 8211; 111


Escola de Negócios Deakin.

Tópico 2: Estratégia de marketing e planos.

Mercedes Benz atinge público jovem através de mídias sociais. Você está seguindo Mercedes Benz nas mídias sociais?

O que vem a sua mente o primeiro quando você ouve de Mercedes Benz? Ou como você descreveria? Perfeição, elegante, sofisticação, riqueza e pode ser real. Mas e quanto jovem? Você deve estar pensando bem pode não ser jovem porque Mercedes encontra seu interesse mais nos consumidores mais velhos. Se é isso o que você pensa, convém reconsiderar esse pensamento, pois essa marca popular de carros decidiu segmentar a seção de consumidores mais jovens com a renovação de sua estratégia de marketing.

De acordo com a estrutura de marketing, a Mercedes decidiu concentrar-se nos clientes dos cinco C's (Cliente, Empresa, Contexto, Colaboradores e Concorrentes) para melhorar seus negócios.

O mercado-alvo da Mercedes geralmente é composto por um cliente de classe alta de um grupo etário de 40 anos e até aqueles que priorizam luxo e high-end se sentem sobre tudo.

Então, o que a Mercedes Benz fez?

Usando sua análise SWOT, eles decidiram capitalizar sua oportunidade de criar tais carros projetados com características excepcionais que atrairão as mentes mais jovens.

A parte mais interessante é que o método que eles usaram para atingir esse objetivo estratégico. A Mercedes está interagindo com o público mais jovem através das mídias sociais, incluindo Facebook, Instagram e YouTube. Essa abordagem de sua estratégia de marketing se concentra mais em exibir um lado ativo, divertido e acolhedor da empresa.

Para os mais jovens, é particularmente importante que suas marcas possuam uma qualidade única, que é a autenticidade, pois esperam que as marcas que suportam exibam seus valores e percepções.

Tem sido visto que os jovens fazem um conjunto precioso de clientes porque suas decisões influenciam as decisões de seus amigos e familiares. Além de serem os próprios consumidores, os produtos ou as marcas que são populares entre os jovens ganhos e imagem de ser “legal”. Esse tipo de marketing é chamado Marketing Jovem e a Mercedes parece ter escolhido o caminho certo se quisermos ver suas vendas depois de implementar essa estratégia.

A Mercedes iniciou essa estratégia de marketing planejando e criando o chamado "Generation Benz". Bem, você pode ser o que exatamente é esse plano. Este foi um plano para criar uma comunidade on-line de pessoas na faixa etária de 20 a 39 anos que poderiam fornecer as informações necessárias sobre os hábitos do comprador e suas diferentes preferências neste grupo para a equipe de marketing da Mercedes Benz.

Então, como exatamente essa marca icônica de carros alemães abordou as pessoas nas mídias sociais?

Para nossa surpresa, a Mercedes Benz começou a roubar muita atenção e conseguiu mais de 20 milhões de seguidores no Facebook. Esta marca de carro tornou-se altamente popular entre os jovens e tem seguidores crescentes em todo o mundo.

Esta página do Facebook promove os modelos mais recentes da marca e suas atividades recentes, como as atividades de preparação da Fórmula 1. A marca também patrocinou o famoso Campeão de Fórmula Um Lewis Hamilton, que é um ídolo para muitos jovens pilotos em todo o mundo. Criando assim mais consciência e gosto pela marca nos corações jovens.

Para a Mercedes, o Instagram tem sido a segunda plataforma mais importante para se conectar socialmente com seus clientes.

O conteúdo no Instagram é uma estratégia muito bem planejada e implementada com precisão. Olhando para o que mais atrai as mentes jovens, a montadora tem tirado fotos de altíssima qualidade e com modelos icônicos que atraem os consumidores globalmente.

Com o YouTube Benz decidiu incluir um conhecido cineasta Case Neistat para lançar uma parceria onde a empresa forneceu ao cineasta um novo carro em troca, onde ele fez vários vídeos falando sobre sua experiência de dirigir este carro.

Como isso funcionou para Benz.

Certamente tem. Ao implementar os planos estratégicos para direcionar as mentes mais jovens a comprar conectando-se socialmente e também diminuindo o preço médio do carro, as vendas de Mercedes Benz CLA têm uma taxa de conquista de oitenta por cento nos Estados Unidos. Isso mostra um aumento incrível nos clientes mais jovens que demonstraram interesse nos novos modelos da Mercedes. Registros mostraram que a idade média de um comprador de CLA era agora 46, que é 11 anos mais jovem que um comprador de Mercedes habitual.

Você deve estar pensando que é realmente impressionante, bem, certamente é, mas como essa marca de carros icônica alcançou esse objetivo? A resposta a esta pergunta é que eles tinham um plano de mercado efetivo que incluía.

Pesquisa de Mercado Mercado Alvo Missão de Concorrência Estratégias de Marketing Precificação, Posicionamento e Branding Metas de Marketing Orçamentário Monitoramento das metas.

A Mercedes manteve as suas classes, alcançando este plano de mercado de forma eficaz e em um momento louvável.

Esta marca alemã, uma das principais marcas de automóveis, melhorou os seus pontos fortes ao obter os designs e máquinas mais exclusivos, com elevado desempenho e características. Sempre demonstrou dedicação para superar suas fraquezas, mas desta vez capitalizou suas oportunidades e minimizou suas ameaças.

Os resultados da estratégia de marketing feita pela Mercedes provam que a audição social e as mídias sociais podem ser uma ferramenta de marketing dominante.

De Pranit Kishor Jadhav.

Id do aluno: 215358474.

Facebook. (2016). Verificação de segurança necessária. [online] Disponível em: facebook / MercedesBenz / [Acessado em 24 de julho de 2016].

Instagram. (2016). Mercedes-Benz (@mercedesbenz) • fotos e vídeos do Instagram. [online] Disponível em: instagram / mercedesbenz / [Acessado em 24 de julho de 2016].

Letki, G. (2016). mercedes benz marketing | Academia social de escuta. [online] Blog. brand24. Disponível em: blog. brand24 / how-mercedes-benz-uses-social-media-case-study / [Acessado em 25 de julho de 2016].

Marketing91. (2016). Mix de marketing da Mercedes Benz. [online] Disponível em: marketing91 / marketing-mix-mercedes-benz / [Acessado em 22 de julho de 2016].

Escolas de marketing. (2016). Marketing para Jovens | O que é Marketing Jovem? . [online] Disponível em: marketing-schools / tipos-de-marketing / youth-marketing. html [Acessado em 24 de julho de 2016].

NIKE & # 8220; Apenas fez isso & # 8221;

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Desenhar sapatos era uma fantasia para alguns. Considere a possibilidade de personalizar e planejar com uma das melhores marcas e fazer algo especial e adicionar um visual pessoal aos nossos tênis favoritos. A Nike começou com o lançamento do Nikeid no ano 2000, que permitia que os clientes fizessem suas próprias versões personalizadas de seus tênis favoritos. Esse pensamento de co-criação produziu uma receita de 100 milhões para a empresa.

Uma empresa fundada por Bill Bowerman e Phil Knight na Universidade do Oregon em 1964, inicialmente conhecida como a & quot; BLUE RIBBON SPORTS & # 8221; é atualmente a principal marca esportiva do mundo, com um valor total de 100,1 bilhões. A Nike conseguiu essa posição por meio de sua criatividade e campanhas exclusivas, que incluíam os clientes para criar e fazer parte da marca. A Nike não era patrocinadora oficial das Olimpíadas de Londres em 2012, mas ao mesmo tempo demitiu 16.000 tweets em contraste com a Adidas, que consumiu um grande número de dólares para ser um patrocinador oficial e recebeu 9.296 tweets. Catch The Flash foi uma das campanhas interessantes que tiveram em Viena.

A explicação por trás da conquista da empresa é a Estratégia de Marketing, que se concentrou na conexão com os clientes. A Nike apenas sabia "Onde jogar e como ganhar lá" # 8221; O pequeno saltador Liu Xiang transformou-se no primeiro medalhista olímpico da China, a Nike lançou um comercial de televisão com Liu Xiang para entrar no mercado chinês.

Mix de Marketing.

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McCarthy classificou diferentes atividades de marketing em ferramentas de mix de marketing de quatro tipos principais que ele chamou de quatro P & D de marketing: produto, preço, lugar e promoção.

P RODUCT é o nosso melhor.

importante ferramenta de marketing: Phil Knight.

Este componente do Marketing Mix mostra o valor da marca. Ele retrata a singularidade da concorrência e nos permite saber se a organização está observando as tendências. A NIKE não apenas observa as tendências, mas também é uma TRENDSETTER.

Calçado desportivo é o principal produto da empresa. É também conhecido por roupas, equipamentos e acessórios. Continuamente desenvolvendo a NIKE criou sapatos para tênis, b-ball, futebol e praticamente para cada jogo com alguns artigos de edição limitada para a série Lifestyle, que deu a vantagem sobre os rivais. Tem mais de 100 sapatos de sucesso para o seu nome, que criou o histórico quando foi lançado. O sapato de maior sucesso já feito pela Nike Air Jordan 3.

O que faz diferente?

Nível de conforto de calçados mais confortável: nuvem Design exclusivo Dispositivos integrados para melhor treinamento e desempenho com o Nike +

O Nike +, um gadget usado para rastrear, tem 18 milhões de clientes no planeta, o que foi uma grande conquista para a empresa.

P RICE: Estratégia de precificação baseada em valor.

A empresa é brilhante quando se trata de preços. Fornece produtos de alta qualidade com altos preços finais. O princípio por trás disso é a estratégia de precificação baseada em valor, que é considerar a percepção do valor do produto pelo consumidor. Alguns dos produtos de alto valor são geralmente endossados ​​pelos atletas famosos ou são criados em edições limitadas em colaboração com celebridades famosas para aumentar o valor para o consumidor e, obviamente, para colocar um preço maior no produto.

A Nike é para todos?

5000 $ sapatos podem parecer irrealistas para alguns, mas a Nike tem e são chamados de Nike Air Mag, que foram criados após os sapatos usados ​​por Michael J. Fox em Back to the Future II. Os sapatos criados com a famosa celebridade Kanya West também não eram baratos. O preço do primeiro calçado foi de 215 $, enquanto o valor de revenda ultrapassou os 2000 $ e o segundo foi lançado com um custo de 5000 $. Embora tenha produzido alguns artigos caros, a maioria dos novos lançamentos é oferecida por todos os que criaram uma receita de 30,601 milhões em todo o mundo.

A Nike operou a partir de 931 armazenadas em todo o mundo em 2015, alcançando todos. Ele também tem ligações com grandes varejistas como o Walmart e pode-se comprá-lo on-line também para que o cliente possa ter acesso a serviços em qualquer lugar.

P ROMOÇÃO: 60 milhões por ano.

60 milhões por ano são pagos para o astro do basquete Michael Jordan por endosso. A empresa depende de anúncios e gasta milhões de dólares por ano em endossos, incluindo atletas famosos.

Cristiano Ronaldo 8million Kobe Bryant 8million Roger Federer 10 milhões LeBron James 10 milhões Derek Jeter 10 milhões Tiger Woods 20 milhões.

Publicidade através de mídia social marketing direto e promoção de vendas são algumas outras ferramentas utilizadas para promoção.

Não apenas atletas.

O último anúncio da empresa envolvia uma celebridade indiana Deepika Padukone e anteriormente Bani J, que era uma estrela de TV.

Seja o design ou a tecnologia, a marca esportiva Nike está evoluindo para as necessidades do cliente, aumentando o conforto que acompanha cada produto. Com o sucesso do mais recente calçado Roshe rodar Nike JUST DID IT novamente.

O Lip Kit Rage.

Sendo uma garota obcecada pelo clã e maquiagem Kardashian-Jenner, isso parecia uma estratégia de marketing ideal para mim.

Kylie Jenner, fama "Mantendo-se com os Kardashians", que sendo o mais jovem de todos os seus irmãos e em uma jovem de 18 anos, fez seu nome na indústria da moda e beleza. Ela entrou com sucesso na indústria da moda e beleza com marcas como OPI, Sinful Colors, Top Shop e assim por diante.

Kylie Jenner, uma empreendedora de 18 anos e estrela de reality show, lançou seu mais recente Lip Kit esta semana. (Foto de Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images para H & amp; M)

Sendo uma marca em si mesma e sendo conhecida por seus lábios bem-dotados, ela decidiu lançar sua própria linha pessoal de cosméticos. Enquanto os rumores de Jenner se enchendo de lábio estavam se espalhando como fogo selvagem, em novembro de 2015, ela lançou 3 batons líquidos no local kyliecosmetics, que quando lançado foi vendido em menos de um minuto levando ao site falhando ...... algo muitas marcas só pode sonhar.

Jenner and her team have been cleverly advancing the rollout of these cosmetic products with some precisely sorted out posts on their online networking accounts, with Jenner specifically utilizing the Kylie Jenner Official App and Snapchat to advance the sale of the Kylie Lip Kit. As Teen Vogue called attention, “First there was the sneak look at the bundling, then there was within take a gander at the shading testing, trailed by an off-camera look at her official lip pack photograph shoot.” with regards to her family’s advertising machine technique, Jenner likewise has her own site (and the aforementioned Official App) with a wide range of enticing off camera treats (in case you’re willing to pay cash). In the video the best marketing strategy of making her very famous sisters promoter her brand.

In the 24 hours driving up to the official Kylie Lip Kit release, the promotions went into overdrive, with a whole record of posts on Instagram particularly for the items. Within a day, the record had more than 416,000 adherents, with each of the 13 presents devoted on item pictures and photographs of Jenner and model Jordyn Woods wearing the $29 lipstick-and-liner set.


A debate that encompassed the starlet a couple of years back might be a contributing variable to her tremendous achievement. At this point contrasting pictures of Kylie before 2014 and present day Kylie surfaced, making apparent the extreme change in her lips.

As a young lady her lips were dainty, however lately they have unquestionably turned out to be more distinctive even being quite a prominent facial feature. Numerous media outlets began noticing this unmissable change in Ms. Kylie, however her answer was consistently the same—she claimed that the change was because of her developing cosmetics shrewd. While some highly criticized her for getting lip fillers at such a young age and the subject, clearly she was not content with admitting to lip infusions just yet.

Her fans became progressively hysterical about accomplishing the same full mope. Cosmetics instructional exercises, items and different prevailing fashions immediately appeared in leu of Kylie’s newly evolved appearance. W.

hether you see this as unpleasant or not, this denoted a vital point of reference. Kylie’s lips, and the discussion around them, created a hype and a sudden business sector “require” that others were attempting to fill.

In the end, following q uite a while of hypothesis and fan’s endeavors to reproduce her celebrated pout, Kylie at last confessed to having provisional lip fillers on a scene of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

After her confirmation, Kylie started to build up her magnificent line and fans were swarming for more.

The Kylie Jenner brand took the boundless and predictable consideration encompassing her lips and transformed it around into a product offering filling another business sector’s need to get “Kylie’s lips.” The buildup was so substantial that when Kylie Cosmetics was propelled, the fans were taking after each promoting ploy.

Name: Tiyala Louis(twlouis@deakin. edu. au)

Strategy VS Planning : Which do you need?

Though it looks simple to have marketing strategy and plans but the real task begins in implementing or executing them. Marketing strategy and plans are interdependent of each other. The task collapses if both are not performed in balance. It is essential to understand the exact meaning of the words ‘Marketing ‘, ‘Strategy’ and ‘Plan’. Marketing in simple language is exceeding customers needs. Strategy is the ways to do a task. Planning is when and how to get the task done. So having a marketing strategy is only half work done, executing it as per plans takes us towards success.

Flipkart is an online e-commerce site like Amazon. It can be called as the Amazon of India . Like many others Flipkart also facilitates mega sale. The many motive of mega sale is to get bulk orders for sellers listed with Flipkart. Here the marketing strategy is to attract shoppers at large by showing them a crate of discount. Flipkart calls it mega sale,’Big Billion days’. During these days of sale Flipkart like a magnet pulls thousands of people towards it, giving away discounts generating large amount of traffic on their site or app. Flipkart also stands as an apt example for mismatch of or gap in marketing strategy and plans of execution. Flipkarts marketing strategy was quite simple and effective, promote Big billion days by showing how customers can avail huge discounts, through various channels of social media and television advertising.

Flipkart did heavy advertising in sync with their marketing strategy. Plan was to target two days of a month, close to public holidays which would be an added advantage to Big Billion Days. When the day occurred to shower shoppers with discounts and offers they faced infrastructural gaps. Their plan to successfully execute this marketing strategy fell into technical glitches. In order to rapid ramping up the business without proper planning of the requisite infrastructure back fired. The marketing strategy did wonders in generating footfall on the site but faced a back slash on executing plans of delivery. Flipkart proved to be less effective on plans of handling to orders gathered from their mega sale marketing strategy. In their plans they did not add requisite infrastructure to, required for the smooth flow of the event. Their logistic went for a toss in consideration of few vendors. One footwear vendor who received around 120 orders on day one said he has not been able to dispatch the whole order even on the third day because Flipkart’s logistics partner is only collecting partial orders. As we know customer service speaks for the product, is applicable for all business so is for business. If the orders are not received by customers in the promised time frame the company will loose its standards in the buyers perspective. Another challenge faced by Flipkart was with the vendors product listing. Vendors are the key partners forming one of the necessary pillar of a business. Sellers complained regarding logistic gaps in Flipkart. The improper planning of requisites had run last years mega sale into glitches as Flipkart site crashed several times. Creating a bad impression on people who faced these challenges.

The example of flipkart highlights the importance of balance between marketing strategy and plans. Flipkart are preparing for their big billion days with utmost care so it has greater control over deliveries and customer service, according to people aware of the company’s deliberations.

Apple is an example of consumer centric company. Here their nucleus of any marketing strategy is customer experience. Accordingly they execute their plan as per strategy. They makes customer feel special. The one of the company marketing strategy is to convey the message of their new product using ‘golden circles’. Golden circles is a way to aptly convey your message across to target audience. The first step is to tell why the product, second how it is done and lastly what the product is. The plans are executed as promptly as the strategy through hosting Launch events. Being doing this for many years all together have established a brand value and loyalty among public at large.

Marketing strategy and plans of implementing the same are two plans of the weighing instrument, balanced they are, more effective will their performance will be. A good marketing strategy will not be changed every year, but if the external market changes because of a new computer or new technology then amending the strategy is a must to sustain the product in the changed market.

Adaptation = Survival: How an electronic video game manufacturer becomes a digital service provider.

Like in Darwin’s Species’ Natural Selection, adaptation is survival.

We are so lucky to be alive to witness one of the most challenging eras of human kind in regards to technology innovations. Our completely lifestyle has been modified thanks to the development of devices and infrastructure that only a few years ago didn’t exist.

To keep up with this, both persons and corporations must honour Darwin’s discovery and adapt to the changes, step up to the challenges or die as fast as a match burns. A great example of this is the globally recognized brand PlayStation.

As part of the electronic video games industry, PlayStation has been facing the challenge on recent years of offering more than just consoles and software. The market place today demands connectivity and communication in real time (Aleem, Capretz & Ahmed 2015). Welcome to the digital era!

So let’s skip to the main line, the news by excellence: in past April 1st, 2016, Sony Computer Entertainment changed its name to Sony Interactive Entertainment.

Do we really need to explain further?

Beginning with the PS Share button.

In 2013, PlayStation launched a new console generation leaving PlayStation 3 behind to deliver PlayStation 4. One of the main improvements was this new button implemented in the controller (DualShock 4) named “ Share ” which allows players to, as the name itself indicates, share their gaming experience with just one tap, connecting immediately to their friends as they livestream their gameplay. This button can be used as well for sharing videos or screenshots of the game to the user’s friends and they can save and upload their favourite moments of the game.

This is just a small example of how PS business is focusing on the new trends of the market place. This blog is not long enough to suffice the many implications that lead the company to change their focus to Interactive Entertainment . Just to write about the new VR (Virtual Reality) headset we could come up with an entire book! According to a recent article in Fortune, the market potential for the launch of SIE’s VR is of at least 36 million buyers (O’Brien 2016).

So what are they doing exactly? Considering Ansoff’s business growth Matrix for product-market strategies, where would PS fit in? I bet you know the answer already, but unfortunately I need to include the analysis paragraph still, so here it goes:

Comparing PlayStation to Ansoff’s product-market strategy.

Market penetration : As opposed to this strategy, PS is aiming to give their current customers exactly what they desire by offering an improved and broader product line-up. Market development : SIE already is an international company, well established in regard to distribution so I don’t believe this is what they are focusing on with this specific case. Product development : Ring any bells? If we consider the way the PS console evolved from gaming-focused to connectivity-gaming-focused and how the latter converts the product into a broader good + service offer, then it seems to me like the company opted for this pathway. Diversification : If we focus on the new products such as Project Morpheus (PS VR Headset) they definitely are to be categorized in this strategy, hence the changing of their name.

Before we jump to any final conclusions let’s read the following quote:

‘[…] It must be emphasized that in most actual situations a business would follow several of these paths at the same time’ (Anssof 1957)

Therefore, drumrolls, please… SIE fits in not just one strategy both two! Depending on which product we choose given their broad line-up from consoles and accessories to software and online gaming platforms, including PSN and PS Store, even gear for the greatest fans! However, using the examples mentioned in previous paragraphs we can categorize the Share button as Product Development and the VR headset as Diversification . And if we want to summarize the overall company’s strategy we definitely have to categorize it as Diversification, which completely makes sense to changing their legal name from Computer to Interactive.

& # 8216; Customer satisfaction must be an integral part of the organization and is a financial metric that can be used to measure business performance ‘ (Aleem, Capretz & Ahmed 2015). Having mentioned this, Seems like this brand knows how to implement an excellent marketing strategy, converting a threat into an opportunity and engaging with their users wants and needs while adopting the technology worldwide trends and renewing their product’s lifecycles .

Let’s wrap it up with this fantastic phrase they used in the 2013 presentation video for the PS4 platform at PlayStation Meeting 2013:

& # 8220; We didn’t build a box, we built the most amazing place to play ” Hats off if you get it.

Georgina Pina Sevilla.

Aleem, S, Capretz, L, Ahmed, F 2015, ‘Empirical investigation of key business factors for digital game performance’, Entertainment Computing , vol. 13, doi:10.1016/j. entcom.2015.09.001.

Ansoff, H 1957, ‘Strategies for Diversification ‘ , Harvard Business Review , vol. 35, no. 5

Iacobucci, D 2013, MM4 , Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio.

O’Brien, J 2016, ‘The race to make virtual reality an actual (business) reality’, Fortune , vol. 173, no. 6

Playstation 4/PS4 Games Montage “We Didn’t Build a Box” ( Playstation Meeting 2013) 2013, YouTube, ZybakTV, 21 February, retrieved 24 July 2016, <youtube/watch? v=CXFPggWCQAc>

Console War: Xbox one vs. Playstation 4.

Vigneshwar Sankaraan #216268276 vsankara@deakin. edu. au.

Sony Playstation (officially shortened to PS) is a gaming console that was created by Sony computer entertainment in the year 1994. The main rivals of sony in the gaming industry are :-

Both these rivals provide very stiff competition. However, Sony very effectively used various marketing strategies to dominate the gaming world.

In 2006, when sony initially launched the PS3 , it wasn’t that successful compared to Xbox 360, which was affordable , had better and more game titles.

From previous generation of console i. e PS3 , Sony learnt from their mistake and used various marketing strategies to make Playstation 4 a grand success. Sony reviewed its previous mistake and did a SWOT analysis. Some of the marketing strategies used by sony were to make the console affordable for the customers so grab a hold of the market, and Playstation design was more attractive and powerful compared to Xbox one. In addition to this, there were many more better feature and exclusive game titles for PS4. All this made PS4 much more successful compared to Xbox one as one can see from the statistics.

Marketing Mix-

Sony announced detail of release of playstation 4 on February, 2013. Microsoft announced detail of release of Xbox one on May,2013. Both new products although similar in computing power but they both had unique features and benefits. Xbox One seems to appeal more broad customers with more of entertainment options in console. Whereas, PS4 seem to be more gamer friendly, game-centric and comparatively more powerful but it also included entertainment options such as viewing 4k movies, music and video services. Although, both of these console are similar , sony wins here in terms of better, sleek and attractive design.

Winner - Sony playstation 4.

Marketing strategy tip: Know your audience and target it. If target customers are mostly gamers, then build and design the product according to customer needs.

Price is one of the deciding factor for customers. Sony kept premium pricing with respect to its high end computing powers and premium features. Still the price of Sony Playstation 4 was $100 less than Xbox one during its launch in 2013. This surely led to increase in sales of Playstation 4 compared to other rivals. After six months of its launch, Sony slashed down the price of the console whenever a rival launches a new product or novelty factors fades away.

Winner - Playstation 4.

Marketing strategy tip - Know your target customers. Will they be able to afford it ? Is price point important to the target audience.

In February 2013, Sony released a teaser advertisement just to letting people know that Playstation 4 is forthcoming. In May, Microsoft promoted more than just a teaser, they released product details and news limiting game usage. At E3 (Electonic Entertainment Expo) both these company officially announced their product details.

Xbox :- Various new feature of xbox one, and exclusive xbox one games, but with limited gameplay usage that means xbox need to have a internet connection every 24 hours for games to work.

PS4- Sony played it clever here, and did not offer any information about this, instead they offered that PS4 will be able to play used game also (offline mode).

In addition to this, Sony video promotion main method was to show off the main and exclusive games on PS4, as target audience were mainly gamers.

While there is more than one aspect of marketing mix. The promotion strategy also creates an excitement and hype among the target customer around the launch dates, the need to have the latest console with cutting edge technology and real life like games, which created a buzz amongst the fan.

Shoppers wait in line to purchase the new PlayStation 4 (PS4) late November 14, 2013 for a mid-night opening of Best Buy .

Winner – Sony Playstation 4.

Both these company utilizes online and offline distributors like Amazon, Gamestop, Best Buy and Wal-mart. Due to its high price, these consoles are expected to sell at premium entertainment outlet only.

The basic 4Ps Of marketing can help grow any business. Covert weakness into Strength and help grab control of the market.

Is Project Jacquard a Breakthrough for a Fashion Industry?

Komal Sardana.

ksardana@deakin. du. au.

Isn’t it surprising or a smart move of apparel makers to get back into Vogue. sim! It is. Recently, Levis Strauss and Google announced there partnership to make a jacket, which is technology smart. Their collaboration aims at providing interactivity with clothing named “PROJECT JACQUARD”.

The Levi’s Commuter x Jacquard by Google Trucker Jacket (Credit: Google)

Announced at Google I/O week, it is mostly marketed at cyclist and will enable them to take and receive calls. Apart from that, it will be compatible with Spotify, Google Maps, Strava.

‘To grow, make new stuff or find new peeps”


According to Ansoff’s - Product Market Growth Matrix:-

Market Penetration:-

In this, we work on current customers and current market, our focus is to encourage customers to purchase from us frequently. In this we have no plans for expanding our product lines. This strategy is at low risk. This can be accomplished by Price decrease Increase in promotion Product refinement.



In this, we introduce a new product to our customers. This strategy is best for a company that pride itself in being innovative. This approach is to make customer more excited about new product by giving them more value and taking back more loyality. For example-What Ivan Poupyrev and Paul Dillinger thought of working together on a new creative idea.

Poupyrev a technical program lead for Google’s Advanced Technologies and Projects (ATAP) unit, has spent years working on user-interface design and interactive technology, while Dillinger, the head of global product innovation for Levi Strauss & Co ., has immersed himself in fashion.

Levis and Google together agreed to work together on PROJECT JACQUARD. It’s a jean jacket enabled with smart technology.

This new technology will be a new revolution in the industry, it will be a game changer for clothing industry and the technology field. Now people don’t have to take their phones out to check the direction or change the music or picking up the calls while riding. This all can be done with just a touch on jacket.


According to Market Realist, US apparel sales were at $208.3 billion in 2014. The sales were almost unchanged compared to 2013. Technology adaption may boost sales higher for certain retailers ( XRT ).

This new technology may even revive the denim industry. They can even increase the sales of VFC. As, this companies are facing a good competition from active brands like Nike ,

It is the most difficult and risky strategy in this framework as we are trying to introduce a new product in a new market. It can only be achieved if the new product achieve a good market place i. e if the product development is successful then we can diversify our product in a new foreign market.


5C’S OF MARKETING FRAMEWORK The 5 C analysis is an extension of the customer company context collaboration competitor.

Customer and Company are the main player in the market exchange. So, in this analysis collaborators are mainly outlined:-


It include three parties:-

Distributor supplier alliances.

Supplier: JACQUARD is the collaboration of LEVIS and GOOGLE in which Levis will be providing the yarns or the garments and Google will be the Technology supporter. Google is going to provide the conductive yarn that is going to use in the manufacturing of jacket. These conductive yarn are thin and flexible. There are some chips, though, they fit in button loop on the sleeves, you just remove that part when you want to wash the jacket.

LEVIS is making the jacket itself, using its own supply chain. It uses the same processes that levis already used for its non techy jackets to weave the JACQUARD sensor into levis jacket.

The Levis brand is the first brand that joined the arms of this technology with google PROJECT JACQUARD. The Levis Brand which is known for their continually designing and creating products according to customer needs from last 150 years.

The goal is to allow electronics to disappear into the fabric of daily life, “getting the technology out of the way and making interactions more natural and more seamless,” explained João Wilbert, the creative technologist for Google Creative Lab in London.



Audi is the manufacturer of automobiles from Germany that produces and manufactures luxury vehicles which was founded by August horch in the year 1910 25th april. This distributes their automobiles to all over the world with 11 manufacturing units in nine countrys. The head offfice of audi is located in Ingolstadt , germany.

The audi is a partner of volkswagon group. The word Audi was founded by translating august horch surname horch to latin language which means audi. The four rings in the logo represents four different compaies combined together to form an auto union. The audi is followed by slogan vorsprung durch technik which means Advancement by technology.


Audi is the succesfull manufacturer of premium cars since many years . The audi is under volkswagon for 40 years. In 2014 the audi sales up by 12.3%.Audi distributes its vehicles by authorised dealers through them the customers can buy the vehicles. audi is trying to improve its sales by expanding and making more distributors available in the market to improve their sales. The brand image , loyality and positive talk makes the audi sales high compare to their competetors like BMW , Jaguar , Benz. The price is premium coampared to other manufacturers of premium cars. above upper class familys are more customers of audi because of their reasonable prices , high quality , good service.


product mix.

In the beginning stages ie in 1990s the manufacturing unit has faced some issues in electric phase where it has lossed some image but in a short period it overcomed all the problems and became the leading provider of premium cars in their sector. it has increased their service stations now and making people to have the services without any problem or delay. its sales are increasing every year at an average of 100%.

place in market mix.

In india it is being increasing its sales tremendously. there are around 28 dealers in India at present. even though it is a German company its is present world wide. it has invested lots of money in asia for the future purpose.

promotion in market mix.

The audi mainly promoted by sponsering in games like football and televisions like sony and also promted by TV and by many advertisements. audi is mainly famous by its slogan progress by technology.

price in market mix.

The price of audi is comparitively premium , it justifyes its cost by the quality , loyality and brand name. mainy it is saled on its reputation. even though the price is justified to maintain the brand image.


The main strength of audi is its technolgy and varietys which are uptodate in market. and also the designs and looks males audi different from other companies. its brand name is also a main strength of audi. this also provides different of vehicles to select with various features .

The diversification , promotions , high maintanence and communications are main problems of audi.


expanding automobile market by entreing in to different markets. making some low price vehicles to attract middle class people and making large sacle production to meet the future increasing demand by advertising and promoting the brand.

limited market , competion from other companys like BMW , Benz , Jaguar , rules and regulations of government, and risk in international markets all together makes the company to face tough competetion.


according to the BCG matrix :

STARS: A1 , A5 , Q5 , TT This series are of great deamand in market but faces tough competition in the market with other competetors like BME and Benz.

QUESTION MARK : TT and R8 series comes under this question mark categeory.

CASH COW : Q3 , Q7 this are of great demand and unique serises.

DOGS: A3 , A7 , A8 series.


segment: customers looking for luxury , driving experince and comfort.

Target group: Rich people and professional.

Positioning: The audi is famous for its continuous progress , making luxury vehicles.

Differenciation: The audi is different from other competetors in design , technolgy.




I’ve been using vodafone network for the past 4 years as it is my favourite network i am going to discuss about it’s strategies. Since it’s acquired the Hutch from Huthison max communication limted (HMTL), it’s plying major role in the telecommunications in india and with the marketshare of 25.59% it’s giving straight competetion to it’s rival AIRTEL.

Is it possible to keep the old customers from the previous company that’s acquired and keep the the growth of the company .

yes, it’s possible. By looking at the vodafone market in india, we can understand the market strategy of a successful company. For example, it kept customer from hutch and not only that bt also it became 2 largest company in India in terms of market share. vodafone also keeps the same ad which one used for hutch and still using , by this it gives the strong message to the customers.


PRODUCT: It offers a wide range of products including such as voice, text, data and broadband services. it’s also offering different offers for different use and the offers would change often with the state depending upon their customer preferences. Vodafone also offering some smartphones on contract based.

PLACE: Vodafone is he second largest market in india just behind the airtel. it’s strengthening it’s position by acquiring Hutch group and now it has owned more than half of shares in the company, remaining with indian investors as per indian law. The company continues to improve it’s services and currently major provider in the 3g services. however, there are plans to provide 4g servies around the country. Now a days access to the vodafone sim is very easy, because products are sold through the not only stores but also independent retailors. The vodafone stores are the major service providers to customers and there are large numbers of these stores in all corners of the country. Thus the presence and distribution of vodafone is wide spread in India.

PROMOTIONS: Vodafone using locally recognised celebrities as brand ambassadors for their network such as Mary kom. It’s also using the sport events such as Indian premier league and and f1 races for their promotions. especially their advertisements such As a child with dog and Vodafone zoozoos. vodafone also sending messages to it’s customers regarding their new serviceS and keeping them always updated.

PRICE: Vodafone’s products and services are competitively priced and easily accessible to as many people as possible. It has offering good coverage, network and cheap plans compare to what others are offering in order to stand in the market. Because it sells different services and products, it offers various prices depending on what customer really needs. Different types of prepaid and postpaid plans are available. For instance, it offers post paid and prepaid options as well as different tariffs.

STRENGTHS: Vodafone has a global presence and financially very well and it is enough to invest more money in new markets to attract new customers. with the global presence it can give international roaming to new customers. it is also one of the method to woo customers and also a strength. another one of it’s strength is customer loyalty.

WEAKNESS: Vodafone india has a lot of weak points. generally there customer service and intense from the rivals who are cutting the prices and.

OPPORTUNITIES: Vodafone has a lot of opprtunities in india, which comprises of 1.32 billion population and high growth in smartphone uasge.

THREATS: currently vodafone india facing a lot of threats in india. from intense competetion from it’s rivals and slowing down of economy also pose a grave danger to it’s growth. present, there was a legal battle between the govt. of india and vodafone.

SEGMENTATION: It’s differ from the place to place, income and age.

TARGETING:Iit target’s different markets with different approaches.

POSITIONING: ”Where ever you go the network follows you”. they are using the quotation from the hutch using it for more vibrant and young approach.


marketing mix of vodafone from.

How To Gain Advantages From Free trade Agreement Opportunity And Traits.

Published by Dewa Agung Yudhistira (dyudhist@deakin. edu. au)

Successful marketer understand that organization has to grow in the long-term, they can’t stand still in the “convert zone” even when they can perform well. They need to find way to reach more costumer and increase profit otherwise they will disappear eroded by competitor.

What is Free trade agreement (FTA)

Recently Australia has sigh Chian – Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChaFTA), which come into force on 20 December 2015. Free trade agreement (FTA) is an official agreement made by two or more country to eliminate barriers to trade between countries, such as export and import tariff. FTA aiming to establish benefits for the members such as new idea and technology, Increase availability of supply, increase investment , FTA fostering the innovation and increasing demands of products.

Free Trade Agreement effect on Marketing Management.

Many assume that free trade agreement affects only on the international business environment. In fact, the free trade agreement is affecting the whole business environment both international and local bu sines. Free trade agreement increases the competitors in the market For example Catton-on is Australia Company, has affected from Free trade agreement by new competitors from overseas which targeting the same segmentation such as UNIQLO and H&M. Therefore if we apply SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, traits), Free trade agreement create opportunity and traits for the whole business environment, and business in this case, will automatically force to rearrange their marketing strategy and plan to transform the traits to opportunity for the business.

Understanding the Strategy to Growth.

Every business strategy is aiming to seek higher profit and remain their competitive advantages. However, external environment change that generated from factor such as free trade agreement force business to change. This demonstrates Gerald Watts argument, a business can compete in changing environment if they able to adjust and growth more demand for their product. However, the question is what should Marketing managers do? The answer is the strategy.

What is strategy.

From the discussion above, Strategy is a reactive and proactive adaptation to external changes. Each of the strategies has own specialization, and managers must know which one is the most effective to cope the challenge. There are many frameworks that managers can use to select strategy includes Ansoff’s product growth matrix, BCG Matrix, General electric Model, Peter Strategy, and Tracy and Wiersema strategy.

The Importance of SWOT Analysis.

Before choosing a strategy SWOT analysis is applied to review firm strength, weakness, treats and opportunity to know its internal and external situation. For instance, using SWOT analysis marketer will find that Free trade agreement can create more demand (opportunity) and increasing competitors (traits), which shows that the business must growth to sustain in the market.

Method to Choose Strategy.

The appropriate marketing framework to select strategy to growth is Ansoff’s growth matrix. This matrix simplifies business strategies to growth into four categories; market penetration, market development, diversification and product development. In this matrix we assume that managers can grow the business by producing a new product, entering a new market, or implement both of them. Depends on the business ability and set of goal and objective.

Understanding the toll.

According to L acobucci the Ansoff’s strategy can explain as:

with this strategy manager, focus on enforcing current customers in existing market to buy existing product and services. for example, company can perform geographical expansion and target new segment. Market development.

in this strategy existing product are introduced to meet the demand of new markets. This strategy is useful for the business that has limited resource to develop a new product but willing to expand their market share. One company that use this strategy is Coca-Cola which entering multiple countries with minimum change in the product. Product developments.

This strategy applied to expand the new products to an existing market. For example, Mc Donald’s continuously improve their products to satisfy their current costumers. This strategy is important for business in order to retain their current costumer’s demand. Diversificação.

This strategy is focus to create a new product and introduce it to a new market which concentric (related business) or Conglomerate (unrelated business.

What we can learn from the is free trade agreement is that external environment of business is changing and It can create the opportunity and traits for the business therefore a proper application of marketing strategy to grow, playing an important role for the business life. And marketer need to be proactive to continuously analyses the external and internal environment.


Government of australia . (2016). [online] Available at: China-Australia Free Trade Agreement”. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. N. p., 2016. Web. 22 July 2016. [Accessed 22 Jul. 2016].

Ansoff’s Matrix, pain and gain: Growth strategies and adaptive learning among small food producers”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 4 Iss: 2, pp.101 – 111

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Saturday, November 21, 2009.

Interventions for Change.

The intervention can be brought by an external consultant who acts in consultation with the client members. A member with in the organization, acting as the in-house consultant can also make the intervention. The organization itself could plan the intervention without employing either an internal or external consultant. Where a consultant is employed, any intervention is a collaborative activity between the client and the consultant.

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Any change implies movement-movement towards something or away form something.

Force field analysis enables listing, discussing, and evaluating the various forces for and against a proposed change. The analysis includes identifying the driving forces - which give change momentum, and restraining forces - which inhibit change. Force field analysis helps us to look at the big picture by analyzing all of the forces impacting the change and weighing the pros and cons. By knowing the pros and cons, we can develop strategies to reduce the impact of the opposing forces and strengthen the supporting forces.

The central theme of these interventions is learning through an examination of underlying process. In Process consultation, which is generic to OD intervention, the focus is exclusively on the diagnosis and management of personal, interpersonal, and group processes. Third-party peacemaking focuses on interpersonal conflict and the dynamics of cooperation and competition among groups. Sensitivity training typically yields learning’s about self, interpersonal relations, and group dynamics. Transactional analysis (TA) can be a form of psychotherapy. TA has also been used as a technique for team building. Behaviour modeling is a training technique designed to increase the effectiveness of the problematic interpersonal situations. Life-and career planning interventions are less process oriented than the other interventions and reflect more a systematic approach to a substantive area.

MBO is essentially based on a very simple facts - wherever people work in an organization together there will be a wide variety of objectives. Each individual has his or her own personal goals (e. g. better working conditions, better training, better pay); each department has its own business targets ( higher output, better equipment, more funding) and the top management, too has its own strategic aims (organizational success, corporate identity, corporate image). MBO is the art of getting all these varied interests to correspond to one common goal. Talks can also be conducted collectively with the departmental teams. The main object of MBO is to make the individual goals voluntarily coincide with the goals of the organization. MBO only works when management and staff agree to support mutual goals in an atmosphere of confidence and trust, commitment and motivation. The concept is based on on the assumption that employees are, by nature, willing to perform. MBO succeeds where there is a dialogue on objectives between the employees and the management founded on fairness and clarity.

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Examples of equity-based alliances include strategic investment.

A non-JV, equity-based alliance can be regarded as two firms “getting married,” but not having “children.”

The term “strategic networks” is derived from the term “social networks” highlighting the social aspects of interfirm relationships.

In regards to strategic alliances and networks, in the traditional industry-based view, firms are dependent players.

From the view of industry structure, in oligopolistic industries, there are an above average number of available players as potential partners.

From the perspective of network position, firms located in the center of interfirm networks accumulate less power and influence.

Firms with a high degree of network centrality are likely to be more attractive partners.

Successful alliances and networks normally avoid socially complex relations among partners.

The ad hoc approach to organization allows firms to systematically learn from the experience.

Since firms act to enhance or protect their legitimacy, copying other reputable organizations is not a way to gain legitimacy.

In finding organizational partners, it is desirable to identify candidates that present both strategic fit and organizational fit.

The more tacit the resources and capabilities are, the less likely firms will prefer equity involvement in establishing relationships.

A firm would prefer equity relationships if it fears that its intellectual property may be expropriated by partners.

As each firm is likely to have multiple interfirm relationships, it is important to not manage the relationships as a corporate portfolio.

Possible ways to minimize the threat of opportunism include swapping critical skills and technologies through credible commitments.

In international alliances, setting up a parallel and reciprocal relationship in the foreign partner’s home country may decrease the incentives for both partners to cooperate.

Weak ties excel at connecting with distant others who possess unique and novel information.

Strong ties are more beneficial to environments conductive for exploitation whereas weak ties are more suitable for exploration.

An increase in the experience of one partner may bring instability into the relationship as it reduces the need to rely on the other partner.

Higher level shared technology is associated with lower profitability for parent firms.


Strategic alliances involve: Voluntary agreements between firms. Compromises between short-term transactions and long-term solutions. Equity-based arrangements. Tudo acima.

Contractual alliances include all of the following except: Co-marketing. Research and development (R&D) contracts. Cross-shareholding. Turnkey projects. Licensing/franchising.

A joint venture can be described as: A special case of equity-based alliance. A new legally independent entity. A “corporate child” given birth by two (or more) parent firms. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

Which represents an alliance with suppliers? Horizontal alliances. Upstream vertical. Downstream vertical. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

Which is not an advantage of strategic alliances and networks? Reduce costs, risks and uncertainties. Costs of negotiation and coordination. Gain access to complementary assets and capabilities. Opportunities to learn from partners. Possibilities to use alliances and networks as real options.

Which of the following are not true regarding managers involved in alliances and networks? They require relationship skills which foster trust with partners. They must guard against opportunism. They must recognize that interests of the firms fully overlap. They have to represent the interests of their respective firms. They must attempt to make the complex relationship work.

Institution-based considerations regarding organization include: Collusion concerns. Requisitos de entrada. The social pressures to find partners. The internalized beliefs in the value of collaboration. Tudo acima. Cooperation between rivals is usually suspected of being: Tacit collusion. Explicit collusion. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima. Emerging trends concerning formal government policies on entry mode requirements include: More liberal policies. Imposing considerable requirements. A and B above. Welcoming wholly owned subsidiaries. Banning joint ventures.

Which (if any) of the following are not involved in the stages of forming business relationships? The decision to cooperate. The decision to not cooperate. The choice of contract or equity. Positioning the Relationship. All of the above are involved.

The strategic choice concerning whether to form cooperative interfirm relationships or to rely on pure market transactions or M&As to grow the firm is part of: Stage One. Stage Two. Stage Three. Stage Four. Stage Five.

In comparing M&As with alliances and networks, which of the following is not correct? M&As are costly. M&As have significant transaction costs. Many M&As end up destroying value. Alliances and networks preclude future upgrading into possible M&As. Alliances and networks can be considered as a flexible intermediate solution.

Strategic fit refers to whether the partner firm possesses: Technology. Capital. Distribution channels. A through C above. Goals, experiences, and behaviors that facilitate cooperation.

The first concern in determining whether a relationship should be based on contract or equity is: The kind of resources and capabilities that are shared. Direct monitoring and control. Real options. Institutional constraints. Nenhuma das acima.

Weak ties in organizational relationships: Are more trustworthy and are cultivated over a long period of time. Are associated with exchanging finer-grained information. Provide an informal, social control mechanism. A through C above. Are less costly to maintain.

As a type of relationship tie, exploitation refers to such things as: B through D above.

In measuring the performance of strategic alliances and networks, subjective measures include: Market performance. Estabilidade. A and B above. The level of managers’ satisfaction. Longevity.

Which (if any) of the following will not influence the performance of alliances and networks? Capital próprio. Learning and experience. Nationality. Relational capabilities. All can have an influence.

A lower level of ____contribution may indicate a firm’s relative lack of commitment: Equity Learning and experience Nationality Relational capabilities All of the above.

The stock market responds favorably to alliance activities, but only under which circumstances? Complementary resources. Previous alliance experience. Ability to manage the host country’s political risk. Partner buyouts. Tudo acima.


How can an organizational alliance be “win-win?” How can the concept of “cooperative specialization” help?

Why and how might a “real option” be useful in a joint venture?

A friend of yours stated: “I would never want to be dependent on an alliance. I prefer an acquisition so that everything would be under my control.” How would you respond? What are the limitations in trying to clearly identify rights and expectations for alliances and acquisitions among global corporations?

What can be done to maintain a successful alliance among global firms?


Strategy involves planning for actions rather than reactions or interaction. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Multimarket competition occurs when firms engage the same rivals in multiple markets. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Multimarket competition destroys mutual forbearance. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

If an attack is so subtle that rivals are not aware of it, the attacker’s objectives are not likely to have been attained. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

If the attacked market is of marginal value, managers may decide not to counterattack. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

The “strategy as action” perspective highlights the power of creative destruction. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Bargaining can take place through signals and actions. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Industry-based considerations are fundamentally concerned with the very first of the Porter five forces, interfirm rivalry. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Barriers for entrants with similar products and with substitute products are involved in the other two of the five forces. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Challenging.

Collusion survives because it does not have an incentive problem as is illustrated by the prisoner’s dilemma. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Challenging.

The capability to attack in multiple markets throws the firm off balance leaving it vulnerable to rivals and thus reducing value. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Firms that have a high degree of resource similarity are likely to have similar strengths and weaknesses. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Under antitrust law a company can be in trouble for setting prices too high but not for setting them too low. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 8-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

US courts have not sought to unilaterally punish non-US cartels (if they are legal elsewhere) simply because they may have a substantial adverse impact on US markets. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 8-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Critics of US policy on dumping at least agree that our policy on predatory pricing is consistent both domestically and internationally. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 8-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Thrust makes use of military theory that the attacker needs to have at least a three-to-one advantage to overcome a well-defended position through a conventional frontal assault. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Local firms’ primary strengths lie in a deep understanding of local markets, and thus they would pursue a dodger strategy. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

A strategy that leverages local assets is called an extender strategy. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

An extender strategy may be appropriate in some industries where pressures for globalization are relatively low. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

An extender strategy is being used when local firms engage in rapid learning to approach the capabilities of the MNEs and then expand overseas. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.


Which is true of strategy? Business strategy has similarities with military strategy. Military principles cannot be completely applied in business. Militaries fight over territories, waters, and air spaces, firms compete in markets. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Which of the following are least likely to result in collusion? High concentration ratio. Heterogeneous products. High entry barriers. High market commonality. Industry price leader exists.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

The main types of attack include: All of the above. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Issues affecting collaboration include: All of the above. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

In developing a strategy regarding competition or cooperation, it would be useful to not: Understand the nature of your industry. Strengthen capabilities that more effectively compete and/or cooperate. Understand the rules of the game governing competition. “Look ahead, reason back All of the above.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-8; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Industry-based considerations regarding strategy: Focus on the nature of collusion. Deal with the relationship between industry structures and firms’ propensity to collude. Deal with the relationship between industry structures and firms’ propensity to collude to competing. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Explicit collusion is exemplified by: Users of game theory. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Firm A may be more successful in imitating Firm B if Firm B: Is competitively aggressive. Carries out complex actions. Uses difficult to execute maneuvers. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-3; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following will enable a firm to be competitive even if there is a lack of top management commitment and employee involvement? Organizational structure. Use of stealth attacks. Rapid responses, and willingness to answer challenges. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-3; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

“The extent to which a given competitor possesses strategic endowment comparable, in terms of both type and amount, to those of the focal firm” refers to similarity of: Strategy. Recursos. Mercados Industry. Economic environment.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following aspects of U. S. competition/antitrust policy has been opposed by the EU? Collusive price setting. Predatory pricing. Court decisions. Changes in policy.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 8-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Cartels: Involvecollusion. Are often outlawed. A and B above. Entail the “prisoner’s dilemma for participants. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Which is not true concerning US anti trust policy today? Legislation has legally permitted rivals to join hands in research and development (R&D). There is increased permissiveness regarding mergers among rivals. Clarity of policy has improved. The legal standards for interfirm cooperation are no longer ambiguous in the United States. The legal standards for interfirm cooperation are ambiguous in many other countries.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 8-4; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

Dumping is defined as: Shipping hazardous waste to locations in other countries. An exporter selling below cost abroad. Unloading unsold inventory from the US in other countries. Excessive criticism of international rivals. Getting rid of unprofitable operations.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Which of the following would not be considered an initial set of actions to gain competitive advantage: Price cuts. Advertising campaigns. Market entries. New product introductions.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

A firm’s attack on a focal arena important to a competitor, but not the attacker’s true target area, is referred to as: Practice attack.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The three drivers of counterattacks do not include: Awareness. Motivação. Capability. B and C above. Vengeance.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Motivation Concepts.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is not a legal means of signaling? Nonaggression or fat cat. Direct discussion of reduced rivalry with competitors. Truce seeking. Communication via governments. Strategic alliances.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 8-5; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

In some industries where pressures for globalization are relatively low, local firms may possess some skills and assets that are transferable overseas, thus leading to a/an_____strategy. Defender Extender Dodger Contender Transfer.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Local firms in emerging economies typically can at least match the ________ of MNEs. Expertise Experience Endowments A and B above None of the above.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 8-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.


The text points out that modern ideas of strategy, pioneered by Michael Porter, have turned IO economics “on its head.” While IO economics attempts to prevent any firm from gaining sustained competitive advantage, the very purpose of strategy is to gain a sustainable advantage. Is that good or bad?

Dumping involves selling something below cost. Using what you have learned in accounting or economics (or perhaps by talking to someone familiar with these courses) point out why it might sometimes be difficult to prove that a firm is selling below cost.

In the interest of maintaining high standards for international trade, the U. S. has at various times attempted to legislate the behavior of U. S. based companies. It has even at times tried to apply U. S. standards to those from other countries. Does this make sense to you?

Can national policies that seek to promote the well being of its citizens by its attempts to maintain competition actually have the opposite effect? Why or why not?

In some of the discussions of strategy. It was suggested that a firm might attempt to mislead a rival as to the firm’s true objective – i. e. feint. Is that unethical? Explain.

Operational synergy involves economies of scale. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Not all product-related diversifiers outperform product-unrelated diversifiers. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Porter’s five forces affect the structural attractiveness of an industry. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

The economic benefits of the last unit of growth (such as the last acquisition) can be defined as MBC. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The scope of the firm is thus determined by a comparison between MEB and MBC. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

In the United States between the 1950s and 1970s MEB decreased, resulting in a decreased scope of the firm into conglomeration. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Interest in conglomerates has declined in emerging economies due to their developed capital markets. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

You should understand that the nature of your industry might call for diversification, acquisitions, and restructuring. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

You and your firm need to develop policies that avoid acquisitions and restructuring. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Answering why firms choose different diversification strategies does not help answer why firms differ and how they behave. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

A superior product-related diversification strategy does not require a centralized and cooperative organizational architecture in order to add value. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Instead of operational synergy, conglomerates focus on financial synergy. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Diversification discount is the situation when unrelated-product diversification enables conglomerate units to beat stand-alone rivals. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

When conglomerate units are better off competing as stand-alone entities, we call it diversification premium. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Research shows that the linkage between product diversification and firm performance seems to be inverted-U shaped. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Porter’s five forces model can be used in regards to the structural attractiveness of an industry. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

High entry barriers often result in green-field entries as opposed to acquisitions. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

An industry whose products can be easily substituted faces more threats from other firms currently not in the same industry. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Although the term mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is often used, in reality, acquisitions dominate the scene. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.


Sources of operational synergy include: All of the above. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Conglomeration tends to provide all of the following except: Product-unrelated diversification. Financial synergy. Economies of scale. Economies of scope. Internal capital market.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

Diversification premium is the same thing as: Conglomerate advantage. Conglomerate disadvantage. Level of product diversification. Measurement of firm performance.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Which would be more characteristic of conglomerates? “Putting one’s eggs in one basket.” “Putting one’s eggs in similar baskets.” “Putting one’s eggs in different baskets.” A and B above. B and C above.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Research regarding the relationship between product diversification and firm performance indicates that: Performance may increase as firms shift from single business strategies to product-related diversification. Performance may decrease as firms change from product-related to – unrelated. The linkage between diversification and performance is inverted U shaped. “Putting your eggs in similar baskets,” has emerged as a balanced way to both reduce risk and leverage synergy. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Challenging.

Which geographic diversification is most likely to reduce the liability of foreignness? Culturally adjacent countries. Extensive international scope. Beyond geographically neighboring countries. Beyond culturally neighboring countries. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Which is not true regarding geographic diversification and firm performance? U-shaped relationship at low level of internationalization. Initially a negative effect of international expansion on performance. Affected by the liability of foreignness. Inverted-U shape at moderate to high levels of internationalization. Positive only at high levels of internationalization.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

In combining product and geographic diversification, which is not one of the four possible combinations? Anchored replicators. Multinational replicators. Far-flung conglomerates. Classic replicators. Classic conglomerates.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

At its core, diversification is essentially driven by all of the following except: Economic benefits. Bureaucratic costs. Less complicated information systems.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Select the best choice: a company that is engaged in oil production, pipelines and tankers, refining, and gasoline stations has engaged in ______________ expansion. Horizontal Vertical Conglomerate Friendly M&A Hostile M&A.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-3; Bloom’s: Application; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which is one motive for M&A which does not necessarily increase shareholder value? A and C above. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Motivation Concepts.

LO: 9-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Corporate scope is shaped by: Industry conditions. Firm capabilities. Institutional constraints. Opportunities in both developed and emerging economies. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Product-related diversification involves all of the following except: A single business strategy. Entries into activities that are related to a firm’s existing markets and/or activities. The emphasis is on economies of scale rather than scope. Increases in competitiveness. Synergy.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-3; Bloom’s: ; Difficulty: Challenging.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Creation of Value.

LO: 9-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Diversification can pay off in all of the following situations except: Risk is spread over several (product or country) markets. Core resources are leveraged. The art of post-acquisition integration has been mastered. Commonly shared industry skills are used. Firms are organized to minimize the costs.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

The following managerial motives for conglomerations do not benefit shareholders except: Reducing managers’ employment risk. Organizational stability. Pursuing power, prestige, and income. Empire building.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Motivation Concepts.

LO: 9-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Which of the following is true regarding M&As? As many as 70 percent of M&As reportedly fail. On average, the acquiring firms’ performance improves after acquisitions. Target firms, after being acquired and becoming internal units, often perform better than when they were independent, stand-alone firms. The only identifiable losers are the shareholders of target (acquired) firms. The outstanding success of M&As is due to pre - and post acquisition phases.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

To ensure the success of the M&A, managers need to make sure of all the following except: Be willing to walk out when premiums are too high. Engage in adequate due diligence concerning strategic fit. Seek organizational contrast and variety rather than organizational fit. Address the concerns of multiple stakeholders. Recognize that that integration management is a fulltime job.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 9-3; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which is true regarding restructuring? There are two primary ways of restructuring namely downsizing and upsizing. A rising level of competition within an industry normally prevents restructuring. Corporate restructuring is not widely embraced around the world. Restructuring is one of the first things to consider when trying to improve profitability. Restructuring is easier in knowledge-intensive firms than capital intensive firms.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which is true of relatedness? Measurement of product relatedness is no longer debatable. A “product-related” firm will be considered related regardless of the measure used. Some argue that product relatedness refers specifically to the visible product linkages. Relatedness can be a common underlying dominant logic that connects various businesses in a diversified firm. Product-unrelated conglomerates are not linked by institutional relatedness.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 9-5; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.


You recently noticed a comment in a blog which stated: “By its very nature, restructuring is a violation of CSR!” How do you feel about that?

In that same blog another person stated: “Decisions about diversification and acquisition are not based on the well being of the shareholder but instead on the needs of the CEO such as ego and job security. As a result, all such decisions should be submitted to a government agency for approval.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

Other comments you saw in the blog are less hostile to business. In one, the person was claiming that recent developments in financial markets suggest that it is time to revive the use of conglomerates. Based on what is happening now, do you agree? Why or why not?

You are the CEO of International Widget and you are contemplating expanding into Lower Slobovia. You have the resources needed to start from scratch in that country but it would be possible to acquire the company that dominates the Lower Slobovian Widget industry. Which do you think would be best: start from scratch or an acquisition?

You are the CEO of Mega Global Corporation and you are weighing a number of decisions involving diversification, acquisition, and restructuring. Long ago you were the manager of a mutual fund and you decide to make your decisions using the same approach as you used in managing that fund. How would that affect your decisions and decision process?


Home replication strategy emphasizes the home country replication of international based competencies. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Localization strategy is an extension of the home replication strategy. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Transnational strategy supposedly is a trade off between being cost efficient and locally responsive but is really locally responsive. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Global product division structure is the same as the geographic area structure. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Many MNEs have phased out the geographical area structure. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Strategy drives structure: a misfit, such as combining a global strategy with a geographic area structure, may have grave performance consequences. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

The Porter five forces are not helpful in understanding MNE structure. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

No one argues that knowledge management is the defining feature of MNEs. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

It is obviously a lot easier to imitate an intangible philosophy or mentality than to imitate a tangible structure. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Knowledge management not only depends on IT, but also on informal social relationships within the MNE. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

In a transnational MNE, the role of subsidiaries is to adapt and leverage parent company competencies. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

The “not invented here” syndrome causes managers to accept ideas invented elsewhere. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Individual Dynamics.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

MNEs often must rely on a great deal of informal integrating mechanisms. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Overall, the micro, informal interpersonal relationships among managers of various units may create a micro-macro link. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

It is hard to distinguish between subsidiary initiative and empire building. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 10-4; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

European MNE’s are more likely than Japanese MNE to appoint host-country or third country nationals as head of a foreign subsidiary. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 10-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Customer-focused dimensions cut across all three existing mainstream dimensions. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-4; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Transnational strategy aims to capture “the best of both worlds” by endeavoring to be both cost efficient and locally responsive. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

An international division serves as a means of coordination with the rest of the firm. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

The text recommended that firms avoid simplifying both product and geographic scope by downsizing and downscoping. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Operations Management.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.


Pressures for cost reductions and local responsiveness include: The framework of how to simultaneously deal with these two sets of pressures. Host country demands and expectations. Being locally responsive makes local customers and governments happy but increase costs. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Four strategic choices for MNEs do not include: Home replication.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Multidomestic strategy involves all of the following except: Focuses on a number of foreign countries/regions. Each foreign country is regarded as a stand-alone “domestic” market. Is effective when there are clear differences among national and regional markets. A multidomestic strategy has high costs. Global standardization strategy is the same as a multidomestic strategy.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

The structure that is typically set up when firms initially expand abroad is a: International division structure. Geographic area structure. Global product division structure. Global matrix structure. Flexible matrix structure.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

In which of the following structures are foreign subsidiary managers not given sufficient voice relative to domestic managers? International division structure. Geographic area structure. Global product division structure. Global matrix structure. Flexible matrix structure.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

The most appropriate structure for a multidomestic strategy is a: International division structure. Geographic area structure. Global product division structure. Global matrix structure. Flexible matrix structure.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Application; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is not true of the global matrix structure? Is often used to alleviate the disadvantages associated with the geographic area structure. Is often used to alleviate the disadvantages associated with the global product division structures. Often used for sharing and coordinating responsibilities between product divisions and geographic areas. This structure benefits front-line managers who now have only one boss – either a country manager or a product division manager. The matrix structure may add layers of management.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

Which are not true in regards to institution-based considerations? Externally, MNEs are subject to the formal institutional frameworks erected by various home - and host-country governments. Host-country governments often encourage, or coerce MNEs into undertaking certain activities. Strategists weigh the informal, backlash against activities which result in domestic job losses. Formal organizational charts do not necessarily reveal the informal rules of the game, such as organizational norms, values, and networks. To staff the position of the head of a subsidiary, MNEs, in the absence of formal regulations, essentially have only one choice: to use a home-country national as the head of a subsidiary.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-2; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

The type of knowledge that is codifiable (that is, it can be written down and transferred without losing much of its richness) is called:

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Knowledge management uses “centers of excellence” in which type of MNE? Home replication. Local (multidomestic). Global. Transnational. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which is true of globalized R&D? Is often known as innovation-avoidance expense. One way to access such a high technology and research-rich cluster is to avoid FDI. R&D work performed by different locations and teams around the world virtually guarantees failure. For large firms, there are actually diminishing returns for R&D. Global virtual teams, which do not meet face to face, may overcome communication and relationship barriers.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

This structure is commonly used in professional service firms: Global account structure. An industry sector structure. Solutions-based structure. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Operations Management.

LO: 10-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

This structure is often used to supply customers (often other MNEs) in a coordinated and consistent way across various countries. Global account structure. An industry sector structure. Solutions-based structure. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Operations Management.

LO: 10-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is a solution rather than a problem in knowledge management? Open innovation. Knowledge leakage. Not invented here syndrome. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Environmental Influence.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Which of the following is not an argument in favor of centralization in knowledge management but instead is an argument in favor of decentralization? Capability to facilitate corporate-wide coordination. Consistency in decision-making. Permits greater speed, flexibility, and innovation. Sufficient power for corporate-level managers to initiate necessary actions. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is not an argument in favor of decentralization in knowledge management but instead is an argument in favor of centralization? Better motivates subsidiary-level managers and employees through empowerment. Reduces corporate level overload of responsibilities. Better motivates subsidiary level managers. Sufficient power for corporate-level managers to initiate necessary actions. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-3; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is a customer-focused dimension? Global account structure. An industry sector structure. Solutions-based structure. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Operations Management.

LO: 10-4; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Unique to international competition are the pressures for local responsiveness, which are reflected in: Consumer preferences. Distribution channels. Host country demands. A through C above. Shareholder demands.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Environmental Influence.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Which of the following is a key idea regarding the reciprocal relationship between strategies and structures within MNEs? The fit between strategies and structures is crucial. The relationship is two way. Strategies and structures are not static. Tudo acima. A good strategy cancels the effect of a bad structure.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which is not one of the suggestions for international managersthat can be drawn from this chapter? Create a common structure for all MNEs. Understand the nature and evolution of your industry. Actively develop learning and innovation capabilities. Masterthe external rules of the game. Understand and be prepared to change the internal rules of the game.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 10-5; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.


To what extent should a firm be committed to a particular strategy versus making frequent changes in the strategy? If a strategy is likely to be changed, what is the point in having one?

Normally when a firm first expands overseas, it may use an international division and later use a different organizational structure. Under what circumstances might such a firm wish to shift back to the use of an international division?

Global R&D has pros and cons for the firm that uses that approach. However, suppose you are the leader of the country where that firm is based. How might you view having R&D being conducted by a global team in a matter that is vital to the nation’s economic health/and or security?

Suppose you are the leader of a nation which currently has few capabilities other than a well-educated populace that could contribute to economic growth. However, you think you have a bright idea. You are going to encourage MNEs from around the world to locate their headquarters in your country. What might attract them and how might that pay off if you are successful?

Mega Global Corporation has centralized all of its global operations. The firm’s manager in Lower Slobovia would like to see more decentralization. Her complaint: “We are the experts on what needs to be done in this country but we have to get approval from people who have no idea as to what is going on here. That makes neither sense nor dollars.” Evaluate her statement.


Founders usually start up firms and completely own and control these enterprises. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Since the 1980s, state ownership has expanded and privatization has declined. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Environmental Influence.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The relationship between shareholders and professional managers is a relationship between principals and agents. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Principal-Principal Conflicts: such conflicts are within one class of principals such as a disagreement among certain majority stockholders and other majority stockholders. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Inside directors are top executives of the firm. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The trend around the world is to introduce more inside directors and less outside directors. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

CEO duality refers to a situation in which two people share the role of CEO. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Board interlocks refers to bonding and teamwork among the members of a board of directors. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

How directors strategically prioritize is about the same around the world. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The Market for Corporate Control is another term for the stock market. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The Market for Private Equity involves going private by tapping into private equity. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-4; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Overall, governance practices need to fit with the nature of the industry in which firms are competing. This cautions against prescribing universal “best” practices. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Managerial human capital refers to the skills and abilities of top managers and directors. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Formal legal protection encourages founding families and their heirs to dilute their equity. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Large shareholders in emerging economies usually need to have a significantly lower percentage of shares to ensure control than in the US. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

The rise of capitalism has not affected governance. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The thirst for global capital requires adherence to listing requirements. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Legal Responsibilities.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Recently, stewardship theory suggests that by and large managers can be viewed as stewards of owners’ interests. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-7; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Convergence advocates argue that a “survival-of the-fittest” process will force firms globally to accept the best practices exemplified by Anglo-American practices. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-7; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.


Ownership will likely be diffused under which of the following situations? A start up firm. Family owned firm. State ownership. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Operations Management.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Issues involved regarding how a board of directors can be established so as to be most effective include: The insider/outsider mix. CEO duality. Board Interlocks. The Role of Boards of Directors. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Boards of directors perform all of the following except: Resource acquisition functions. A through C above. Day to day operations.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following make up a governance package? Internal Mechanisms + External Mechanisms. Carrots to motivate managers such as stock options. Sticks that may result in CEO and top management team turnover. The Market for Corporate Control. The Market for Private Equity.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-4; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Three decades of privatization suggest all of the following except: Privatization to insiders helps improve the performance of small firms. In large corporations privatization to insiders, without external governance pressures, is hardly conducive for needed restructuring. Outside ownership and control, preferably by blockholders, funds, foreigners, and/ or banks, are more likely to facilitate restructuring. Such outside ownership and control does not happen frequently because incumbent managers do not necessarily welcome such outside “intrusion.” When outside investors such as institutional investors do come in, they fail to assert their power.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-7; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Industry-Based Considerations regarding corporate governance include all of the following except: Having more outside directors on the board is often regarded as having a negative impact on performance because of their lack of understanding as compared to insiders. In industries characterized by rapid innovation requiring significant R&D investments (such as information technology), outside directors may have a negative impact on firm performance. Research finds that for firms in low-growth, stable industries, no relationship exists between inside management ownership and firm performance. In relatively high-growth, turbulent industries, there is a relationship between inside management ownership and firm performance. In industries experiencing great turbulence, the presence of a single leader may allow a faster and more unified response to changing events.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Institution-based considerations in governance include all of the following except: Formal institutional framework. International experience of senior executives. Formal legal protection and impact on founder’s dilution of equity. Lack of legal protection and its impact regarding large shareholders in emerging economies. Impact of informal norms and values.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which are not among the aspects of globalization? Contact with different governance norms. FPI investors demand more protection. The focus on governance has been replaced by a focus on shareholder value. The thirst for global capital requires adherence to listing requirements. The global diffusion of “best practices.”

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 11-6; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Challenging.

Agency theory assumes that managers: Have a responsibility to the owners. Are agents who are opportunistic and engage in self-serving activities. A and B above. Can be left to their own devices. Are effective steward of the owners’ interests.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

In regards to global convergence: Advocates argue that globalization will unleash a “survival-of the-fittest” process. Advocates claim firms will be forced to adopt globally the best practices. Others contend that governance practices will continue to diverge throughout the world. The text indicates that complete divergence in corporate governance is probably unrealistic. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Operations Management.

LO: 11-7; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Strategists should: Understand the nature of principal–agent and principal–principal conflicts to create better governance mechanisms. Develop firm-specific capabilities to differentiate on governance dimensions. Understand the rules, anticipate changes, and be aware of differences, especially when doing business abroad. Use an understanding of corporate governance to help answer the four fundamental questions in strategy. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 11-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

As the closing case points out, the positive side private equity firms excel in all the following ways except: They always send experts to sit on the board and are hands-on in managing. They use a high level of debt that imposes strong financial discipline. Private equity turns managers from agents to principals with substantial equity, thus providing a powerful incentive to them. They pay managers more generously, but also punish failure more heavily. They reduce income inequality between financiers and the rest of us.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

As the closing case points out on the negative side, private equity firms have been accused of all of the following except: Being “barbarians.” Being “asset strippers,” and “locusts.” Internationally, causing shock in countries suddenly facing the full rigor of Anglo-American private equity. Placing CSR ahead of all rational economic decisions. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

The defense of private equity includes all of the following points except: While private equity results in job cuts, the same might happen if targets were acquired by public firms. It would not be rational for private buyers to destroy their prize therefore they attempt to avoid doing that. Their record as corporate citizens is no more barbaric than that of public firms. They point to a Texas utility in which owners paid shareholders a 25% premium, gave retail customers a 10% price cut, and dropped plans to build eight dirty coal-fired power plants—hailed by environmentalists as a major victory. The actions of U. S. private equity firms have enhanced the image of the U. S. and capitalism around the world.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Diffused ownership is the opposite of concentrated ownership, and is more common in: The US and UK. América do Sul. The Pacific.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Most large, publicly traded UK corporations are now characterized by all of the following except: Diffused ownership. Numerous small shareholders. A separation of ownership and control. Control is largely concentrated in the hands of salaried, professional managers. Corporate managers who own a majority of the stock.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is not true regarding large institutional investors? They include professionally managed mutual funds and pension pools. They now own over 50 percent of the stock in major corporations. They are the controlling stockholders in China. Their ability to dump the stock is limited because selling out depresses the share price and harms the institutions. They are more likely to exercise shareholder rights than smaller investors.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

In regards to family ownership, all of the following are true except: Most small firms in the world are owned and controlled by families. The vast majority of large corporations throughout continental Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa no longer feature concentrated family ownership and control. Family ownership and control may provide better incentives for the firm to focus on long-run performance. Such ownership may also minimize the conflict between owners and professional managers typically encountered in widely owned firms. Family ownership and control may lead to the selection of less qualified managers who happen to be the sons, daughters, and relatives of owners.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is true in regards to outside directors? The trend around the world is to introduce less outside directors. In the United States, less than a half century ago, most boards were made up entirely or largely of outside directors. Many US firms are now favoring a board that is entirely made of people who are insiders due the need for people who can understand the increasing complexity of MNEs. Japanese boards have not waited until they are in financial difficulty to bring in outside directors from banks. Academic research has failed to empirically establish a link between the outsider/insider ratio and firm performance.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Which of the following is true regarding CEO duality? From an agency theory standpoint, if the board is to supervise agents such as the CEO, it seems imperative that the board be chaired by the same individual. In US firms with CEO duality, the trend now is to appoint a lead independent director, who chairs the sessions held by outside directors that do not involve company executives. A corporation led by two top leaders—a board chairman and a CEO – will at least have unity of command and experience less top-level conflict. East Asia and Latin America where most firms have concentrated family ownership and control, there is less CEO duality. Firms around the world are being pressured to combine the two top jobs.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 11-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.


You are the founder of a firm that appears to have significant long-term growth potential. Right now you and your family own 100% of the firm’s shares and you are trying to figure out to keep things that way. How might you do that? Should you do that?

At this present time, what do you see happening in regards to privatization of SOEs?

Are there potential issues involving economic power and national sovereignty in the dominant stock ownership position of institutional investors?

Can interlocking directorates lead to unfair market advantages and investor exploitation? Como?

What is the potential relationship between concern about a board dominated by insiders and concern about excess executive pay?


A stakeholder is “any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objectives.” True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Nearly all CSR advocates argue for a revival of socialism in the world. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The more concentrated an industry is, the more likely that competitors will recognize their mutual interdependence based on old ways of doing business that are not up to the higher CSR standards. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Companies have had their CSR policies certified by NGOs that might otherwise be hostile. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Firms pursuing a reactive CSR strategy actively participate in policy discussions, build alliances with stakeholder groups, and voluntarily go beyond what the regulations require. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Since each firm is different (a basic assumption of the resource-based view), not every firm’s economic performance is likely to benefit from CSR. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

A key goal for CSR is global sustainability, which is defined as the ability “to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

According to the text, one driver of CSR in the twenty-first century is the declining levels of population in some countries. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Environmental Influence.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The anti-WTO protests in Seattle in 1999 are indicative of resentment against globalization and a perceived lack of CSR in firms, particularly those that relocate offices (and jobs) to foreign countries. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Compared with the relatively expanded power of national governments in the wake of globalization, NGOs and other civil society stakeholders have lost the ability to affect firms and their management or to impact legislation. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Suppliers and customers are typically considered primary stakeholders. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Primary stakeholder groups are defined as “those who influence or affect, or are influenced or affected by, the corporation, but they are not engaged in transactions with the corporation and are not essential for its survival.” True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Milton Friedman, a University of Chicago economist and Nobel laureate, suggested: “The business of business is business.” True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Advocates of shareholder capitalism argue that if firms attempt to attain social goals, it will actually help them focus on profit maximization (and its derivative, shareholder value maximization). True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

The more concentrated an industry is, the more likely that competitors will recognize their mutual interdependence based on old ways of doing business that are not up to the higher CSR standards. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

The five forces framework reinforces the important point that all industries are equal in terms of their exposure to CSR challenges. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

There is no conclusive evidence of a direct, positive link between CSR and economic performance, such as profits and shareholder returns. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

Reactive Strategy often involves an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

Although framed in a domestic versus overseas context, the heart of this debate boils down to the foundational thorny point that frustrates CSR advocates: In a capitalist society, the shareholders—otherwise known as capitalists—are the ones who matter at the end of the day. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

The idea that MNEs should not interfere in the domestic political affairs of the host country has been enshrined in a number of codes of MNE but CSR advocates have stressed the necessity for MNEs to engage in actions that often constitute political activity. True b. Falso.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.


CSR tends to be the least concerned with improving: Global sustainability. Shareholder wealth maximization. Rising levels of population. High levels of poverty in some countries.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Easy.

NGOs have the ability to: Affect firms’practices. Influence firms’ management. Impact legislation. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

Secondary stakeholder groups are: Constituents on whom the firm relies for its continuous survival and prosperity. Those who do not influence or affect the corporation. Not influenced or affected by the corporation. Not engaged in transactions with the corporation and are not essential for its survival. B through D above.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

The CSR debate centers on the question: Why does the firm exist? Why does private property exist? What laws are needed to control the firm’s behavior? What can be done to prevent unreasonable profits? Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Free market advocates tend to do all of the following except: Argue that “the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits, which leads to efficient capital and product markets.” Argue that all stakeholders have an equal right to bargain for a “fair deal.” Believe that the first and foremost stakeholder group is shareholders. Argue that if firms attempt to attain social goals, managers will lose their focus on profit maximization. Fear that firms will become like SOEs.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Moderate.

Those who advocate CSR: Conduct their debate within the constraints of capitalism. Argue that a humane capitalism is an oxymoron and unattainable. Argue that the concepts justice and fairness are simply matters of opinion. Argue that the most important stakeholder is the stockholder. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Using the five forces model, which will likely result in a higher level of CSR? A highly concentrated industry. Existence of incumbents. Socially and environmentally conscious suppliers with standardized products that have multiple substitutes. No monitoring program for all supplier factories. Substitutes that are superior to existing products and costs are reasonable.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

Which is not true about CSR? Some CSR policies may reduce the firm’s value. CSR policies may not pay off if common. CSR that is embedded in people is easier to imitate. Organization: a firm needs to tie together CSR activities. It is difficult to prove a link between CSR and economic performance.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Analysis; Difficulty: Challenging.

Which of the following is an accommodative CSR strategy? Neither for or against CSR. Resist imposition of what seems unreasonable. View CSR as worthwhile. Actively participate in CSR policy discussion. Voluntarily go beyond what the regulations require.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Challenging.

Those who feel that firms that expand into emerging economies are failing their CSR responsibilities are most likely to claim that it: Potentially hurts corporate profits. Reduces shareholder returns. Fails to provide employment to host countries. Reduces the standard of living in host countries. Domestic employees and communities pay the price for the overseas expansion.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

There is agreement throughout society that: Overseas expansion is good because it helps improve standards of living around the world. Overseas expansion is bad because it causes loss of jobs in the home country. Firms should stick strictly to business within a country and not seek to impose their views of human rights on other countries that have different views. Firms have a responsibility to do whatever is necessary to assure that the human rights that are respected in the home country are implemented in host countries. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-3; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

An example of a primary stakeholder group is: Media. Social activists. Environmental groups. Employees. Fair labor practice groups.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

An example of a secondary stakeholder group is: Social and environmental groups. Suppliers. Customers. Governments. Communities.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

In regards to managers and CSR, the following is true except: All sides of the CSR debate agree that they have a unique and central role. All sides of the CSR debate agree as to how they should implement their role. As a stakeholder group they are unique in terms of potential coordination. They are positioned at the center of all the stakeholder relationships. They make decisions on behalf of the firm that affect other stakeholders.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Leadership Principles.

LO: 12-1; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Challenging.

In regard to the extent of CSR challenges, the following is true except: All industries are equal in terms of their exposure to CSR challenges. Energy - and materials-intensive industries (such as chemicals) have been criticized. Firms that are major outsourcers in foreign countries have been criticized. Some firms have turned to NGO critics to have the NGOs certify their policies. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Moderate.

In regards to the link between CSR and economic performance: There is no conclusive evidence of a direct, positive link between CSR and economic performance. Some studies report a positive relationship. Some studies find a negative relationship or no relationship. It appears some firms are not cut out for a CSR-intensive strategy. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Analytic; DISC: Strategy.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

The instrumental view of CSR advocates who are skeptical of CSR compliance claims: That firms may not necessarily be sincere. That firms may be compelled to appear to be sensitive to CSR by impression management—in other words, “window dressing.” That many firms may chase fads by following what others are doing, while not having truly internalized the need for CSR. That CSR activities simply represent a useful means to help make good profits. Firms are not necessarily becoming more “ethical.” All of the above.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Group Dynamics.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Some CSR advocates who question motives of firms implementing CSR are pleased that: Firms are embarking on some tangible CSR journey. CSR’s legitimacy is rising on the organizational agenda. By adopting codes of conduct (even if only for “window dressing” purposes), they create a set of criteria against which they can be judged. Tudo acima. Nenhuma das acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Moderate.

Reactive firms: Actively participate in regional, national, and international policy discussions. Often build alliances with stakeholder groups. Engage in voluntary activities that go beyond what the regulations require. React negatively to aspects of CSR that may increase costs. Tudo acima.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Ethics; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Knowledge; Difficulty: Easy.

From an institutional perspective, proactive activities are indicative of all the following except: Normative beliefs. Cognitive beliefs. The desire to do the right thing. An absence of “window dressing.” A quest for better profits.

AACSB: BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking; DISC: Ethical Responsibilities.

LO: 12-2; Bloom’s: Comprehension; Difficulty: Challenging.


Your firm has sought to be a responsible part of the community and has sought out ways to implement CSR within your capabilities. However, a news organization that has been trying to boost its ratings has done a series on your organization that suggests that your product is harming consumers and the community’s environment. You believe the reports are totally false but protests have recently been directed toward your facilities and a politician who seeking an issue has been loudly condemning your organization? Some of your shareholders are suggesting that the company takes its losses on the product by discontinuing it rather than risk further damage to the company and its reputation. O que você deveria fazer?

Last week you attended a series of lectures at the local university in which the speakers were discussing the role of corporations (such as yours) overseas. The first lecturer discussed the role of MNEs over the years as instruments of national power for the country in which they were based and discussed instances in which the firms became involved in local politics. The speaker condemned such companies as imperialists for attempting to impose U. S. values on foreign nations. The last speaker in the series argued that MNEs have a responsibility to identify injustice and violation of human rights in the nations where they operate and to use either persuasion or economic pressure to bring about change. Whose advice will you follow?

A representative of an NGO that has a very significant influence on some your key stakeholders (especially your customers) has met with you. The person has indicated that they are considering conducting a campaign against one of your policies. You feel the policy is totally justified but you have seen how the organization has smeared and destroyed others that it has targeted. The person seems to be hinting that perhaps they might launch a campaign against some other target if you demonstrated CSR by making a big contribution to the NGO. You feel that you are a victim of extortion but the cost of buying them off might be less than the damage that they could do to you. O que você deveria fazer?

Your company has been active in CSR. It has even avoided shutting down its local factory and moving its production overseas where its labor costs could be significantly less because it recognizes the harm that would do the employees and the community. However, the CSR has resulted in a lower level of profitability and now a corporate raider appears to be ready to launch a takeover bid for your company. In the past, when that raider has taken over a company, payrolls have been slashed, all CSR has been discontinued, and nearly all stakeholders other than some investors have been harmed. What should you?

Homework Lance August 2016.

NETW 561 Wireless Technology Midterm Exam Answers.

NETW 561 Wireless Technology Midterm Exam Answers.

(TCO A) Describe the evolution (1G through 4G) of wireless technology and discuss how this evolution has changed the landscape of the telecommunication market. (Points : 25)

(TCO B) The lecture lists five goals of the FCC. Apply those goals to wireless. Describe how each one might apply to today’s wireless market. (Points : 25)

(TCO C) Compare and contrast GSM and CDMA from a technology perspective for both network operation as well as the cell phone standpoint. (Points : 25)

(TCO D) Describe the applications and situations you would use SMS, GPRS, 1xRTT, and WAP. (Points : 25)

NETW 583 Strategic Management of Technology Entire Class.

Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial.

NETW 583 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2.

The Importance of Innovation (graded)

Why do you think innovation is so important for firms to compete?

What Makes People Creative (graded)

Identify someone that you feel was very creative. What personality traits did they possess that made them so creative?

NETW583 Week 2 Discussion.

Why Innovative Companies Fail (graded)

Why did most of the early (circa 1980-2000) PDA companies fail, even if they had innovative and sophisticated product designs?

NETW583 Week 3 Discussion.

Protecting Innovations (graded)

What are the differences between patents, copyrights, and trademarks?

NETW583 Week 4 Discussion.

Core Competency (graded)

What makes an ability (or set of abilities) a Core Competency?

Benefits of Collaboration (graded)

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of collaborating on a development project?

New Product Development Teams (graded)

Identify an example of a development project and what type of team you believe they used. Do you think this was the appropriate type of team given the nature of the project?

NETW 583 Week 7 Discussion.

Pricing Strategy (graded)

What factors will (or should) influence a firm’s pricing strategy?

NETW 583 Midterm Exam Answers.

Q 1). What are some of the negative impacts that technological innovations have on society? How would you answer critics of improved technologies who cite these negative impacts?

Q 2). How has globalization of markets affected the importance of innovations?

Q 3). Explain how an understanding of the innovation funnel might influence a company’s view on R&D?

Q 4). Why is it that after a product has been on the market for a while and is selling well at a good price point, the price will eventually come down?

Q 5). Give examples of how a market with different product niches is served through CAD and CAM?

Q 6). Reflect on something you want to innovate to solve a family/personal/work/college problem?

Q 7). Reflect on something that you have learned about during the class and has captured your attention and why?

NETW 583 final Exam Answers.

Explain how globalization of markets affects the importance of innovation?

2. What are some of the things that influence organizational creativity?

3. Are inventors born or made?

4. How do you know if you should be a first-mover or late-entrant into the market?

5. How do complimentary technologies support/develop an innovation? Give some examples.

6. A venture capitalist is most likely going to provide funding for your innovation if…?

7. Analysis of a company that is highly innovative.

8. What is the danger of not having strategic intent with respect to innovation.

Term Project DescriptionThe objective is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for a company.

You have a choice to use either an existing company or a fictitious company. In either case, the Project is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for the company. This course requires the completion of a comprehensive Strategic Plan.

The Plan will have 7 sections. The 6 sections will reflect each of the 6 TCOs plus a bibliography. Each section will be 2 – 3 pages in standard business proposal format.

The sections are:

1. Strategy (TCO F)

2. Core Competencies (TCO C)

3. Industry Dynamics (TCO A)

4. Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation (TCO D)

5. Product Development Strategy (TCO E)

6. Strategy to protect innovations (TCO B)

7. A bibliography listing your references for the project.

Ideas to Help Prepare the Course Project.

TCO F – Given an organizational and industry context, identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization. Section 1 – Strategy.

This is the most important part of the project, because it sets the direction for all other sections. In this section, you establish the strategy for an organization.

Often people refer to this component as the “Vision” or “Mission” of a company, but it is not. The Vision for a company could be that you want to be a market leader. However, the technology strategy tells everyone how you will achieve that market leadership. The technology strategy tells the various stakeholders – employees, customers, community, and stockholders – what you are going to do to achieve that market leadership. This strategy should be very clear and easy to understand so that everyone will be “on the same page” when it comes to working together toward that goal.

In this section, you should describe what “SHOULD” be the strategy of a technologically driven company. You should focus specifically on the technology strategy. You should think about all the things we learned in the class that will determine a strategy that will help the company succeed.

Remember that you can use either an existing company or a fictitious company. If you choose to use an existing company, you can visit their web site to see if their strategy is listed. Or you can do a web search on their technology strategy to see if anyone has written any stories about their strategy. For a fictitious company, you should make up a technology strategy that fits that type of company.

Examples of a Technology Strategy:

• Verizon Wireless – Have the best network of all wireless carriers.

• Honda – Build the best engines.

• Keller – Deploy the best Internet based on-line and blended education technology, not build it, not own it, but use a 3rd party to provide it.

• Intel – Have the fastest and most powerful CPUs.

The key is to be able to describe the strategy in a 1 or 2 sentence summary and in detail as well. The description should start or end with the simple sentence statement of the technology strategy. However, there must be sufficient detail to explain why that is the right strategy.

Section 2 – Core Competencies.

TCO C – Given an organizational and industry context, identify the core technological competencies of the organization.

Like all subsequent sections of the project, this section is based on the Strategy Section.

• Verizon Wireless Strategy is the having the best Network. Thus, the core competencies will be built around the network. Things like RF Engineers and wireless security experts would be detailed.

• Intel’s strategy is to build the fastest most powerful CPUs. Thus their core competencies will be built around CPU engineering.

• Keller’s strategy is to deploy the best on-line education technology. Thus their core competencies would be things like educational technology evaluation and on-line education curriculum development.

The best way to do this section is to apply the three tests of a core competency (page 123) to the strategy that you detailed in the Strategy Section.

Section 3 Industry Dynamics.

TCO A – Given a company situation be able to describe the industry dynamics of technological innovation.

Here you should take the strategy identified in Section 1 and describe in detail why that is the right strategy based on what is occurring in the industry. Provide as much detail as possible as to the industry trends and why you think those trends are important.

Section 4 – Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation.

TCO D – Given an organizational context, develop a plan to increase the innovative capabilities of the organization both through collaboration strategies and internal innovation.

Here you would offer ideas as to what is the best way to “Source” the technology that supports the strategy. A complete discussion about how best to manage the innovative capabilities of the company being described is required.

Section 5 – Product Development Strategy.

TCO E – Given information about a company’s industry, and organization, formulate a technological innovation strategy through its new product development strategy.

Product Development is very important to an organization. This section will describe how the company will structure its product development. Obviously, the kind of structure will be determined directly by the technology strategy stated in Section 1.

Section 6 Strategy to protect innovations.

TCO B – Given a company situation be able to determine whether and how to protect its technological innovations.

Using the things learned in the class, describe how you would use patents, trade secrets, copyrights, etc. to protect the Intellectual Property (IP) required to support the strategy.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page.

Content 50% Points %

Depth of Research 25 25%

Scope of Research 25 25%

Illustrations 25 25%

Use of sound logic 25 25%

Editing 15% Points Deduction.

Spelling Error -2 –

Punctuation/Grammatical Error -1 –

Sentence Meaning Unclear -2 –

Misstatement of Fact -5 –

Total (not to exceed) 30 15%

Organization 20% Points %

Introduction; Thesis statement contains at least two main points 16 8%

Body text follows order of topics and main points derived from the thesis statement 8 4%

Content subdivisions follow outline 8 4%

Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new information 8 4%

Total (not to exceed) 40 points 20%

Incorrectly cited or missing Points Deduction.

References in text -2 –

Bibliography/Works Cited -5 –

Total (not to exceed) 30 points 15%

Category Totals Possible Points %

Organization and Cohesiveness 40 20%

Documentation and Formatting 20 15%

NETW 589 Case Study Speaker Notes.

NETW 589 Case Study Speaker Notes.

NETW 589 Entire Course Wireless Communication.

NETW 589 Entire Course Wireless Communication.

NETW 589 Case Study Wireless Communication Week 5 Keller.

12 Power Point Slides Plus Speaker Notes.

The organization you work for has leased a building next door to the existing building. The local area networks in the new building and the existing building must be linked to each other. The distance is 657 feet. Here is the relationship of the two buildings.

Notice that the blue dashed line showing the route of the link crosses a parking lot not under your control. It also crosses a public street. Both buildings are two stories tall. From the second floor or the roof of each building there is a clear line of sight above the expected height of any vegetation currently in the area.

You have been assigned the task of determining the available wireless methods that could be used to connect the buildings to each other and presenting these options to the executive team. The executive team consists of the CEO, the CFO, and the managers of the five business units. They will need to know the following about each option in terms that nontechnical staff can readily understand:

The way the method transmits data back and forth The advantages of the method The disadvantages of the method The costs of the method Whether the costs are classified as opex or capex Whether any permits are required from the controlling jurisdiction Whether there are any legal requirements that must be meet before deploying it The inherent security of the method Whether you recommend this method and why or why not.

Your assignment it to prepare a concise presentation that provides the executive team with all of the information they need to select the best method.

The purpose of this exercise is to give you experience in communicating technical issues to a nontechnical audience, researching options to solve a common network problem, and giving an organized, succinct, and captivating presentation.

The presentation is worth 140 points .

The PowerPoint presentation is due in Week 5. The PowerPoint presentation should be at least 10 slides and must answer satisfactorily all 9 questions listed above.

To determine the best way of connecting the two LANS, I will discuss four methods of wireless data transmission, such as the Wireless Free Space Optics, the wireless bridge, the Local Multipoint Distribution System, and the WiMax Technology. For each of these methods, I will discuss their advantages and disadvantages, the…

NETW 589 Quizzes Week 1-7 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

NETW 589 Quiz Week 1 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

(TCO A) What disadvantages do wireless networks have?

(TCO A) An electromagnetic signal contains what fields? What is their relationship?

(TCO A) Define and give an example of narrow band and spread spectrum transmission. What is the big disadvantage of narrow band, and why is spread spectrum a good alternative?

(TCO A) How is information conveyed using AM (amplitude modulation)?

When an amplitude modulated signal is created, the amplitude of the signal is…

(TCO A) In phase modulation, what happens to the amplitude, the frequency, and the starting point of the cycle of a signal?

NETW 589 Quiz Week 2 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

(TCO B) Why do we need standards in telecommunications? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

(TCO B) What is the difference between de facto and de jure?

De facto standards are not really standards at all. Rather, they are…

(TCO B) For United States standards, what are the top three organizations?

(TCO B) What is a link budget?

NETW 589 Quiz Week 3 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

(TCO C) Which security standard is compatible with the 802.11i standard, and which ones are not?

(TCO C) What is WEP? Describe the five major characteristics of WEP.

(TCO C) What are the two main WLAN modes, and how do they differ?

NETW 589 Quiz Week 4 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

(TCO D) What is a WMAN, and what are the primary goals?

(TCO D) What are the disadvantages of FSO?

(TCO D) What is the difference between baseband and broadband?

(TCO D) LMDS operates over what frequencies?

(TCO D) What is a triple play?

NETW 589 Quiz Week 5 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

(TCO E) Digital cellular telephones can be used for what common applications? List and explain five of them.

(TCO E) Describe the location and the use of a GEO satellite.

NETW 589 Quiz Week 6 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

(TCO F) What is a reader or an interrogator?

(TCO F) What security issues are associated with RFID tags? How can these concerns be mitigated?

(TCO F) One class of active tags is called beacons . What does a beacon do?

NETW 589 Quiz Week 7 Wireless Communication Keller 100% Correct.

(TCO G) AMPS operates in what frequency range?

(TCO G) Describe four key elements contained in a request for proposal (RFP).

(TCO G) Discuss three strategic business advantages to wireless systems.

NETW 589 Discussions Week 1-7 Wireless Communication All Students Posts 410 Pages Keller.

NETW 589 How Do You Use Wireless Discussions 1 Week 1 All Students Posts 39 Page Keller.

No doubt you use wireless devices every day. Provide some examples as to what the device does, the size of the device, and the frequency the device uses. What are the wireless devices you use at home? What frequency do they operate on? Class, What is Ultra Wide Band? Has anyone of you used it or is using it? What is the range of UWB? what frequency does it operate on ? Is it secure?…

NETW 589 The Replacement for DSSS, OFDM Discussions 2 Week 1 All Students Posts 39 Pages Keller.

Until recently most low-speed devices used FHSS and higher-speed devices used DSSS; today Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is the new method. What is OFDM? How is it used? Why is it used? Class, before we jump in into the different modulation techniques, what is meant by modulation? Por que isso é importante? What is the difference between analog and digital? Why did most technologies move to Digital? What drawbacks did analog transmission have? What are spread spectrums? How do FHSS and DSSS compare?…

NETW 589 Impediments to Transmission Discussions 1 Week 2 All Students Posts 30 Pages Keller.

Look around you. How many impediments to successful wireless transmission do you see? How can these be overcome? What is attenuation? how does it occur? What do you do to solve the problem of attenuation? What are some ways to overcome interference?…

NETW 589 Antennas Discussions 2 Week 2 All Students Posts 28 Pages Keller.

Look at the wireless devices you use. Where is the antenna? What type of antenna is it? What is polarization? why is it important in WLANs? What is antenna Efficiency? Can we achieve 90%-100% efficiency on an antenna?….

NETW 589 Use of Bluetooth Discussions 1 Week 3 All Students Posts 31 Pages Keller.

Where is Bluetooth commonly used? What is Bluetooth? What frequency does it operate on? What transmission scheme it uses? Is it Secure? What are its common uses? Do you think Bluetooth is Secure? Would you worry about sniffing or eavesdropping ?…

NETW 589 How Secure Is a WLAN? Discussions 2 Week 3 All Students Posts 30 Pages Keller.

What are the main security threats facing wireless local area networks? What is WEP? Como funciona? what are its vulnerabilities? What did WPA and WPA2 bring to the table? Why are they better than WEP?…

NETW 589 The Last Mile Discussions 1 Week 4 All Students Posts 37 Pages Keller.

What is the Last Mile? What are the problems associated with the last mile for carriers? Is it really a last mile? or a metpahor for something? What are the problems associated with the last mile for carriers?

NETW 589 FSO Discussions 2 Week 4 All Students Posts 31 Pages Keller.

What is FSO? Where is it used? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Have you heard of it before or this is the first time? What is WWAN? What are some technologies that fall under that umbrella?…

NETW 589 Cellular Data Networks for a WAN Discussions 1 Week 5 All Students Posts 24 Pages Keller.

Is a cellular connection an appropriate type of link for use in a WAN? Can it be a primary link? Can it be used as a backup link dialed on demand?…

NETW 589 The use of Satellite Networks Discussions 2 Week 5 All Students Posts 31 Pages Keller.

Where are satellite links used as part of a WAN? How can the technical limitations be ameliorated? What are the technical limitations of Satellite Communications?…

NETW 589 Privacy, Security, and RFID Discussions 1 Week 6 All Students Posts 27 Pages Keller.

RFID has some controversial applications. Is RFID a risk to our privacy, or is it a necessity for security? How does tap to pay work? Has anyone tried it yet?…

NETW 589 Project Discussions 2 Week 6 All Students Posts 19 Pages Keller.

Discuss with the instructor and fellow students what you learned from the project and how you can apply this in your network management career….

NETW 589 Deploying Wireless Applications Discussions 1 Week 7 All Students Posts 33 Pages Keller.

How do you evaluate wireless solutions for business? Is it deployed everywhere in businesses? Do you see it to continue be favorable in the future? What is RFI? Para que isso é usado? What does it aim for? How should it be used?…

NETW 589 Selling a Wireless Solution Discussions 2 Week 7 All Students Posts 39 Pages Keller.

Imagine that you are a consultant or an IT Manager. How would you go about selling wireless to your customers? What things do you stress on to bring advantage to the customer?…

NETW 589 Final Exam Wireless Communication Keller.

Grade A + Received 300/300 Points.

(TCO A) How do analog and digital signals differ? Describe the pattern. (Points : 25)

Analog technology translates information into electric pulses that have various…

(TCO A) How is information conveyed using FM (frequency modulation)? (Points : 25)

Information is conveyed using FM by beginning with a sine signal that serves as a…

(TCO B) Define circuit switching and packet switching. Explain why one is more appropriate for data. (Points : 25)

Circuit switching and packet switching are technologies used for…

(TCO B) What organizations have responsibility for standards covering more than one nation? (Points : 25)

These organizations are the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and the…

(TCO C) What is the difference between a BSS and an ESS? (Points : 10)

A BSS (Basic Service Set) refers to a network that contains only…

(TCO C) How many types of frames are used on a wireless network and what are they? (Points : 10)

There are three wireless frame types, such as the management frames, the control frames, and the…

(TCO C) Which security standard is compatible with the 802.11i standard and which ones are not? (Points : 10)

WPA (Wired Protected Access) and WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) are compatible with the…

(TCO C) Why does implementing RTS/CTS help speed data transmission? (Points : 10)

The RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) function is an 802.11 standard feature that controls…

(TCO C) What are the primary components of a WLAN? (Points : 10)

The three primary types of WLAN components are the wireless network cards, the wireless access points, and…

(TCO D) What is the difference between baseband and broadband? (Points : 15)

In baseband, data is transmitted as data signals through the media. It serves as a…

(TCO D) What is meant by the “last mile?” Why is the “last mile” problematic in terms of data transmission? (Points : 15)

The last mile technology refers to the telecommunications technology that connects the…

(TCO E) What is the main problem with using GEO satellites for data links? (Points : 15)

A geostationary satellite (GEO) is a satellite that orbits the earth, placed around 35,800 kilometers directly above the…

(TCO E) Explain the differences between 1G, 2G, and 3G networks. (Points : 25)

In 1G, data is transmitted in analog form and can be used only for making calls and sending text messages. Its network…

(TCO F) What is the purpose of a blocker tag? (Points : 15.

The blocker tag is a RFID (radio frequency identification) tag that helps consumers manage their…

(TCO F) How does RFID work? (Points : 25)

The RFID (Radio frequency identification) system uses tags that are attached to all items and that are used for…

(TCO G) AMPS operates in what frequency range? (Points : 15)

AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is a standard system for cellular telephone services in the United States and…

(TCO G) Describe an efficient way to accomplish a widespread rollout of a new wireless system. (Points : 25)

NETW 589 Final Exam 100% Correct Answers.

NETW 589 Final Exam 100% Correct Answers.

Grade A + Received 300/300 Points.

(TCO A) How do analog and digital signals differ? Describe the pattern. (Points : 25)

Analog technology translates information into electric pulses that have various…

(TCO A) How is information conveyed using FM (frequency modulation)? (Points : 25)

Information is conveyed using FM by beginning with a sine signal that serves as a…

(TCO B) Define circuit switching and packet switching. Explain why one is more appropriate for data. (Points : 25)

Circuit switching and packet switching are technologies used for…

(TCO B) What organizations have responsibility for standards covering more than one nation? (Points : 25)

These organizations are the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and the…

(TCO C) What is the difference between a BSS and an ESS? (Points : 10)

A BSS (Basic Service Set) refers to a network that contains only…

(TCO C) How many types of frames are used on a wireless network and what are they? (Points : 10)

There are three wireless frame types, such as the management frames, the control frames, and the…

(TCO C) Which security standard is compatible with the 802.11i standard and which ones are not? (Points : 10)

WPA (Wired Protected Access) and WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) are compatible with the…

(TCO C) Why does implementing RTS/CTS help speed data transmission? (Points : 10)

The RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) function is an 802.11 standard feature that controls…

(TCO C) What are the primary components of a WLAN? (Points : 10)

The three primary types of WLAN components are the wireless network cards, the wireless access points, and…

(TCO D) What is the difference between baseband and broadband? (Points : 15)

In baseband, data is transmitted as data signals through the media. It serves as a…

(TCO D) What is meant by the “last mile?” Why is the “last mile” problematic in terms of data transmission? (Points : 15)

The last mile technology refers to the telecommunications technology that connects the…

(TCO E) What is the main problem with using GEO satellites for data links? (Points : 15)

A geostationary satellite (GEO) is a satellite that orbits the earth, placed around 35,800 kilometers directly above the…

(TCO E) Explain the differences between 1G, 2G, and 3G networks. (Points : 25)

In 1G, data is transmitted in analog form and can be used only for making calls and sending text messages. Its network…

(TCO F) What is the purpose of a blocker tag? (Points : 15.

The blocker tag is a RFID (radio frequency identification) tag that helps consumers manage their…

(TCO F) How does RFID work? (Points : 25)

The RFID (Radio frequency identification) system uses tags that are attached to all items and that are used for…

(TCO G) AMPS operates in what frequency range? (Points : 15)

AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is a standard system for cellular telephone services in the United States and…

(TCO G) Describe an efficient way to accomplish a widespread rollout of a new wireless system. (Points : 25)

NR 305 Week 3 Family Genetic History.

Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial.

Family Genetic History.

Guidelines and Grading Rubric.

This assignment is to help you gain insight regarding the influence of genetics on an individual’s health and risk for disease. You are to obtain a family genetic history on a willing, nonrelated, adult participant.

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO #3: Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO #3)

CO #5: Explore the professional responsibilities involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment and providing appropriate documentation. (PO #6)

This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.

The Family Genetic History Assignment is to be submitted at the end of Week 3. There is a MS Word document form in Doc Sharing that you need to download, fill in, and submit to the Family Genetic History Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p. m. MT at the end of Week 3. Post questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance. See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time may result in a deduction of points.

When taking a family genetic history on an actual client, it is essential that the information is accurate. Please inform the person you are interviewing that they do NOT need to disclose information that they wish to keep confidential. If the adult participant decides not to share information, please write, “Does not want to disclose.”

Refer to the examples in Chapter 4 of your textbook that discuss development of a genogram. Download the NR305_Family_Genetic_History_Form from Doc Sharing. You will document the adult participant’s family genetic history using this MS Word document. Complete the family genetic history using the information that the adult participant is willing to share with you. The focus of this course is on the normal “healthy” individual so your paper does not need to contain much medical/nursing detail. Refer to your textbook or the Internet to learn what impact the family’s health history may have on the adult participant’s personal state of wellness both now and in the future.

This paper does not require APA formatting, but you are expected to write clearly and use proper grammar and spelling.

Developing a pictorial genogram using symbols to identify certain relationships (e. g., divorced, sibling, deceased, etc.), may provide more insight, however, drawing may be difficult to accomplish with MS Word, therefore you are not expected to use symbols, lines, or other drawing elements. Instead, describe the relationships among the various people in the adult participant’s family’s genetic history. Remember, the goal is not to learn how to draw with Word, but to gather information about the family and recognize its significance to the adult participant and that person’s health.

Save the completed form by clicking on “Save as” and add your last name to the file name, e. g., “NR305_Family_Genetic_History_Form_Smith”. Submit the completed form to the Family Genetic History basket in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p. m. MT at the end of Week 3. Please post questions about this assignment to the weekly Q & A Forums so the entire class may view the answers.

Outstanding or highest level of performance.

Very good or high level of performance.

Competent or satisfactory level of performance.

Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance.

NR 361 RN Information Systems in Healthcare Entire Course.

NR 361 RN Information Systems in Healthcare Entire Course.

NR 361 Week 1 DQ 1 Moving Data to Wisdom.

NR 361 Week 1 DQ 2 AACN Essentials Self-Assessment Results.

NR 361 Week 2 Assignment; Patient Guide to the

NR 361 Week 2 DQ 1 Experiences with Healthcare Information Systems.

NR 361 Week 2 DQ 2 Helping Aunt Mary.

NR 361 Week 3 DQ 1 Opportunities for Improvement with Usability and Interoperability.

NR 361 Week 3 DQ 2 Library Search for Telenursing Resources.

NR 361 Week 4 Assignment; Telenursing – Is It in My Future?

NR 361 Week 4 Assignment; Telenursing – The Future Is Now.

NR 361 Week 4 DQ 1 Meaningful Use in Your Workplace.

NR 361 Week 4 DQ 2 Your Patient Has a Personal Health Record (PHR)…Now What.

NR 361 Week 5 DQ 1 Uses of Standardized Nursing Terminology.

NR 361 Week 5 DQ 2 Documentation and Reimbursement.

NR 361 Week 6 Assignment; Interview with Nursing Information Expert.

NR 361 Week 6 DQ 1 Nursing Gains Visibility.

NR 361 Week 6 DQ Alarms—What Do the Data Show.

NR 361 Week 7 DQ 1 Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings.

NR 361 Week 7 DQ 2 Safe Nursing Care Is There an App for That.

NR 361 Week 8 DQ Reflective and Projected Practice.

NR 439 Research Database Assignment Form.

Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial.

Research Database Assignment Form.

Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Click Save as and save the file with your last name and assignment, e. g., NR439_Research_Database_Smith. Submit to the Research Database basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p. m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 3. The guidelines and grading rubric for this assignment may be found in Doc Sharing.

Name: [replace this text with your name]

Describe briefly your topic of interest/research question (15 possible points):

#1 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#2 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#3 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#4 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#5 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

NR 510 Week 7 APN Professional Development Plan.

Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial.

APN Professional Development Plan.

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric.

The purpose of this application is to provide the student an opportunity to explore the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN) and develop an APN professional development plan.

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

CO1: Synthesize knowledge and concepts from advanced practice nursing with supporting disciplines as a foundation for APN/specialty nurse practitioner practice that is culturally competent and population-specific (PO #1).

CO3: Assimilate primary care competencies into APN/specialty nurse practitioner practice that exemplify professional values, scholarship, service, and culturally competent global awareness and support ongoing professional and personal development. (PO #5)

CO5: Contribute to the body of advanced practice nursing knowledge through participation in systematic inquiry, utilization of evidence-based practice, and dissemination of findings to support high-quality care and healthcare innovation. (PO #9)

CO9: Evaluate strategies for contract negotiation, CV/resume writing, credentialing, national board certification, hospital privileges, and reimbursement (PO #8).

CO 10: Develop visionary leadership skills that combine best evidence with nursing expertise to support quality improvement, safety, and change across healthcare organizations and systems (PO #1, 3, 8, and 9).

CO 11: Differentiate leadership strategies that strengthen interprofessional collaboration and incorporate an ethic of care, values, and ethical principles into the role of the nurse leader across healthcare organizations and systems (PO #2, 4, 5, 6, and 7).

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p. m. MT at the end of Week 7.

Total Points Possible: 150.

To complete this application, you will need to access to the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. You may access these databases through the Chamberlain College of Nursing Online Library. The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 150 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. Create your manuscript using Microsoft Word 2007 (a part of Microsoft Office 2007), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word 2007 document because it will end in “.docx” Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum. The length of the paper is to be no less than 6 and no greater than 8 pages excluding title page and reference pages. APA (2010) format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered): Introduction to the APN professional development plan APN Scope of Practice Personal Assessment Networking and Marketing Strategies Conclusion.

The following are best practices for preparing this paper:

Review Chapter 29- Role Transition: Strategies for Success in the Marketplace in.

DeNisco and Barker (2013).

Nurse practitioners need to take into account the state rules and regulations that guide advanced practice. Research and review the Nurse Practice Act and APN scope of practice guidelines in your particular state. Identify information regarding educational requirements, licensure and regulatory requirements, as well as practice environment details. Review information regarding full, limited, or restricted practice limitations as well as prescriptive authority. Review Guidelines for APN Role Transition Using Benner’s Self-Assessment Tool in Prior to engaging in pursuit for employment, APNs should complete a comprehensive, honest, affirmative personal assessment to identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as their goals and objectives. Research assessment tools, conduct a personal assessment, and reflect upon your strengths, weaknesses, goals, and objectives. To complete the transition from students to expert nurse practitioners working in the healthcare field, graduating APN students will need to secure their first position. Research local and national professional organizations that advertise employment opportunities for APNs. Identify networking and marketing strategies and provide a rationale for your selections. Write your Curriculum Vitae (CV). Refer to the template on pages 618-619 in DeNisco and Barker (2013). Your CV should not exceed 2 pages in length. When concluding the paper, summarize important aspects of the APN professional development plan.

1. Document setup.

2. Title and reference pages.

3. Citations in the text and references.

Outstanding or highest level of performance.

Very good or high level of performance.

Competent or satisfactory level of performance.

Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance.

Possible Points = 130 Points.

Possible Points = 20 Points.

NR451 All Weeks Discussion Questions Solution Latest 2016.

Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial.

Devry NR451 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2.

Assessing Need for Change (graded)

Think about a problem in your clinical practice. Are the satisfaction scores in your unit low? Does your unit have a higher than average infection rate? What is a problem you see in your clinical practice? What are some of the possible solutions? Why is it important to evaluate the need for change and not just stick with the “it’s the way we always have done it” mentality?

Nurse’s Role in EBP (graded)

Evidence based practice dates back to Florence Nightingale, yet it took a long time for nurses to conduct nursing research. Why is it important for nurses to have their own body of knowledge? Give a specific example of how bedside nurses contribute to nursing research?

Devry NR451 Week 2 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2.

Forming the PICO Question (graded)

Form a PICO question that you will use for your change project. Include each element of the PICO question. How did you develop this question? Why is it important to your clinical practice?

Appraisal of Evidence (graded)

When reviewing a journal article, how do you best determine its credibility and reliability? Why is it important to determine the strength of evidence and how does that affect your implementation of the results into clinical practice?

Devry NR451 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2.

Feasibility of your Capstone Project (graded)

Now that you have identified your capstone project. What is the cost involved to implement your project? Remember that cost isn’t always just money but also time and resources (both tangible and intangible). Will the initial cost pay off in the long run with improved outcomes?

Communication Errors (graded)

Have you ever played the telephone game when you were younger? Communication can take on a life of its own and the content can often be distorted over time. Give an example in your clinical practice where miscommunication was the root cause of an error. How could this communication error have been prevented?

Devry NR451 Week 4 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2.

Patterns of Nursing Care (graded)

Your lesson this week discussed patterns of nursing care delivery. In your opinion, what is the most effective nursing care delivery model and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen nursing care delivery model? Give specific clinical examples.

Discussion of Articles (graded)

Discuss the two articles that you read from the Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses website. Give the title and the URL address for each article. How is the information in each article applicable to your practice?

Devry NR451 Week 5 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2.

An Ethical Dilemma (graded)

Nurses face many ethical issues on a daily basis. Considere o seguinte cenário:

Your unit has team nursing. As luck would have it, you and your best friend, Jill, are paired as a team this shift. Jill is a new nurse so you feel this is a great opportunity to take her under your wing a bit and show her the ropes. It is a busy shift and you administered Mr. Smith his insulin dose based on the sliding scale before lunch. You chart your medication administration and continuing caring for your patients. An hour later, Jill comes to you terrified because she forgot to chart the insulin she gave Mr. Smith and realized that you also gave the medication. She rushed to take his blood sugar and it was 115. Mr. Smith felt fine and was eating a candy bar his family had snuck in for him. No harm done, in fact he probably needed the extra insulin to compensate for the candy bar he wasn’t supposed to have, Jill explained. Jill begs you not to report this since she is still on probation. She says that she has learned her lesson and since nothing bad happened, why does anyone need to know?

What would you do in this situation? Apply ethical principles to explain the rationale for your decision making process.

Core Competencies for Nurses (graded)

Explore the website for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative atqsen. How can these competencies for nurses be implemented into the workplace or professional nursing setting if you are not currently working?

Devry NR451 Week 6 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2.

Implementing Change Despite Resistance (graded)

Change can be difficult to implement. Now that you are almost finished with your change project, if you were to implement your project in your clinical practice, what type of resistance do you expect from staff? List at least three ways that you can lessen the resistance you may encounter to help ensure the success of your project.

Workplace Safety (graded)

Select an American Nurses Association (ANA) publication on workplace safety from the ANA. Search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for workplace safety (nursingworld/MainMenuCategories/WorkplaceSafety/Healthy-Work-Environmentand select a publication on workplace safety. Review the document (publication), include the URL, and discuss implications for you and your work setting.

Devry NR451 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2.

Healthcare Policy (graded)

Describe a recent health care policy and discuss it’s implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole. Why is it important for nurses to be aware of health care policy?

Healthcare Economics (graded)

Health care costs are on the rise. What is an example of wasted health care dollars in your clinical practice and how do you propose improving the utilization of these dollars?

Devry NR451 Week 8 Discussion.

Educational Preparation as a BSN Graduate (graded)

How has this educational program prepared you for the future of nursing as a BSN graduate?

NR510 Wk 3 APN Leader Interview Project.

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APN Leader Interview Project.

Guidelines with Scoring Rubric.

The purpose of this application is to provide the student an opportunity to interview an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) leader about competencies necessary for APN role development.

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

CO 2: Integrate interprofessional collaboration and innovative communication to support and promote the teaching-coaching function of advanced practice nursing (PO 3).

CO3: Assimilate primary care competencies into APN/specialty nurse practitioner practice that exemplify professional values, scholarship, service, and culturally competent global awareness and support ongoing professional and personal development (PO 5).

CO7: Critically analyze legislative and regulatory issues including independent practice and restraint of trade, and business and legal requirements for the four advanced practice nursing roles of CNS, CNP, CNM, and CRNA (PO 1, 9).

CO8: Examine the contribution of various interprofessional collaboration resources including the role dimension of consultant for advanced practice nursing (PO 3).

CO9: Evaluate strategies for contract negotiation, CV/resume writing, credentialing, national board certification, hospital privileges, and reimbursement (PO 8).

CO10: Develop visionary leadership skills that combine best evidence with nursing expertise to support quality improvement, safety, and change across healthcare organizations and systems (PO 1, 3, 8, 9).

CO11: Differentiate leadership strategies that strengthen interprofessional collaboration and incorporate an ethic of care, values, and ethical principles into the role of the nurse leader across healthcare organizations and systems (PO 2, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p. m. MT at the end of Week 3.

Total Points Possible: 150.

To complete this application, you will need to access to the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. You may access these databases through the Chamberlain College of Nursing Online Library The APN Leader Interview project will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. Create your report using Microsoft Word 2007 (a part of Microsoft Office 2007), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word 2007 document because it will end in “.docx” Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this project may be posted under the Q & A forum. The length of the project report is to be no less than 5 and no greater than 6 pages excluding title page and reference pages. APA (2010) format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered): Introduction Description of the 9 NONPF NP Core Competencies Description of the Interview with the APN. Analysis of the discussed APN competencies Conclusion.

The following are best practices for preparing this project paper:

Read “Interview Suggestions and Tips” in Course Resources. Review the 9 NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies. Identify an APN with whom to conduct an interview. The APN should practice in one of the following roles: CNS, CNP, CNM, or CRNA. When conducting the interview, be sure to identify appropriate background information regarding the interviewee (who, what, where, when, and why). Discuss 4-5 APN core competencies with the interviewee. Be sure to identify appropriate details including relevant practice examples gleaned from the APN leader. When analyzing the discussed APN competencies, be sure to fully address each APN competency discussed in terms of original source and leader’s application to APN role (i. e., Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies [NONPF, 2011]). Conclude the paper with a summary of the main points covered in the paper and the benefits of meeting the competencies within the APN role.

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty [NONPF]. (2011). Nurse practitioner core competencies. Washington, DC: Author.

Title and reference pages.

Citations in the text and references.

Outstanding or highest level of performance.

Very good or high level of performance.

Poor or failing level of performance.

Unsatisfactory level of performance.

Possible Points = 20 Points.

NSCI 281 Final Exam Solution 100% Correct Answers.

NSCI 281 Final Exam Solution 100% Correct Answers.

This is a 40-question final examination. Each question is worth 0.25 point.

b. the liquid portion of blood; the cells.

c. lacking in protein; regulators of blood osmolality.

d. the cellular portion of blood; acellular components.

e. mostly protein; the matrix.

uma. erythrocyteb. reticulocyte.

uma. factor XII is activated.

b. ADP and thromboxanes stimulate other platelets to become activated.

c. activated platelets are connected by fibrinogen.

d. prostaglandin production is inhibited.

e. platelets convert to fibrin.

uma. increased blood oxygenb. decreased blood oxygen.

e. red bone marrow.

b. is posterior to the trachea.

c. is lined with an epithelial layer called epicardium.

d. lies mostly to the right of the midline of the sternum.

e. has a superior apex and an inferior base.

c. pulmonary trunk.

d. pulmonary arteries.

e. pulmonary veins.

uma. opening of sodium fast channels – depolarizationb. closing of calcium slow channels – plateau phase.

c. opening of potassium channels – rapid repolarization.

d. closure of sodium channels – early repolarization.

e. opening of calcium slow channels – plateau phase.

uma. the first heart soundb. the second heart sound.

c. a heart murmur.

d. an extra heart beat.

e. end-systolic volume.

b. aortic semilunar valve.

c. bicuspid (mitral) valve.

e. pulmonary semilunar valve.

uma. from the left ventricle through the body to the left atriumb. from the left ventricle through the body to the right atrium.

c. from the right ventricle through the body to the left atrium.

d. from the right ventricle through the body to the right atrium.

e. from the left ventricle to the lungs.

uma. carry blood away from the heartb. carry blood under very high pressure.

c. may contain valves and are lined with endothelium.

d. are described as strong, rigid vessels that always carry oxygenated blood.

e. have thick, many layered walls.

uma. brachiocephalic veinb. superior vena cava.

e. pulmonary arteries.

uma. there is hypertensionb. there is an increase in blood flow.

c. there is an increase in peripheral resistance.

d. the vessel collapses.

e. the vessel expands.

uma. the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissuesb. the lymphatic vessels have their own “pump” to assist flow.

c. lymph capillaries do not contain any fluid.

d. lymph capillaries allow free movement of fluid in and out of the capillaries.

e. lymph circulates fluids and cardiovascular does not.

b. blood-thymic barrier.

c. surface membrane barrier.

d. capsular barrier.

e. thymic filter.

uma. Antigensb. Histamines.

e. plasma proteins.

uma. spleenb. thymus.

c. axillary lymph node.

d. inguinal lymph node.

e. thoracic duct.

uma. movement of air into and out of the lungsb. gas exchange between the blood and the tissues.

c. transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

d. gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood.

e. respiration at the cellular level.

1: alveolar ducts.

3: respiratory bronchiole.

4: terminal bronchiole.

uma. 1, 2, 3, 4b. 2, 1, 3, 4.

b. bound to carbamino compounds.

c. dissolved in the plasma.

d. by the leukocytes.

e. in the form of carbonic acid.

The diagram illustrates the major regulatory mechanisms of ventilation. What mechanism does “B” represent?

uma. Hering-Breuer reflex.

b. receptors for touch, temperature, pain stimuli.

c. medullary chemoreceptors.

d. carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors.

Which of the following is a function performed by the digestive system?

uma. cellular respiration.

b. food selection.

c. elimination of undigested food.

d. regulation of blood pH.

e. integration and coordination of other systems.

The tongue.

uma. secretes saliva.

b. plays a major role in swallowing.

c. contains a lot of connective and lymphatic tissues.

d. is attached to the hard palate.

e. functions in deglutition apnea.

Which of the following represents a mismatch in stomach wall structure?

uma. muscularis – two layers; both circular.

b. rugae – folds of mucosa and submucosa.

c. mucosa – gastric glands.

d. gastric pits – open onto surface of stomach mucosa.

e. lining – simple columnar epithelium.

Blockage of the ileocecal valve would prevent.

uma. pancreatic juice from entering the duodenum.

b. bile from entering the duodenum.

c. lymph from entering the jejunum.

d. chyme from entering the ileum.

e. chyme from entering the large intestine.

Which of the following apply to the small intestine?

uma. Secretions from the liver and pancreas enter this organ.

b. Segmentation contractions occur in this organ.

c. Both digestion and absorption occur in this organ.

d. Mixing and propulsion of chyme.

e. All of these choices apply to the small intestine.

The diagram illustrates an absorptive structure in the duodenum. What does “A” represent?

b. epithelial cell.

Nutrition includes the study of.

uma. the nutrients in foods.

b. the body’s utilization of nutrients.

c. how nutrients play a role in your body’s health.

d. digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients.

e. All of these choices are correct.

Excess triglycerides are stored in adipose tissue. Adipose tissue functions.

uma. to assist the body in temperature homeostasis.

b. pads and protects.

c. energy storage.

e. All of these choices are correct.

The energy currency of the cell is a molecule called.

The kidney functions in.

uma. preventing blood loss.

b. white blood cell production.

c. synthesis of vitamin E.

d. excretion of nitrogenous wastes (such as urea)

e. production of the hormone aldosterone.

The portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct is the.

b. ascending loop of Henle.

c. distal convoluted tubule.

d. proximal convoluted tubule.

e. descending loop of Henle.

Which of the following pressures tends to force fluid from the glomerulus through the filtration membrane into Bowman’s capsule?

uma. tubular pressure.

b. capsular pressure.

c. colloid osmotic pressure.

d. glomerular capillary pressure.

e. None of these choices is correct.

Aldosterone targets cells in the.

uma. proximal convoluted tubule.

b. loop of Henle.

c. distal convoluted tubule.

e. collecting duct.

Which of the following fluid compartments contains the largest volume of water?

b. interstitial compartment.

c. intracellular compartment.

d. extracellular compartment.

Elevated blood pressure under resting conditions results in increased urinary output because.

uma. baroreceptors signal the hypothalamus to increase ADH secretion.

b. elevated blood pressure stimulates renin secretion.

c. the amount of angiotensin II formed is increased.

d. aldosterone levels increase.

e. baroreceptors signal the hypothalamus to decrease ADH secretion.


uma. promotes the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract.

b. promotes osteoclast activity in the bones.

c. reduces calcium excretion by the kidneys.

d. reduces extracellular calcium ion levels.

e. increases blood calcium levels.

The location of the testes and epididymides in the scrotum.

uma. allows more room for other organs in the abdominal cavity.

b. keeps these organs close to the penis.

c. provides a temperature that is suitable for normal sperm development.

d. keeps them isolated from the accessory glands of the system.

e. helps to protect them.

Shortly after ovulation,

uma. the granulosa cells become corpus luteum cells.

b. estrogen increases but progesterone decreases.

c. the level of LH rises even more than before ovulation.

d. GnRH receptors upregulate.

e. corpus luteum degenerates.

What does “C” on the diagram represent?

PBHE 111 Midterm Exam Answers.

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PHL 251 Critical Thinking Entire Course.

PHL 251 Critical Thinking Entire Course.

PHL 251 Week 1 Individual Assignment Nature of Thought Paper.

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

What happens if a person gets stuck at a certain level of thought?

o Feral children.

o Brain injury victims.

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

List different ways in which thinking influences your life. Begin with what can be done without thought and move through a hierarchy of basic to complex uses of thoughts.

o Start with basic functions, such as breathing.

o Explore thinking in terms of wants versus needs.

o Discuss the higher orders of thought like applications of concepts and theories to real-world situations.

PHL 251 Week 2 Individual Assignment Creative Thinking Paper.

Resources: Creative Thinking and Natural/Mental Orders Worksheet, found on your student Web site; Activity 7.1, located in Ch. 7 of Thinking, for examples on how to create metaphors; and Ch. 8 of Thinking.

Construct as many metaphors as you can about five different things that describe any aspect of your life, such as someone you know, something you do, someplace you have been, or anything else. Include a minimum of four metaphors for each person, subject, or object.

Organize one set of information using natural ordering and a different set of information using mental orders in the second portion of the worksheet.

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

What are the processes we use to organize information? What are natural orders? What are mental orders? Is there a connection between the two different ordering processes? Why or why not?

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

How can a metaphor affect a person’s emotions? Explain how the language used influences the interpretation of the metaphor.

PHL 251 Week 3 Individual Assignment Logical Thinking Worksheet.

Logical Thinking Worksheet.

Use the following questions to guide you through your exploration of logical thinking and arguments. Answer the questions as completely as possible, and provide examples where needed.

What is a logical argument? When and how do we use them? What parts do they contain?

What makes something a syllogism? Why do people use syllogisms? How do people create syllogisms? Construct a syllogism. Label its parts.

What makes an argument deductive? Why do people use deduction? How do people create them? Construct a deductive argument. Label its parts.

What makes an argument inductive? Why do people use induction? How do people create inductive arguments? Create an inductive argument. Label its parts.

Ten women can do a piece of work ten times as quickly as one man. One woman can.

clean a room in ten seconds; therefore, ten women can clean a room in one second.

There are 16 cans on the top-shelf of the pantry, and 10 on the lower shelf of the pantry. There are no cans anywhere else in my pantry. Therefore, there are 26 cans in the pantry. I have seen many children with red hair misbehave; therefore, all children with red hair misbehave.

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

What is the basic structure of an argument in the context of critical thinking? How can you identify the parts or elements of an argument?

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

What are the elements of a syllogism? What role does a syllogism play in persuasion? Explain the difference between truth and validity in a syllogism. How can a syllogism be valid even if it is not true?

PHL 251 Week 4 Team Assignment Evaluate Creative Thinking.

Resources: Individual assignments from Week Two and Ch. 13 of Thinking.

Write a combined paper from the individual team member notes of week 3 (total word count should be no more than 500 words for the entire paper) in which you evaluate your team member’s metaphors according to the criteria listed in Week Three Learning Team Instructions.

o Refer to the questions in Ch. 13: “Testing Against our Thinking Bases,” in order to understand these terms and complete this assignment.

o Personal Barriers.

o Creative Thinking.

Summarize the team’s summaries and compile them into one cohesive paper.

Format your paper according to APA standards.

PHL 251 Week 4 Individual Assignment Applying Problem Solving Paper.

Resources: Ch. 10–12 of the text, personal experiences.

Choose two different real-world problems you have encountered. The problems should be chosen with the intention of applying persuasive thinking as a solution to one and scientific thinking as a solution to the other.

Applying Problem Solving.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you provide the following:

A description of each of the problem situations An explanation of using persuasive thinking to solve the first problem An explanation of using scientific thinking to solve the second problem.

Summarize the solutions to each problem with a description of how the solution will solve the problem.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

What role does critical thinking play in decision making?

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

During a persuasive argument, how can the needs and concerns of the audience be met while still meeting the objective of the argument? Provide at least one example.

PHL 251 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Problem Solving and Action Presentation.

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes in the note section of the slides according to the following criteria:

o A description of the problem situation.

o A problem-solving technique.

Identification of the technique.

Explanation of why the chosen technique works best for the problem.

o Offer a solution to the problem.

o Reconstruct the decision-making process you used to come up with the solution.

o What criteria were used to make the decision?

o Is decision emotional, logical, or both? Explain your answer.

o Identify the factors used in the decision-making process.

o Evaluate your decision.

o Was the decision logical? Why or why not?

o Did the decision solve the problem? Why or why not?

o Is there a way to evaluate the effects of the decision over time? Why or why not?

Format and deliver your presentation according to instructor directions.

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

Provide an example of a simple decision you recently made. What were the elements of the decision? What decision-making process did you use?

Post a 150- to 200-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply:

What are some factors that can be used to measure the effectiveness of a solution obtained through the decision-making process?

PHL 320 Critical Thinking and Decision Making Final Exam.

PHL 320 Critical Thinking and Decision Making Final Exam.

Who among the following individuals is most likely to exhibit event creativity?

An individual who establishes win-win relationships with other people.

An individual who settles a disagreement quickly in an ingenious way.

An individual who modifies the strategies of a group in a creative manner.

An individual who organizes annual meetings and get-togethers innovatively.

When does the incremental model of decision making take place?

When individuals merely follow the instructions of others who are experts in decision making.

When individuals vie with one another for resources or disagree with each other on goals.

When individuals make quick decisions based on their past experience in solving similar problems.

When individuals make minor decisions and move carefully toward a bigger solution.

In the stages of decision making, what should managers do immediately after identifying and diagnosing a problem?

Managers should create some alternative solutions to solve the issue recognized.

Managers should select a solution, from the options available, that offers the greatest benefit.

Managers should assign responsibility to specific individuals for implementing the solution identified to solve the problem.

Managers should think through the outcomes that might result from implementing any of the plans identified to solve the problem.

As a barrier to effective decision making, when do framing effects occur?

When decision makers believe they can influence events without having adequate control.

When the selection of an alternative is influenced by the way it is phrased.

When decision makers choose the first available alternative before proper evaluation.

When the selection of an alternative is completely based on one’s past experience.

Which of the following acts represents scapegoating?

Bringing a new topic into a conversation so as to distract the original discussion.

Hanging a scary picture in front of a person to force him into doing something.

Accusing a particular group of people for all the troubles faced in one’s life.

Permitting one’s wishes and hopes to tint his or her views that affect judgment.

How can organizational politics that impacts organizational decisions be reduced?

By making the decision-making process a collaborative task.

By encouraging team members to engage in affective conflict.

By motivating team members to be confrontational.

By creating different goals for individual team members.

Which of the following is considered a change-specific reason for employees’ resistance to change?

Group conformity pressures.

Desire to maintain the status quo.

Lack of clarity in the process.

What is true of the features used to judge a person’s credibility?

Individuals can accurately determine a person’s credibility based on physical characteristics.

Well-educated individuals can be highly relied upon as guides to ethical values.

Ethnicity, gender, and accent are inapt characteristics for judging credibility.

Mannerisms and age are two valid features that can be used to judge a person’s credibility.

Which of the following is considered a general reason for employees’ resistance to change?

Lack of clarity in the process.

Focus on one’s own interests.

What is a fact related to strategic planning?

It recognizes the explicit measures essential at an organization’s lower levels.

It translates broad tactical goals and objectives into specific operational goals.

It is the responsibility of the frontline managers to develop strategic plans.

It has a time horizon that ranges from 3 to 7 years to decades (at times).

Which of the following is most likely to block new ideas from evolving within an organization?

Managers willing to vary the existing hierarchical structure of the organization.

Management eliminating bureaucratic rules and procedures which in turn causes chaos.

Employees being concerned about the likely changes to the products, processes, and budgets.

Workers fearlessly looking for ways to break the monotony created by their jobs.

Identify an example of spontaneous creativity.

Organizing annual meetings and get-togethers innovatively.

Settling a disagreement quickly in a simple way.

Establishing win-win relationships with other people.

Modifying the strategies and procedures of a group.

In the context of moving people to change, what should managers do to unfreeze?

Managers should enable employees to realize that some of the old ways of doing things are still the best.

Managers should convey to employees the difference that exists between their firms’ existing and expected performance.

Managers should give employees all details and facts about the change process regardless of whether it induces anxiety in them.

Manager should communicate an issue in such a way that it arouses defensiveness among employees which in turn quickens unfreezing.

Which of the following is likely to improve a group’s decision making process?

Group member staying focused on short-term outcomes.

Team members completely agreeing with one another’s perspectives.

Cognitive conflict that is personal rather than task related.

Differences in group members’ viewpoints on the issue being discussed.

Identify a subjective claim from the following examples.

”Flu is contagious.”

”Italy has the best food.”

”Mars has two moons.”

When is a valid argument considered as being sound?

When its premise is false.

When its conclusion is supported.

When its premise is true.

When its conclusion is not supported.

Identify the drawback of utilitarianism.

It gives less importance to the consequences of actions.

It fails to weigh the pros and cons of actions.

It fails to consider the intentions of actions.

It is not suitable for choosing an outcome that maximizes happiness.

Who among the following individuals is most likely to be a victim of wishful thinking fallacy?

One who wishes to only use an alternative that solves a problem completely.

One whose beliefs and decisions are affected by his or her needs and desires.

One who blindly overestimates the decision making skills of one’s own group.

One whose decisions are made merely based on past experience or expert advice.

During internal resource analysis of the strategic management process, what does operations analysis involve?

An analysis of a firm’s strengths and weaknesses in human resource planning and labor relations.

An analysis of a firm’s financial strengths and weaknesses through the use of balance sheet.

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a firm’s manufacturing and production activities.

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a firm’s marketing and promotional activities.

How does a person reason deductively?

By trying to demonstrate a premise.

By trying to prove a conclusion.

By trying to support a conclusion.

By trying to negate a finding.

When does the straw man fallacy occur?

When a person considers only two alternatives even when other options are available.

When a critic falsifies or overstates an adversary’s position.

When a decision maker dismisses an alternative that fails to solve the issue completely.

When a person tries to disprove a claim based on its source.

Annie, an employee, who often attributes her team’s failures to bad luck, attributes the failures of other teams to their personal shortcomings. Which of the following cognitive biases do Annie’s attributions exemplify?

Identify the statement that accurately describes the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Unlike other Acts, its violations do not result in fines or prosecutions.

It was passed to promote business ethics by creating legal requirements.

Complying with the Act saves time and money, but deteriorates efficiency.

It requires businesses to have only company insiders as board directors.

In the context of levels of planning, what would be the responsibility of a frontline manager?

To translate broad strategic plans into precise goals and objectives.

To determine the organization’s long-term strategic objectives.

To develop and implement a tactical plan for each organizational department.

To recognize the explicit measures essential at an organization’s lower levels.

Which statement best describes a conglomerate diversification strategy?

It is corporate strategy in which a company vertically integrates to include supply chain activities.

It is a growth strategy in which a company tries sell its products in new diverse markets.

It is a corporate strategy in which a company expands its operations into unrelated businesses.

It is a growth strategy in which a company tries to differentiate its products from that of rivalry.

Which of the following questions is useful to be considered in the first stage of decision making?

What are the resources and activities required to implement the decision as planned?

Is there a discrepancy between the way things are and the way things ought to be?

What kinds of problems are likely to be faced if the chosen alternative is implemented?

Are there any solutions implemented previously to a problem similar to the present one?

What should a leader do to effectively manage group decision making?

Encourage team members to engage in groupthink.

Promote the use of satisficing to quicken the process.

Avoid letting a team member to dominate the discussion.

Criticize team members who fail to suggest good alternatives.

In the context of cognitive biases, when does the false consensus effect occur?

When one instinctively assigns a probability to an event based on past experience.

When one unconsciously aligns his or her thoughts with that of others.

When one assumes that one’s own and others’ attitudes are shared by society at large.

When one agrees with a generalized statement based on a single report.

Which of the following is an objective claim?

“Math is easier than science.”

”Italy has the best food.”

”Rice vinegar is too sweet.”

”Mars has two moons.”

Sam, a marketing manager, often makes ethical decisions based on what others feel about those decisions. He often considers opinions from other managers and employees. Which of the following ethical systems do Sam’s decisions follow?

PHL 320 Critical Thinking and Decision Making in Business Complete Class.

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PHL 320 Week 1 Critical Thinking Discussion and Summary.

Participate in a class discussion by responding to the following questions:

How would you define critical thinking? What makes a person a critical thinker? Why is critical thinking important? Provide an example of how critical thinking has helped you in your life. What do you expect to learn from this course?

Write a paragraph summarizing the discussion.

PHL 320 Week 1 Knowledge Check.

PHL 320 Week 2 Globalization Argumentative Paper.

Review the Writing Argumentative Essays section in Ch. 3 of Critical Thinking.

Write an argumentative paper of no more than 750 words that demonstrates why globalization is good or not good for a business. The paper should define the term good , and should identify the premises and conclusions.

Identify the premise and conclusion by placing a number in bold at the beginning of the sentence with the word premise or conclusion . For example: (1, Premise), (2, Premise), (1, Conclusion), (2, Conclusion) , and so on.

Sentences labeled as “1, premise” are premises for the sentence labeled as “1, conclusion.” All premises should be labeled for each conclusion in the article. If a sentence is a conclusion and a premise for another conclusion, place two labels. At the end of the paper, identify one example of how you used deductive reasoning and one example of how you used inductive reasoning.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 2 Re-organization and Layoff Team Discussion & Resumo.

Review the linked articles and select one to review as a team.

Post responses to the following questions for the selected article. Each team member should answer all of the questions:

What is the problem presented in the article? Why do you think it is the problem? What are some possible solutions?

Discuss as a team, responding to your teammates’ posts.

Write a 3-paragraph synopsis that summarizes the team’s discussion.

PHL 320 Week 2 Week 2 Knowledge Check.

PHL 320 Week 3 Rhetorical Strategies and Fallacies Worksheet.

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Rhetorical Strategies and Fallacies Worksheet.

PHL 320 Week 3 Re-organization and Layoff: Issue and Problem Identification Paper.

Review the discussion from Week 2.

Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words that incorporates ideas from the discussion. The paper should do the following:

Summarize the issue. Identify the problem. Explain why this is the underlying problem. Reflect on the group collaboration process in defining the problem. Explain how a clearly defined problem could help you find the solutions.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 3 Knowledge Check.

PHL 320 Week 4 SWOT and Strategy Evaluation Paper.

Select an industry, such as the gambling industry, to complete a SWOT analysis.

Access the profile overview for the selected industry:

In the University Library, click Company Directory and Financials . Click Hoover’s First Research . Clique em Continue. Click Submit . Type gambling (or your selected industry) in the search box, and click to continue. Gambling (or the selected industry of choice) should be first in the list.

Read the industry profile overview, including the website links, on the page.

Complete a SWOT analysis for the selected industry. The SWOT analysis allows a business to understand how a competitor is positioned in the environment by assessing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. An understanding of a competitor’s position can be a key for a business to determine where funding and resources should be allotted to create new products or services.

Use information in the industry profile overview and other scholarly sources as needed. The SWOT analysis should include each of the following:

Write a 1,050- to 1,500-word paper, including the following attributes:

SWOT analysis, including a SWOT chart Identify opportunities (either product or service) that could improve the customer experience. Strategy evaluation Define strategic tasks. Assess the industry’s capabilities. Identify the barriers to strategy implementation. A response to the following: Based on the SWOT analysis and strategy evaluation, what are some creative actions the industry can pursue to include innovation as a component of their strategy?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 4 Re-Organization and Layoff: Solutions Paper.

Select two potential creative solutions for the problems you identified in the Re-organization and Layoff assignment in Week 2.

Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words to present the solutions and explain why each will work.

Include a summary of methods your teams utilized to develop the creative solution.

Describe how your team overcame barriers to deciding on the solutions.

PHL 320 Week 5 Labor Practices Paper.

A clothing company uses sweatshop labor to manufacture clothing products that contribute to low pricing, which is a consumer want.

Many companies have engaged in sweatshop labor. Did the clothing company engage in unethical labor practices by utilizing sweatshop labor?

Write a paper of no more than 750 words to present your position on sweatshop labor and provide justification. Include the following:

How consumer demands affect a company’s business decision How different ethical perspectives guide ethical decision making How a company influences their ethical environment.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 5 Re-organization and Layoff: Decision Making Evaluation Paper.

Write a paper of no more than 750 words to include the following elements:

Select a recommendation from the two creative solutions identified in Week 4 for solving the problem. Explain why the solution would help the middle-income customer. Provide credible sources to support your decision. Explain what business decision an organization should make based on the solution. For the business decision chosen, explain the resources an organization would need to implement that decision and factors that might affect the implementation.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Critical Thinking and Decision Making in Business Entire Course.

PHL 320 Critical Thinking and Decision Making in Business Entire Course.

PHL 320 Week 1 Critical Thinking Discussion and Summary.

Participate in a class discussion by responding to the following questions:

How would you define critical thinking? What makes a person a critical thinker? Why is critical thinking important? Provide an example of how critical thinking has helped you in your life. What do you expect to learn from this course?

Write a paragraph summarizing the discussion.

PHL 320 Week 1 Knowledge Check.

PHL 320 Week 2 Globalization Argumentative Paper.

Review the Writing Argumentative Essays section in Ch. 3 of Critical Thinking.

Write an argumentative paper of no more than 750 words that demonstrates why globalization is good or not good for a business. The paper should define the term good , and should identify the premises and conclusions.

Identify the premise and conclusion by placing a number in bold at the beginning of the sentence with the word premise or conclusion . For example: (1, Premise), (2, Premise), (1, Conclusion), (2, Conclusion) , and so on.

Sentences labeled as “1, premise” are premises for the sentence labeled as “1, conclusion.” All premises should be labeled for each conclusion in the article. If a sentence is a conclusion and a premise for another conclusion, place two labels. At the end of the paper, identify one example of how you used deductive reasoning and one example of how you used inductive reasoning.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 2 Re-organization and Layoff Team Discussion & Resumo.

Review the linked articles and select one to review as a team.

Post responses to the following questions for the selected article. Each team member should answer all of the questions:

What is the problem presented in the article? Why do you think it is the problem? What are some possible solutions?

Discuss as a team, responding to your teammates’ posts.

Write a 3-paragraph synopsis that summarizes the team’s discussion.

PHL 320 Week 2 Week 2 Knowledge Check.

PHL 320 Week 3 Rhetorical Strategies and Fallacies Worksheet.

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Rhetorical Strategies and Fallacies Worksheet.

PHL 320 Week 3 Re-organization and Layoff: Issue and Problem Identification Paper.

Review the discussion from Week 2.

Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words that incorporates ideas from the discussion. The paper should do the following:

Summarize the issue. Identify the problem. Explain why this is the underlying problem. Reflect on the group collaboration process in defining the problem. Explain how a clearly defined problem could help you find the solutions.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 3 Knowledge Check.

PHL 320 Week 4 SWOT and Strategy Evaluation Paper.

Select an industry, such as the gambling industry, to complete a SWOT analysis.

Access the profile overview for the selected industry:

In the University Library, click Company Directory and Financials . Click Hoover’s First Research . Clique em Continue. Click Submit . Type gambling (or your selected industry) in the search box, and click to continue. Gambling (or the selected industry of choice) should be first in the list.

Read the industry profile overview, including the website links, on the page.

Complete a SWOT analysis for the selected industry. The SWOT analysis allows a business to understand how a competitor is positioned in the environment by assessing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. An understanding of a competitor’s position can be a key for a business to determine where funding and resources should be allotted to create new products or services.

Use information in the industry profile overview and other scholarly sources as needed. The SWOT analysis should include each of the following:

Write a 1,050- to 1,500-word paper, including the following attributes:

SWOT analysis, including a SWOT chart Identify opportunities (either product or service) that could improve the customer experience. Strategy evaluation Define strategic tasks. Assess the industry’s capabilities. Identify the barriers to strategy implementation. A response to the following: Based on the SWOT analysis and strategy evaluation, what are some creative actions the industry can pursue to include innovation as a component of their strategy?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 4 Re-Organization and Layoff: Solutions Paper.

Select two potential creative solutions for the problems you identified in the Re-organization and Layoff assignment in Week 2.

Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words to present the solutions and explain why each will work.

Include a summary of methods your teams utilized to develop the creative solution.

Describe how your team overcame barriers to deciding on the solutions.

PHL 320 Week 5 Labor Practices Paper.

A clothing company uses sweatshop labor to manufacture clothing products that contribute to low pricing, which is a consumer want.

Many companies have engaged in sweatshop labor. Did the clothing company engage in unethical labor practices by utilizing sweatshop labor?

Write a paper of no more than 750 words to present your position on sweatshop labor and provide justification. Include the following:

How consumer demands affect a company’s business decision How different ethical perspectives guide ethical decision making How a company influences their ethical environment.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Week 5 Re-organization and Layoff: Decision Making Evaluation Paper.

Write a paper of no more than 750 words to include the following elements:

Select a recommendation from the two creative solutions identified in Week 4 for solving the problem. Explain why the solution would help the middle-income customer. Provide credible sources to support your decision. Explain what business decision an organization should make based on the solution. For the business decision chosen, explain the resources an organization would need to implement that decision and factors that might affect the implementation.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

PHL 320 Final Exam Answers.

Who among the following individuals is most likely to exhibit event creativity?

An individual who establishes win-win relationships with other people.

An individual who settles a disagreement quickly in an ingenious way.

An individual who modifies the strategies of a group in a creative manner.

An individual who organizes annual meetings and get-togethers innovatively.

When does the incremental model of decision making take place?

When individuals merely follow the instructions of others who are experts in decision making.

When individuals vie with one another for resources or disagree with each other on goals.

When individuals make quick decisions based on their past experience in solving similar problems.

When individuals make minor decisions and move carefully toward a bigger solution.

In the stages of decision making, what should managers do immediately after identifying and diagnosing a problem?

Managers should create some alternative solutions to solve the issue recognized.

Managers should select a solution, from the options available, that offers the greatest benefit.

Managers should assign responsibility to specific individuals for implementing the solution identified to solve the problem.

Managers should think through the outcomes that might result from implementing any of the plans identified to solve the problem.

As a barrier to effective decision making, when do framing effects occur?

When decision makers believe they can influence events without having adequate control.

When the selection of an alternative is influenced by the way it is phrased.

When decision makers choose the first available alternative before proper evaluation.

When the selection of an alternative is completely based on one’s past experience.

Which of the following acts represents scapegoating?

Bringing a new topic into a conversation so as to distract the original discussion.

Hanging a scary picture in front of a person to force him into doing something.

Accusing a particular group of people for all the troubles faced in one’s life.

Permitting one’s wishes and hopes to tint his or her views that affect judgment.

How can organizational politics that impacts organizational decisions be reduced?

By making the decision-making process a collaborative task.

By encouraging team members to engage in affective conflict.

By motivating team members to be confrontational.

By creating different goals for individual team members.

Which of the following is considered a change-specific reason for employees’ resistance to change?

Group conformity pressures.

Desire to maintain the status quo.

Lack of clarity in the process.

What is true of the features used to judge a person’s credibility?

Individuals can accurately determine a person’s credibility based on physical characteristics.

Well-educated individuals can be highly relied upon as guides to ethical values.

Ethnicity, gender, and accent are inapt characteristics for judging credibility.

Mannerisms and age are two valid features that can be used to judge a person’s credibility.

Which of the following is considered a general reason for employees’ resistance to change?

Lack of clarity in the process.

Focus on one’s own interests.

What is a fact related to strategic planning?

It recognizes the explicit measures essential at an organization’s lower levels.

It translates broad tactical goals and objectives into specific operational goals.

It is the responsibility of the frontline managers to develop strategic plans.

It has a time horizon that ranges from 3 to 7 years to decades (at times).

Which of the following is most likely to block new ideas from evolving within an organization?

Managers willing to vary the existing hierarchical structure of the organization.

Management eliminating bureaucratic rules and procedures which in turn causes chaos.

Employees being concerned about the likely changes to the products, processes, and budgets.

Workers fearlessly looking for ways to break the monotony created by their jobs.

Identify an example of spontaneous creativity.

Organizing annual meetings and get-togethers innovatively.

Settling a disagreement quickly in a simple way.

Establishing win-win relationships with other people.

Modifying the strategies and procedures of a group.

In the context of moving people to change, what should managers do to unfreeze?

Managers should enable employees to realize that some of the old ways of doing things are still the best.

Managers should convey to employees the difference that exists between their firms’ existing and expected performance.

Managers should give employees all details and facts about the change process regardless of whether it induces anxiety in them.

Manager should communicate an issue in such a way that it arouses defensiveness among employees which in turn quickens unfreezing.

Which of the following is likely to improve a group’s decision making process?

Group member staying focused on short-term outcomes.

Team members completely agreeing with one another’s perspectives.

Cognitive conflict that is personal rather than task related.

Differences in group members’ viewpoints on the issue being discussed.

Identify a subjective claim from the following examples.

”Flu is contagious.”

”Italy has the best food.”

”Mars has two moons.”

When is a valid argument considered as being sound?

When its premise is false.

When its conclusion is supported.

When its premise is true.

When its conclusion is not supported.

Identify the drawback of utilitarianism.

It gives less importance to the consequences of actions.

It fails to weigh the pros and cons of actions.

It fails to consider the intentions of actions.

It is not suitable for choosing an outcome that maximizes happiness.

Who among the following individuals is most likely to be a victim of wishful thinking fallacy?

One who wishes to only use an alternative that solves a problem completely.

One whose beliefs and decisions are affected by his or her needs and desires.

One who blindly overestimates the decision making skills of one’s own group.

One whose decisions are made merely based on past experience or expert advice.

During internal resource analysis of the strategic management process, what does operations analysis involve?

An analysis of a firm’s strengths and weaknesses in human resource planning and labor relations.

An analysis of a firm’s financial strengths and weaknesses through the use of balance sheet.

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a firm’s manufacturing and production activities.

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a firm’s marketing and promotional activities.

How does a person reason deductively?

By trying to demonstrate a premise.

By trying to prove a conclusion.

By trying to support a conclusion.

By trying to negate a finding.

When does the straw man fallacy occur?

When a person considers only two alternatives even when other options are available.

When a critic falsifies or overstates an adversary’s position.

When a decision maker dismisses an alternative that fails to solve the issue completely.

When a person tries to disprove a claim based on its source.

Annie, an employee, who often attributes her team’s failures to bad luck, attributes the failures of other teams to their personal shortcomings. Which of the following cognitive biases do Annie’s attributions exemplify?

Identify the statement that accurately describes the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Unlike other Acts, its violations do not result in fines or prosecutions.

It was passed to promote business ethics by creating legal requirements.

Complying with the Act saves time and money, but deteriorates efficiency.

It requires businesses to have only company insiders as board directors.

In the context of levels of planning, what would be the responsibility of a frontline manager?

To translate broad strategic plans into precise goals and objectives.

To determine the organization’s long-term strategic objectives.

To develop and implement a tactical plan for each organizational department.

To recognize the explicit measures essential at an organization’s lower levels.

Which statement best describes a conglomerate diversification strategy?

It is corporate strategy in which a company vertically integrates to include supply chain activities.

It is a growth strategy in which a company tries sell its products in new diverse markets.

It is a corporate strategy in which a company expands its operations into unrelated businesses.

It is a growth strategy in which a company tries to differentiate its products from that of rivalry.

Which of the following questions is useful to be considered in the first stage of decision making?

What are the resources and activities required to implement the decision as planned?

Is there a discrepancy between the way things are and the way things ought to be?

What kinds of problems are likely to be faced if the chosen alternative is implemented?

Are there any solutions implemented previously to a problem similar to the present one?

What should a leader do to effectively manage group decision making?

Encourage team members to engage in groupthink.

Promote the use of satisficing to quicken the process.

Avoid letting a team member to dominate the discussion.

Criticize team members who fail to suggest good alternatives.

In the context of cognitive biases, when does the false consensus effect occur?

When one instinctively assigns a probability to an event based on past experience.

When one unconsciously aligns his or her thoughts with that of others.

When one assumes that one’s own and others’ attitudes are shared by society at large.

When one agrees with a generalized statement based on a single report.

Which of the following is an objective claim?

“Math is easier than science.”

”Italy has the best food.”

”Rice vinegar is too sweet.”

”Mars has two moons.”

Sam, a marketing manager, often makes ethical decisions based on what others feel about those decisions. He often considers opinions from other managers and employees. Which of the following ethical systems do Sam’s decisions follow?

POL 201 American National Government.

Follow Link Below To Get Tutorial.

POL 201 Week 1 DQ 1 Separation of Powers Checks and Balances.

Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances . For much of 2011 and 2012, public dissatisfaction with Congress rose to all time highs, with 70-80% expressing disapproval with how Congress does its job. Many commentators note that Americans are fed up with Washington “grid-lock” that makes government apparently unable to address important problems. Other observers believe that the national government is acting according to its design, based on separation of powers and checks and balances.

In your initial post of at least 200-250 words, analyze how the U. S. Constitution implements separation of powers and checks and balances. Briefly explain why the constitutional framers based the new government on these ideas. Evaluate how separation of powers and checks and balances are working out in practice, today, justifying your assessment with persuasive reasoning and examples.

POL 201 Week 1 DQ 2 Amending the U. S. Constitution.

Amending the U. S. Constitution . The formal process of amending the Constitution is cumbersome and slow. While this fact explains why relatively few amendments have been adopted, it does not discourage advocates of constitutional change from proposing them. Four amendment proposals that have gained considerable attention are the Balanced Budget Amendment, the Birthright Citizenship Amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment, and the Overturn Citizens United Amendment. Select one of these proposals as the topic of your initial post and use the assigned resources to inform yourself about its purpose and the arguments of its supporters and critics.

POL 201 Week 2 DQ 1 Policy-making in the Federal System.

Policy-making in the Federal System . The U. S. government’s expansive role in public policy is caught in a swirl of conflicting cross-currents. On the one hand, popular expectations about government’s responsibility to solve problems often exceed the capacity of state and local authorities to respond effectively. On the other hand, policies developed at the national level may not sufficiently reflect the great diversity of interests across the U. S. to be effective at the local level. Moreover, the search for effective policy is further complicated by theoretical debates about the constitutional framework of federalism, e. g., what limits on national power can be derived from the Tenth Amendment?

A policy area in the middle of these cross-currents is elementary and secondary education – a subject traditionally under local control, with some oversight by the states. However, during the last four decades – especially since 2001 – the national government’s role in education has grown significantly as a result of initiatives by Republican and Democratic administrations. Use the assigned resources to inform yourself about this role and the arguments of its supporters and critics.

POL 201 Week 2 DQ 2 Meet Your Rep.

Meet Your Rep . The Constitution states, “The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States…” (Art. I, Sec. 2). Contrast this with the original constitutional language for the other house of Congress, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six Years…” (Art. I, Sec. 3). The phrase “chosen by the Legislature” was changed to “elected by the people” by the 17th Amendment, but not until 1912. In other words, from the beginning the House of Representatives was intended to be exactly what its name suggests – representative of the people. (Note that in 2010 the Tea Party, and some Republican politicians, called for repeal of the 17th Amendment, eliminating the popular vote for Senators. While most Republican politicians have backed away from that view, many Tea Party chapters continue to demand its repeal.

POL 201 Week 2 Short Essay Policy-making in the Federal System.

Short Essay – Policy-making in the Federal System . The U. S. government’s expansive role in public policy is caught in a swirl of conflicting cross-currents. On the one hand, popular expectations about government’s responsibility to solve problems often exceed the capacity of state and local authorities to respond effectively. On the other hand, policies developed at the national level may not sufficiently reflect the great diversity of interests across the U. S. to be effective at the local level. Moreover, the search for effective policy is further complicated by theoretical debates about the constitutional framework of federalism, e. g., what limits on national power can be derived from the 10th Amendment?

POL 201 Week 3 DQ 1 Presidential Leadership and the Electoral College.

Presidential Leadership and the Electoral College . Americans expect their presidents to get things done, to solve problems, to govern effectively, and to be strong leaders. The framers of the Constitution did not envision such presidential leadership. A scholar of the presidency points out that Article II of the Constitution gives the president scant formal power to influence congressional policy-making (Simon, n. d.). He also notes that the framers intentionally designed a process for selecting presidents that would minimize their political power – the Electoral College. They hoped this institution would insulate the chief executive from the public because they feared the power of presidents who might be elected by the people. Therefore, the Constitution provides that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress…” Having state legislatures “appoint” the Electors who select the chief executive would minimize the president’s capacity to lead on the basis of his popular support. In a very real sense, the president would not be accountable to the people but rather to the state legislatures who appoint Electors. This procedure was also seen as a way to encourage the selection of statesmen with “characters preeminent for ability and virtue” rather than mere politicians with “talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity” (Hamilton, 1788).

POL 201 Week 3 DQ 2 Defense Spending and the Military-Industrial Complex.

Defense Spending and the Military-Industrial Complex . Levin-Waldman (2012, pp. 186-89) analyzes how “iron triangles” link Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups in self-serving relationships that influence policy in ways that are contrary to the public interest. In 1961, at the end of President Eisenhower’s second term, he gave a farewell address to the nation in which he warned of the dangers of a “military-industrial complex.” Many commentators today see the military-industrial complex as an example of an iron triangle that bloats the defense budget and distorts national priorities. Not everyone would accept this analysis, however, especially defense “hawks” in Congress, the military bureaucracies, and defense industries.

In your initial post of at least 200-250 words, briefly explain the iron triangle model of policy-making involving Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups. Analyze information about relationships among Congress, the military bureaucracies, and defense industries. Draw your own conclusion, and support it with facts and with persuasive reasoning, about the impact of these relationships on defense spending. Evaluate the accuracy of the iron triangle model as a basis for understanding the process of making defense spending policy.

POL 201 Week 4 DQ 1 The Supreme Court and Judicial Review.

The Supreme Court and Judicial Review . In a recent lecture at Yale University, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer cautioned that while most citizens assume that judicial review is an enduring part of American government, judges should not take it for granted. He advises that if judges wish to preserve this undemocratic power they should follow a judicial philosophy that will “build confidence in the courts” (Breyer, 2011). Justice Breyer goes on to describe the kind of judicial philosophy he has in mind. However, some of his colleagues on the Supreme Court would reject his ideas about what philosophy should guide judges.

The role of judicial philosophy (or ideology) in Supreme Court decision-making, especially in its exercise of judicial review to invalidate laws enacted by a democratically elected Congress or state legislature, has become a highly contentious issue both within the Court’s deliberations and in the larger political environment. As the nation becomes more divided over programs and policies that inevitably seem to come before the Supreme Court, politicians and ordinary citizens are caught up in rhetoric about judicial activism or judicial restraint, often with little understanding of what these terms really mean.

Moreover, as public perceptions of the Supreme Court become more politicized, the legitimacy of its power becomes clouded.

POL 201 Week 4 DQ 2 Habeas Corpus and the War on Terror.

Habeas Corpus and the War on Terror . Soon after the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Bush administration developed a plan for holding and interrogating prisoners captured during the conflict. They were sent to a prison inside a U. S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay on land leased from the government of Cuba. Since 2002, over 700 men have been detained at “GITMO.” Most have been released without charges or turned over to other governments. In 2011, Congress specifically prohibited the expenditure of funds to transfer GITMO prisoners to detention facilities in the continental United States, making it virtually impossible to try them in civilian courts. As of April 2012, 169 remained in detention at GITMO (Sutton, 2012).

An assumption made by the Bush administration in selecting this location was that it was beyond the jurisdiction of U. S. courts. The administration wanted to avoid any judicial oversight of how it handled detainees, characterized as “enemy combatants.” A possible legal challenge to indefinite detention with no formal charges or judicial proceedings might arise from the habeas corpus provision of the Constitution.

POL 201 Week 5 DQ 1 Party Platforms and Winning Elections.

Party Platforms and Winning Elections . Political parties mobilize voters to win elections and implement policy goals. Parties use their stated policy goals (i. e., their platforms) as a way to mobilize voter support. Generally, in order to be successful in a two-party system, parties must have policy goals across a broad range of issue areas to appeal to a broad range of voters.

For this discussion, you will identify one issue area that you want investigate. Use the resources required for this discussion to gather information about the goals and proposals, in that issue area, of three political parties – the Democratic and Republican parties and a third party.

POL 201 Week 5 DQ 2 Voting and Turnout.

Voting and Turnout . The U. S. has one of the lowest voter turnout rates among modern democratic political systems. One study ranks the U. S. 120th on a list of 169 nations compared on voter turnout (Pintor, Gratschew, & Sullivan, 2002). While during the last decade many initiatives have been undertaken to increase voter participation, concerns about the possibility of election fraud have also increased. Additionally, some political interests feel threatened by the increase in turnout among some traditionally low-turnout ethnic minorities.

Several states have recently passed legislation imposing new registration and identification requirements. This has sparked debate about whether these are tactics intended to suppress turnout or to prevent fraud.

Soon after the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Bush administration developed a plan for holding and interrogating captured prisoners. They were sent to a prison inside a U. S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, on land leased from the government of Cuba. Since 2002, over 700 men have been detained at “GITMO.” Most have been released without charges or turned over to other governments. In 2011, Congress specifically prohibited the expenditure of funds to transfer GITMO prisoners to detention facilities in the continental United States, making it virtually impossible to try them in civilian courts. As of April 2012, 169 remained in detention at GITMO (Sutton, 2012).

An assumption made by the Bush administration in selecting this location was that it was beyond the jurisdiction of U. S. courts. The administration wanted to avoid any judicial oversight of how it handled detainees, characterized as “enemy combatants.” A possible legal challenge to indefinite detention with no formal charges or judicial proceedings might arise from the habeas corpus provision of the Constitution.

POL 201 Week 5 Final Paper Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror.

The final assignment for this course is a Final Paper. The purpose of the Final Paper is to give you an opportunity to apply much of what you have learned about American national government to an examination of civil liberties in the context of the war on terror. The Final Paper represents 20% of the overall course grade.

Soon after the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Bush administration developed a plan for holding and interrogating captured prisoners. They were sent to a prison inside a U. S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, on land leased from the government of Cuba. Since 2002, over 700 men have been detained at “GITMO.” Most have been released without charges or turned over to other governments. In 2011, Congress specifically prohibited the expenditure of funds to transfer GITMO prisoners to detention facilities in the continental United States, making it virtually impossible to try them in civilian courts. As of April 2012, 169 remained in detention at GITMO (Sutton, 2012).

An assumption made by the Bush administration in selecting this location was that it was beyond the jurisdiction of U. S. courts. The administration wanted to avoid any judicial oversight of how it handled detainees, characterized as “enemy combatants.” A possible legal challenge to indefinite detention with no formal charges or judicial proceedings might arise from the habeas corpus provision of the Constitution.

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution states, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” Under this provision, persons detained by the government are entitled to a judicial hearing to determine if there is any legal basis for their detention. Some legal commentators refer to the right of habeas corpus as the “great writ of liberty” because it is a prisoner’s ultimate recourse to an impartial judge who can review the possibility that he is being held illegally by the executive (e. g., the police or the military). In nations that do not honor habeas corpus, people simply disappear into prisons without ever having their day in court.

Several controversial Supreme Court cases have come out of GITMO. One fundamental question that has been debated, but not clearly resolved, is to what extent the war on terror justifies the President’s indefinite detention of “enemy combatants” without the possibility of the minimal judicial review protected by habeas corpus? Another issue in the debate is to what extent Congress must clearly authorize the President to conduct extra-judicial detentions in order for them to be legal? In 2008, the Supreme Court’s decision in Boumediene v. Bush offered some answers to these questions. However, the deeply divided 5-4 Court and the likelihood of the protracted nature of the war on terror suggest that debate around these important questions will continue. Writing the Final Paper in this course will prepare you to participate intelligently as a citizen in this ongoing debate. Write an essay about the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror. Your essay should address the following subtopics:

The general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U. S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties. The historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. Examples from U. S. history of the “suspension” of habeas corpus and their applicability to the present. The relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U. S. situation during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by the President as “enemy combatants” or “illegal combatants.” The U. S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the right of habeas corpus with respect to “enemy combatants” or “illegal combatants” (i. e., the views of the five justices making up the majority in Boumediene v. Bush as well as the views of the four dissenting justices). Your evaluation of various perspectives on this topic expressed by justices of the Supreme Court, leaders in other branches of government, and commentators in both the academic and popular media. Your assessment should consider several perspectives on this topic, including : The role of the President as commander-in-chief. The role of Congress in determining when habeas corpus can be “suspended.” The role of the Supreme Court in protecting civil liberties, including the judicial philosophy which should guide the Court in this role, and Your personal philosophy, values or ideology about the balance between civil liberties and national security in the context of an unending war on terror.

Follow these requirements when writing the Final Paper:

The body of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) must be at least 1,500 words long. The paper must start with a short introductory paragraph which includes a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement must tell readers what the essay will demonstrate. The paper must end with a short paragraph that states a conclusion. The conclusion and thesis must be consistent. The paper must logically develop the thesis in a way that leads to the conclusion, and that development must be supported by facts, fully explained concepts and assertions, and persuasive reasoning. The paper must address all subtopics outlined above. At least 20% of the essay must focus on subtopic 6, above (your evaluation of arguments about the topic).

PPA 605 (Negotiation Bargaining & Conflict Management) Entire Course.

Follow Link Below To Get Tutorial.

Elements of Negotiation and Bargaining Skills.

Discuss the following statements then respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts.

Discuss the Five Elements of Negotiations and provide at least one example of how each are used in the negotiation process. Identify the Five Negotiation Skills needed in order to perform successful negotiations. Define Rational Choice theory and discuss how it relates to the negotiation process. Discuss how the Dual-Concern Model and Big Five Personality Dimensions facilitate recognizing bargaining styles and how such styles impact behaviors and strategies in a negotiation.

The Negotiation Process: Four Stages.

Discuss the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Define the Four Stages of the Negotiation Process and discuss what changes have taken place in the negotiation tactics since the 1950s. Explain why the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) is important in preparing the negotiation. Discuss the difference between tangible and intangible priorities and why ground rules are important when both parties are amenable to negotiate. Discuss whether the Good Guy / Bad Guy Routine is useful in negotiations; whether impasses are fatal to negotiations; and if arbitration is a sign that negotiations have failed.

Discuss two of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Define and explain the purpose of the Five Distributive Bargaining Negotiation Skills. Discuss the “Zone of Possible Agreement” (ZOPA) and why some experienced negotiators consider it critically important to make the opening offer. Define the following terms: relational information, substantive information, equality norm, and equity norm and explain how they relate to the distributive bargaining process.

Discuss two of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Try to respond to students who pick different statements.

Discuss the differences between integrative and distributive bargaining and the conditions in which either or both are used in the negotiation process. Describe Thompson’s Pyramid Model and its relationship to parties in bargaining situations, and why it is useful to the integrative bargaining process. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Categorization and Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) Methods and which method you would be more likely to use in a negotiating situation and why. Discuss the purpose that Full, Open-Throttle Negotiations (FOTN) serves in bargaining; why recognition of establishing value for the long-term relationship is a positive approach to beginning the negotiations process; and asking circular questions and packaging issues are helpful in the negotiations. Explain why Mary Parker Follet’s example of two sisters cutting an orange in half is a classic model of poor integrative negotiations.

Gaining Leverage in Negotiations.

Discuss two of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Try to respond to students who pick different statements.

Define the terms power and leverage and what is the most essential source of bargaining strategy in any negotiation process. Define French and Raven’s Five Sources of Power (1956) and provide an example of how each is effectively used in a negotiating situation. Discuss why it is useful to convince others of the strength of your BATNA and how shakers and auditors can negotiate effectively. Explain how the lack of ethos can derail negotiations; why humor is considered a value in persuasive negotiations; and facial expressions considered relevant to effective negotiations.

Discuss one of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ who chose the other statement.

Discuss the Five Negotiation Strategies for Various Situations. Think about a situation in your life or work in which you need to choose a negotiation strategy. First answer the questions below regarding the “key elements” of the situation, i. e., time, information, and power, and then answer the strategy questions which can help you select a preferred overall strategy to use as you start negotiating. Is there a deadline that will affect the timing of your bargaining? What is your BATNA and demonstrate how it is calculated? What is your best estimate of the other party’s BATNA? Is your BATNA your starting or walk-away point? What other information do you need to collect before you start the negotiation? Is the power between the two sides balanced or who appears to initially have the advantage? If several economic issues are involved, could you develop a MESO or Economic Matrix of alternatives to offer to the other side? Will negotiations primarily focus on one number, such as price, and thus, should you consider a strategy of “Increments of Concession?”

Impasse and Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR)

Discuss two of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Try to respond to students who picked different statements.

Define what is meant by the term, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and discuss the differences, advantages and disadvantages between arbitration and mediation. Discuss the following statutes that govern the arbitration of disputes: Taft-Hartley Act 1947; Railway Labor Act (RLA) 1926; and the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) 1925. Outline the procedures in arbitration and mediations. Also describe the roles of the arbitrator and the mediator in the negotiation and bargaining process. Describe the roles and functions of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) and the procedures involved when parties have reached an impasse and are in need of an alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Discuss two of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Try to respond to students who picked different statements.

Discuss how skills in ethics, fairness, and trust can be a part of the negotiation process even though some negotiation tactics challenge those values. Identify the Five Bases for Trust and explain why they are important in the negotiation process. Describe Kant’s Ethics of Principle and Mill’s Ethics of Consequences philosophies and discuss which theory you would be more incline to use in a negotiating situation. Discuss the Functionalist Model, Mutual Trust Principle, and the test for meeting procedural fairness of a negotiation.

Assume the role of one of the five parties in the case as you form your answers. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

What reasons do you have for remaining with the negotiations at this point? Describe three tactics you can use after agreement is reached and your bargaining partner asks for one more thing. Detail the parts, i. e., elements of an agreement template and explain why it helped you in this negotiation. Identify an ideological issue in this negotiation and explain why it is more difficult than financial negotiations to resolve.

Answer the following questions and apply the Five Negotiation Skills to an actual negotiation case. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

How would an agreement template facilitate closing this deal? How can you react to the particular demand for limiting your time at the site, which is totally unacceptable, but not risk losing the deal? What technique can you sue to move Ms. White past her apparent problems with your engagement? How can you avoid the psychological trap of agreeing to an arrangement guaranteed to just to keep this client? What techniques can you use during this impromptu negotiation to build a relationship with Ms. White?

Discuss two the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Try to respond to students who picked different statements.

Describe the Five Negotiation Skills in Closing the Deal and indicate how you would, or have used them in an actual bargaining and negotiation situation specifying the issues, actors, and outcomes. Explain the purpose of an agreement template and why a written agreement best serves to generate commitment to the agreement. Discuss why silence can be an effective response to a request for a last-minute concession and when the nickel-and-diming approach can be utilized most effectively. Discuss the emotional issues that may cause stalemates; sources of conflict spirals; psychological entrapments; difficulties in managing ideologically-based conflicts; and why sequential decision-making processes are helpful in resolving decision-making conflicts.

Review the Learning Exercise: Settling a Lawsuit in Chapter 8, page 218 of your text. Discuss two of the following statements then respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Try to respond to students who picked different statements.

Discuss the ethical values you would use in this negotiation and the criteria you would use to make decisions. Discuss how you would determine whether the negotiation is conducted with substantive fairness. Identify what concealment behaviors would be ethical and unethical in this negotiation. Describe the manner in which you would determine if you are using fair procedures and creating trust in this negotiation case.

The Influences of Culture and Gender on Negotiations.

Discuss two of the following statement. Assume the role of one of the five parties in the GLOBE Project Study case as you form your answers. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

Select two of the dimensions of culture, identified by either Hofstede or the GLOBE Project Study, and discuss how best to negotiate a deal favorable to an organization’s relationship in an Eastern European and an Asian country. Select two clusters from the GLOBE Project Study groups and describe how the history and traditions of those countries’ clusters are reflected in their cultural dimensions. Indicate how this information can help you in the negotiation process. Explain why in Cross-Cultural Negotiations, the heuristic of availability is a culturally significant bias in a negotiation to sell a computer in a highly feminine society. Discuss the differences between promotion focus, prevention focus and shadow negotiation, and which type is a negotiator from a collectivist society more likely to have, and why?

PPA 605 Complete Course Assignment.

PPA 605 Week 1 Assignment House for Rent.

You have been relocated by your employer to a new city for an assignment that will probably last for two years. You do not want to sell your home – a four-bedroom, two-bath Tudor – so you decide to rent it. A friend of yours in real estate has a potential lessee for you to meet. He is a 30-something single doctor beginning a two-year residency in the local hospital. You have some concerns about a single guy living in your house and taking care of it the way you would, but you agree to meet with him and possibly negotiate a lease. You must address the following:

Describe the interested parties and their prospective goals in this negotiation. Analyze the parties’ dependencies and motivations and propose four options in this negotiation so that all parties’ goals are met. Discusses a bargaining behavior of a skilled negotiator that would be most advantageous to you in this negotiation. Explains why collaboration is the only bargaining style applicable to this negotiation, and identify the collaborative goals. Identify if any of the participants entered the negotiations with a cognitive bias. Discuss the implications. Your paper should be four - to - five - pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and utilize three to four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Be sure to cite your sources within the body of your paper and on the reference page.

PPA 605 Week 2 Assignment.

Imagine you are a public administrator who has just been promoted to a higher position but must relocate to another city and purchase a different home. Using the five distributing bargaining skills, present the steps and various aspects you would consider implementing in buying a house. Be sure to address the following:

Analyze the bargaining situation and whether or not it is distributive. If so, determine the reservation price. Present the initial offer you would make and apply bracketing to achieve your target price of $310,000. Indicate and frame the norms you would utilize in presenting your initial offer.

Your paper should be four - to - five - pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and utilize three to four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Be sure to cite your sources within the body of your paper and on the reference page.

PPA 605 Week 3 Assignment.

Leveraging Power from BATNA.

Review the Learning Exercise: Unhappy Co-Owners and address the following:

Assuming your Best Alternative to a Negotiating Agreement (BATNA) is letting a court sell the property, discuss how it may help you reach an agreement. Recommend other strategies that you could use to accomplish a successful negotiation. Discuss your power sources and your co-owner’s power sources in this negotiation, and analyze how you can strengthen your power position. Propose a logical and an emotional argument to persuade your co-owner to agree to a deal. Describe a nonverbal communication technique that you will use to persuade your co-owner that your proposal is a win-win proposition. Describe a threat you can make that would force your co-owner to make concessions.

Your paper should be four to five pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and utilize three to four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Be sure to cite your sources within the body of your paper and on the reference page.

PPA 605 Week 4 Assignment.

The Common Driveway Case.

After reading Chapter 7 in the text, address the following in a four - to five-page paper that is formatted according to APA style:

Explain whether the dispute is at an impasse or not and if any party is experiencing any settlement pressures. Discuss the use of arbitration or mediation if the negotiation between the Wilsons and Greens reaches an impasse. Should they consider arbitration or mediation to resolve their differences? Why or why not? Analyze other hybrid forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that are available and should be considered if negotiations fail to produce a settlement.

Your paper should be four to five pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and utilize three to four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Be sure to cite your sources within the body of your paper and on the reference page.

The book is negotiating essentials by carrel m. R & amp; heavrin c I don’t have the book and can you # the pages.

PPA 605 Week 5 Assignment.

Withholding Information Case.

Read the Withholding Information Case on pages 193-194 and address the following:

Identify ethical systems that may guide the parties to a negotiation. Examine the substantive fairness of the negotiation. Examine the procedural fairness of the negotiation. Differentiate between concealment behaviors in negotiations that are ethical and those that are unethical among the parties in the negotiation. Evaluate how the parties can learn to create trust in a one-shot negotiation and in a long-term negotiation relationship.

Your paper should be four to five pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and utilize three to four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Be sure to cite your sources within the body of your paper and on the reference page.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

PPA 605 Final paper (Bargaining and negotiation situation)

Consider a real life bargaining and negotiation situation that involves two parties and the multiple issues to be negotiated that has already occurred, currently in progress, or will occur in the near future in your personal life or at work. Be sure to address the following:

Describe the situation and negotiation environment. Identify the parties (e. g., yourself, the persons on your side, and/or the opposing parties) including the bargaining positions. Present the type of third party intervention and procedures if required, (e. g., arbitration or mediation). Explain how the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) is derived. Evaluate the theoretical models, methods, sources of power, and analytical procedures required to be utilized in the negotiation process. Examine the mechanics of the procedures in terms of framing, packaging, use of questions, and types of proposals. Assess the strategies utilized and the results achieved and/or anticipated in the settlement.

Must be 10 double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Title, reference, and any exhibits or appendices are not counted in the paper length. Must include a cover page that includes: Name of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion paragraph that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford University Library. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must be written in the third person.

PROJ 410 Contract and Procurement Entire Course.

PROJ 410 Contract and Procurement Entire Course.

PROJ410 Week1 DQ1 Procurement in Projects.

PROJ410 Week1 DQ2 Contract vs Project Management.

PROJ410 Week2 DQ1 Contract Pricing Options.

PROJ410 Week2 DQ2 Project Control.

PROJ410 Week3 DQ1 RFP Requirements.

PROJ410 Week3 DQ2 RFP Evaluations.

PROJ410 Week4 DQ1 Evaluation Criteria.

PROJ410 Week4 DQ2 Bid Duration.

PROJ410 Week5 DQ1 Human Resource Transitioning.

PROJ410 Week5 DQ2 Globalization and Procurement.

PROJ410 Week6 DQ1 Contract Dispute Resolution.

PROJ410 Week6 DQ2 Benchmarking.

PROJ410 Week7 DQ1 Renegotiation and Termination.

PROJ410 Week7 DQ2 Contract Close.

PROJ410 Week 2 Quiz.

PROJ410 Week 3 Case Study.

PROJ410 Week 4 MidTerm Exam.

PROJ410 Week 6 Case Study.

PROJ410 Week8 Final Exam.

PROJ 410 Final Exam Solution 100 % Correct Answers.

PROJ 410 Final Exam Solution 100 % Correct Answers.

(TCO 1 & 4) What would facilitate a business process outsourcing transition quickly and maintain some consistency in the organization? (Points : 5)

allow the outsourced firm autonomy to create its own policies and procedures with no regard for the project’s goals.

quickly lay off all employees.

retain key employees through transition.

sidestep the RFP process because it takes too long.

(TCO 4) Under this pricing contract, the buyer pays the seller’s actual costs and a fixed fee determined as a percentage of the estimated project costs. (Points : 5)

(TCO 7) Which step(s) should a buyer take to evaluate the seller’s proposal? (Points : 5)

Establish a scoring system.

Weigh each evaluation criterion.

Select key evaluation criteria.

Tudo acima.

(TCO 5) Negotiations in a BPO agreement are largely determined by which factor? (Points : 5)

The underlying objectives of each of the parties.

The scope of services being outsourced.

The relative bargaining positions of the parties.

All of the above are factors that determine negotiations.

(TCO 6) Employee morale and expectations, buyer’s precedent, service level desired by the buyer, and the efficient delivery of services by the seller are all _____. (Points : 5)

reasons affecting the human resource transfer decision.

reasons to outsource human resources.

reasons to maintain the business process in-house.

reasons to exclude offshoring contractors from bidding on an RFP.

(TCO 3) Which is not a key component in the project procurement management process? (Points : 5)

Request for proposal.

Plan purchases and acquisitions.

(TCO 6) What are some steps to take when communicating with employees that outsourcing will take place in the company? (Points : 10) (TCO 2 & 6) What typically gets outsourced and what would be the benefits to outsourcing the items listed? Please list and discuss six reasons. (Points : 10) (TCO 9) What happens after a renegotiation? Por que isso acontece? (Points : 10) (TCO 8 & 9) What is benchmarking? Give two examples with which you are familiar, and tell why benchmarking is useful in outsourcing. (Points : 10)

(TCO 8) What is a performance standard and how is this agreed upon? Recommend the components that would need to be included and why. (Points : 30) (TCO 5) What laws should an organization consult before, during, and after a BPO? Describe two of the laws and how you would include this in a presentation to executives. (Points : 30) (TCO 5 & 7) List and describe five components of a BPO. Then summarize why each of the items that you chose are important to the BPO process. (Points : 30) (TCO 2 & 5) Describe in detail how the negotiation process works when this process is done correctly. Then convince the executive team that the legal team has to be represented in the negotiation process. (Points : 30) (TCO 8 & 10) What is early termination? Give an example and then discuss how can this be avoided or minimized. Persuade the legal team that the verbiage to accomplish this needs to be included in the BPO agreement. (Points : 30) (TCO 5 & 6) What are some considerations when a company will be transferring employees to the outsourcer? Anticipate issues that will be brought up by the employees and the responses that the company will provide. (Points : 30)

ProJ 410 Final Exam Set No : 2.

(TCO 1) A cost-plus-percentage-fee contract is a: _______. (Points : 5)

cost-reimbursable contract, the seller pays the buyer’s actual costs, and a percentage of the total project costs.

cost-reimbursable contract, the seller pays the buyer’s actual costs, and all of the total project costs.

cost-reimbursable contract, the buyer pays the seller’s actual costs, and a percentage of the total project costs.

cost-reimbursable contract, the seller pays the buyer’s actual costs, and none of the total project costs.

(TCO 2) The difference between the project manager and contract administrator is: ______.

the project manager is responsible for the project-related coordination, while the contract manager is responsible for administering the contract.

the contract administrator has the authority to make all contract-related decisions, like approving a change order. The project manager does not have this level of authority.

the project manager is responsible for the administering of the contract, while the contract manager is responsible for project-related coordination.

the project manager has the authority to make all contract-related decisions, like approving a change order. The contract administrator does not have this level of authority.

(TCO 3) Which is a key component in the project procurement management process? (Points : 5)

RFI Request for Issue.

RFP Request for Proposal.

RFB Request for Buy.

RFC Request for Contract.

(TCO 2) Senior management typically has different reasons for issuing the directive to outsource than management responsible for the business process. Senior management typically decides to evaluate outsourcing because: ______. (Points : 5)

there is a means to focus more resources on business process strategy.

there is a means to focus less resources on business process strategy.

there is an effort to decrease performance.

there is an organization-wide directive to downsize or cut costs.

(TCO ) When notifying third parties in a transition plan, who would not need to be notified? (Points : 5)

Government or regulatory authorities.

(TCO ) In International contracts, which industry-specific question does not need to be asked? (Points : 5)

Which country’s standards are used?

What regulatory authorities are called into question?

What regulations are specific to the business process operations?

What notice requirements or approvals are needed before and after a contract signing?

If a contract is seen through its full term, list two items that should be completed as part of contract close-out? What is a close out manager? Why is deliverable acceptance documents so important?

(TCO 8) What are the two ways to rank the seller’s proposals before selecting a seller? (Points : 12)

(TCO 6) Sometimes, a seller is selected based solely on lowest price. However, sometimes this is not always the most efficient or effective way of selecting a seller. What are some of the other evaluation criteria that a buyer may use to help select a seller? (Points : 12)

What are some of the common techniques used for establishing service levels?

(TCO ) What is benchmarking? Please support your answer. Defend the cost of benchmarking in an industry. (Points : 30)

(TCO ) What happens when there is a failure in an SLA? Use an example to analyze a failure in an SLA and how important SLAs are to the buyer in a BPO contract agreement. (Points : 30)

(TCO ) What are the elements of a Request for Proposal (RFP)? Please list and discuss five of the elements. (Points : 10)

(TCO ) Part 1: Discuss the following types of contract pricing: (a) fixed price, (b) cost-plus price, (c) time & materials, and (d) unit price. Part 2: Explain the appropriate utilization of each contract pricing type and the impact of risk to the contracting parties. Part 3: What type of contract pricing structure misaligns the buyer’s motivations with the seller’s? (Points : 30)

(TCO ) List and describe five components of a BPO. Then summarize why each of the items that you chose are important to the BPO process. (Points : 30)

What does the outsourcing of the HR function involve? What are pros and cons of HR Outsourcing? What do you think are three critical considerations that you must include in the implementation plan for this outsourcing transition?

PROJ 430 Advanced Program Management Entire Course.

PROJ 430 Advanced Program Management Entire Course.

PROJ-430 Advanced Project Management – All 7 Weeks Discussions, A+ Material (PROJ430 PROJ 430)

PROJ430 Week 1 DQ1 Project & Functional Manager Differences.

PROJ430 Week 1 DQ2 Projects and Organizational Structures.

PROJ430 Week 2 DQ1 The Project Kick-Off.

PROJ430 Week 2 DQ2 Project Planning Documents.

PROJ430 Week 3 DQ1 Scheduling Techniques.

PROJ430 Week 3 DQ2 Adjusting the Project Schedule.

PROJ430 Week 4 DQ1 Quality Management.

PROJ430 Week 4 DQ2 Project Staffing.

PROJ430 Week 5 DQ1 Project Risks.

PROJ430 Week 5 DQ2 Procurement.

PROJ430 Week 6 DQ1 Project Conflict.

PROJ430 Week 6 DQ2 Variance.

PROJ430 Week 7 DQ1 Managing Project Trade-Offs.

PROJ430 Week 7 DQ2 Change Management.

PROJ430 Week 1 Checkpoint Solution (Jones and Shephard Accountants (Chapter 3, pp 138 – 140)

Provide a synopsis of the Jones and Shephard case. Highlight three enterprise management causes/considerations and three project management causes/considerations for the situation. Include what seemed to be missing. Consider that you are the systems manager who is now responsible for redesigning the organizational structure. What areas need to be addressed for the transition and how will they benefit the company? How will you interact with the upper managers in the company? How do you make this a transition with the least impact on the employees and the customers? How should the transition to a new project management operation be accomplished? Consider what the enterprise should need to know about project management and the new structure. How much time do you recommend for the transition to the matrix organizations? Be sure to include your rationale. What other organizational changes should be made? How do you work with the manager of operations to gain his/her support for your organizational changes?

PROJ430 Week 2 Checkpoint The Trophy Project (Chapter 5, pp 264 – 266) 100% Correct Answers.

Provide a synopsis of the Trophy Project case study. Highlight your observations about the project. Did the project appear to be planned correctly? Why or why not? Relate your answers to the expected documents for proper project planning. Citing evidence from the case, do you think functional management teams were committed to the project? What evidence do you have from the case study to substantiate your views? Citing evidence from the case, do you think senior management managers were supportive and committed? What evidence do you have from the case study to substantiate your views? O que você teria feito diferente?

PROJ430 Week 3 Checkpoint Habitat for Humanity – Simulation.

When the project first started, you were asked to order the tasks to build the WBS. How did you decide the order tasks should appear in for the WBS? In a typical project, how do you think a WBS should be created, and what stakeholders or team members should be involved? What challenges did you face during the simulation, and what solutions did you propose? Indicate any research that you did In order to gain your own knowledge about remodeling a bathroom and how it helped you. When faced with the challenges, what information did you use to make your decision, and what tradeoffs did you contemplate? How did your decisions impact the project’s critical path? How was the critical path impacted as you tried different options? Based on the simulation and on what we discussed this week in class, what additional information or resources would have helped you make better project decisions?

PROJ430 Week 4 Checkpoint The Reluctant Workers (Chapter 6, Page 294) 100% Correct Answers.

Tim Aston had a normal expectation to be the “best project manager” in his new assignment. What seems to have caused him to change his outlook? What approaches would you take to improve communications between Tim and the team members? If you were in Tim’s position and were listening to his manager, Phil Davies, refer more than one time to the average age of the staff, what would be your reaction? How would you use this information to improve your working relationships with the staff? Tim seems positioned to respect the customer’s wishes to attend a test. How would you (as his manager) counsel him about honoring or rejecting that request? Support your answer with examples of managing customer relations. Phil Davies said, “…people think that they come first and that the project is second.” What message is he really conveying? What does Tim seem to be missing in his next statement or reply?

PROJ430 Week 5 Checkpoint Crosby Manufacturing Corporation (Chapter 12, pp. 552 – 554) 100% Correct Answers.

Livingston made some mistakes initially. Describe at least two of them and provide how you would handle the situations. How do you think the functional employees feel? Support how you might feel if you were in their position by citing points from the case study? Are there any other alternatives? Explain at least three alternatives. Explain your thoughts about the appointment of Tim Emary as project manager. Consider what is expected of a project manager and senior managers’ support for projects. How long do you think it should take to develop a detailed project schedule and why? Is a completion date in as short as 18 months realistic? Why or why not? Analyze this question using the information from Exhibit 12-2 (Typical schedule in months). Explain what other areas may suffer as time constraints increase.

PROJ430 Week 6 Checkpoint The Bathtub Period (Chapter 15, pp. 708 – 709) 100% Correct Answers.

Should Jerry go to the General Manager? Why or why not? Think back to what is expected of a project manager and the project charter. Should the key people be supported on overhead? Why or why not? If this were a cost-plus program, would you consider approaching the customer with your problem in hopes of relief? Why or why not? If you were the customer of this cost-plus program, what would your response be for additional funds for the bathtub period, assuming cost overrun? Why or why not? Would your previous answer change if the program had the money available as a result of being under budget? Why or why not? How do you prevent this situation from recurring on all yearly follow-on contracts?

PROJ430 Week 7 Checkpoint 100% Correct Answers.

Will project management work in all companies? Why or why not? Provide examples of companies or industries to support your answer. Consider a project in which all project planning is performed by a group. After all planning is completed, including the program plan and schedule, a project manager is selected. Is there anything wrong with this arrangement? The director of project management calls you into his office and informs you that one of your fellow project managers had a severe heart attack midway through a project. You will be taking over his project, which is well behind schedule and overrunning costs. The director of project management then “orders” you to complete the project within time and cost. How do you propose to do it? Por onde você começa? Should you shut down the project to re-plan it? Do cost overruns just happen, or are they caused? Once the functional manager and project manager agree on a project schedule, who is responsible for getting the work performed? Who is accountable for getting the work performed? Why the difference, if any?

PROJ430 All Weeks Course Project on Customer Care Website Implementation.

Course Project: Final Report.

Each student in Advanced Project Management (PROJ430) will choose a project that will be used to develop various documents that are developed and used throughout the project lifecycle. The project documents will be completed and submitted in eight parts due in each week throughout the course.

The topic you select should be a project that will take between six months to two years to complete. Choose a business or community related project topic in which you are interested, and have knowledge, to make it easier for you to complete these assignments.

The intent of the Course Project is that the project will be sufficiently complex to require consideration of a number of project management issues. In completing the sample project documents for this course, consider the full breadth of the project work required, but remember that you will develop the details to a lesser depth than would be required in reality.

As a reminder, your project topic MUST be a business or community-related project topic. This will allow you to complete all sections of the project. Try to find a project at your workplace or community organization that you can use as a basis for completing these assignments.

You should keep in mind that your project must meet all of the characteristics of a project:

A specific and defined objective A defined life span with a definitive start and a definitive end Involving multiple departmental organizations and professional staff members Doing something unique, not having been done before Defined and specific schedule, budget, and quality/performance requirements.

Information and Activities.

1 Initiate, Define, and Organize Your Project.

Establish the project organization, Define Project Parameters, and Plan the Project Office and Framework.

This week, you are defining and organizing your project. This is the first step in analyzing your concept by gathering information needed for all the project documents that are created during the Project Management process. Often an organization will require months to complete this work. For this course project, you will be creating sample documents that give you an idea or example of the type of information needed to create similar types of project deliverables.

Download the Course_Project_Week_1.docx from Doc Sharing to start this assignment. The Course_Project_Week_1.docx template contains all the sections that you will need to complete, including instructions to help you work through this part of the course project. You will submit this deliverable to the Week 1 Course Project Dropbox.

2 Continue to Define and Organize Your Project, and Start the Planning.

Define How the Project Team Will Work Together, and Define Major Deliverables and Milestones.

This week, you are continuing to define and organize your project. Your focus will be on the project team (members and team organizational structure), and how the team will function. You will also define and describe the major project deliverables (and sub-deliverables) and milestones.

Download the Course_Project_Week_2.docx from Doc Sharing to start this assignment. The Course_Project_Week_2.docx template contains all the sections that you will need to complete, including instructions to help you work through this part of the course project. You will submit this deliverable to the Week 2 Course Project Dropbox.

3 Define WBS and Work Packages.

Develop the WBS with Schedule, Resources, and Costs using Microsoft Project.

This week, you will be using Microsoft Project to develop the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and work packages for your course project. You will also be developing the project schedule and project budget. You can access Microsoft Project from theiLab under Course Home.

You will submit your Microsoft Project file to the Week 3 Course Project Dropbox.

4 Plan your Project by Analyzing Resources.

Analyze Resources and Optimize Trade-offs.

This week, your focus is on resource planning. This includes work resources (people) and material resources. Being thorough and complete is very important, and you need to analyze if you identified all the resources you need and the workloads for each. You will use your Microsoft Project file to perform the analysis and complete this week’s assignment. You can access Microsoft Project from the iLab under Course Home.

Download the Course_Project_Week_4.docx from Doc Sharing to start this assignment. The Course_Project_Week_4.docx template contains all the sections that you will need to complete, including instructions to help you work through this part of the course project. You will submit this deliverable to the Week 4 Course Project Dropbox.

5 Plan your Project by Analyzing Project Risks.

Develop a Risk Management Plan.

This week, you will develop a risk management plan for your course project. This portion of the planning process includes analyzing potential risks that could impact the project, determining who is responsible to manage the risk, and what actions should be taken to minimize the risk.

Download the Course_Project_Week_5.docx from Doc Sharing to start this assignment. The Course_Project_Week_5.docx template contains all the sections that you will need to complete, including instructions to help you work through this part of the course project. You will submit this deliverable to the Week 5 Course Project Dropbox.

6 Plan your Project by Defining how to Track, Manage, and Report Project Status.

Collect Status Information and Plan how to Take Corrective Actions.

This week’s focus is on project information. As a project manager, you will need to keep your finger on the pulse of the project. You need to identify the information that you are monitoring, collecting, analyzing, and reporting. Based on the information, you and others will need to make decisions regarding the project.

Download the Course_Project_Week_6.docx from Doc Sharing to start this assignment. The Course_Project_Week_6.docx template contains all the sections that you will need to complete, including instructions to help you work through this part of the course project. You will submit this deliverable to the Week 6 Course Project Dropbox.

Close out the Project and Archive Project Documents.

This week’s focus is project closure, with the assumption that your project will go through execution as planned and will be formally closed. While the project has been the project manager’s focus since project initialization, it is also very important for the project manager to help transition team members back to their functional organizations as well as assure that all project documentation is archived. A significant final deliverable of the project is a Lessons Learned document and meeting.

Download the Course_Project_Week_7.docx from Doc Sharing to start this assignment. The Course_Project_Week_7.docx template contains all the sections that you will need to complete, including instructions to help you work through this part of the course project. You will submit this deliverable to the Week 7 Course Project Dropbox.

Formal Report that is a Compilation of All Planning Documents from Weeks 1-7 plus Change Management.

The Final Report for your Course Project will be a formal report that you will present to the Project Sponsor (your Professor). You will be using the information that you have been preparing each week of the course. You will prepare the report using excellent report writing skills and with content that would be read by an executive of an enterprise. Now is the time to organize and present the information in a way that is understandable and meaningful to your Project Sponsor.

Write the report as though the Project Sponsor is reading the planning details for the first time. You have prepared information each week during the course, and that information will form the foundation for this report. For the Final Report, you should augment that information with further explanations to facilitate the comprehension of what you are presenting. You will need to demonstrate in your report that you have thought through all that is required to manage your project successfully. Continued funding and resource assignments will depend on how well you have planned, estimated, and communicated all aspects of your project. You will submit your final report to the Week 8 Course Project Dropbox. See the course Syllabus for Due Date requirements.

Submit your Assignments to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these Step-by-Step Instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

Concise, no more than a half to three quarters of a page.

The information for each of these sections comes from what has been developed in Weeks 1 – 7 plus Change Management. It needs to be organized according to the course textbooks and the PMBOK Knowledge Areas.

Report contains more content than the Weeks 1 – 7 submissions. It reflects further explanation to demonstrate your communication skills.

Gestão de Recursos Humanos.

Conclusion and Recommendations.

Concise, no more than a half to three quarters of a page.

Format and writing quality: Title Page, Page Numbers, Headers, Font Type and Size, Length, and APA Compliance.

Report is formatted using this Rubric as a guide for content and sections. Tone addresses the Project Sponsor directly and professionally.

Table of Contents shows each section with at least two outline levels. Each section is clearly labeled in the body of the report.

Core report length 1,500-2,000 words (no limits on appendices, charts, graphs, supporting documentation). Report is APA-compliant with accurate in-text citations supporting full citations on the reference page.

Report contains no spelling, grammar, typographical, or formatting errors; all links functional; graphics and charts are clear and legible. Writing quality is excellent – clear, organized, and professional.

A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

The following are best practices in preparing this paper.

Cover Page: Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date. Table of Contents: List the main ideas and sections of the paper and the pages where they are located. Illustrations should be included separately. Executive Summary: Use a header on your paper. This will indicate that you are introducing the paper.

Introduce the subject and why the subject is important; Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered; and Establish the tone of the document.

Include in the executive summary a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you will cover and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer in each assignment.)

Body of the Report: Use a header with the name of the project. An example is, “The Development of Hotel X: A World Class Resort.” Proceed to break out the main ideas: State the main ideas, the major points of each idea, and provide evidence. Show some type of division, such as separate, labeled sections; separate groups of paragraphs; or headers. Include the information you found during your research and investigation. Summary and Conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and the major support points from the body of the report; minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they effect the subject. Work Cited: Use the citation format specified in the Syllabus.

Additional hints on preparing the best possible project follow.

Apply a three step process to writing: plan, write, and complete. Prepare an outline of the research paper before going forward. Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required. Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of the report. Examples include graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts.

PROJ 586 Week 1 Course Project – SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT.

Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial.

For this project you may choose one that is of interest to you, or you may choose a project from one in the list below. When selecting a project of interest to you, avoid picking one that is either too big or too small. For example, do not decide to build a new stadium for your local sports team (too big) or to plant your summer garden (too small). Select a project that you can relate to and have some experience with. Projects may vary from a few hundred thousand dollars to a few million dollars. Projects should last somewhere between six months and two years. To ensure you are on the right track, be sure to get your instructor’s permission of another project (other than the list below) “before” writing a project charter.

Some successful project ideas:

The opening of a coffee shop Creation of a local social service agency A meditation pool and platform A redevelopment of a local playground Design and installation of a computer network for a small business Software development project.

PROJ 592 Week 2 Course Project.

Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial.

Course Project Part 1 — Due Friday Jan 15 For Part 1 of the Course Project, assume you have been appointed project manager of a new project for your organization. Your first assignment is to create a scope statement and WBS for this project. Course Project > Guidelines Objectives This Course Project will provide you with practical experience in applying the skills, tools, and methodologies contained in the coursework for PROJ592. You will be generating a detailed project plan, including a project scope statement, work breakdown structure, schedule, cost estimates, and corrective action plans. In Part 1 (CP-1), you will select a project that requires sufficient detail to demonstrate your understanding of course concepts and provide a scope statement and WBS for this project. In Part 2 (CP-2), you will be provided other details for a new project.

In Part 3 (CP-3), you will create corrective actions plans for a project. The Course Project requires modest use of Microsoft Project software that is available from the Student Software Store under Course Home. You may use either the 2010 or the 2013 version of MS Project–the differences are minor and do not impact the assignment. See also the Project Management Highlight Videos and tutorials rom the Student Resources tab to help you with the Course Project assignment. Guidelines Course Project Part 1— due on Friday Jan 15 . For Part 1 of the Course Project, assume you have been appointed project manager of a new project for your organization. Your first assignment is to create a scope statement and WBS for this project. For this part of the Course Project, you select a project of your choosing. This selected project will be used in Project Part 1 and Project Part 2. Select a project of personal interest. For example, select a project where you can identify realistic cost and scheduling concerns. Opening a small retail storefront or a franchise is one example. When selecting your project, keep in mind the goal of CP-1 is to create a scope statement and WBS.

In Project Part 2 , you will need to create a budget and schedule for this project. Choose something relatively straightforward. For example, simple start-ups, such as pizza or fast-food franchises, work well because information is readily available. It is preferred that you do NOT pick remodeling a house, but building a house or flipping a house is acceptable. The CP-1 Project Proposal will be structured with the following sections. Cover page including assignment, project title, course, and student contact information Executive summary that summarizes the content from the entire document with quantifiable highlights, such as overall cost, duration, and so on Project scope statement describing the project Resource loaded WBS and schedule with proper grouping, indenting, and coding for approximately 25 to 40 line items Submission Requirements The scope statement should be written following guidelines for writing a scope as found in the PMBOK® Guide in Chapter 5. The WBS should be created in MS Projects following standard indent and outdent practices used in WBS creation. The assignment should be submitted as two files: one MS Word file for the scope statement and one MS Project file containing the project WBS.

PROJ-587 Advanced Program Management Entire Course.

PROJ-587 Advanced Program Management Entire Course.

PROJ 587 Week 1 Discussion 1 From Corporate Strategy to Project.

PROJ 587 Week 1 Discussion 2 Portfolios, Programs & Projetos.

PROJ 587 Week 2 Course Project Outline.

PROJ 587 Week 2 Discussion 1 Project Portfolio Selection.

PROJ 587 Week 2 Discussion 2 Portfolio Management Process.

PROJ 587 Week 3 Quiz (2 Versions)

PROJ 587 Week 3 Discussion 1 PM, PgM, and PPM.

PROJ 587 Week 3 Discussion 2 Project Cost.

PROJ 587 Week 4 Course Project Rough Daft.

PROJ 587 Week 4 Discussion 1 Change Management.

PROJ 587 Week 4 Discussion 2 Conflict Management.

PROJ 587 Week 5 Case Study.

PROJ 587 Week 5 Discussion 1 Highly Effective Teams.

PROJ 587 Week 5 Discussion 2 Leading Highly Effective Teams.

PROJ 587 Week 6 Quiz (2 Versions)

PROJ 587 Week 6 Discussion 1 Ethical Behavior.

PROJ 587 Week 6 Discussion 2 Communication Management.

PROJ 587 Week 7 Final Course Project Report.

PROJ 587 Week 7 Discussion 1 Optimizing Resources.

PROJ 587 Week 7 Discussion 2 Trends in Project Management.

PROJ 587 Week 8 Final Course Project Presentation.

Note: Course updated per the syllabus October 2014 however download additionally includes all coursework taken in 2012 as well.

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